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Numerous war criminals including blair at Westminster right now.

Rise up | 20.03.2012 11:17 | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Terror War

Where are the protesters?

Wanted terrorrist blair and a bunch of other war criminals are at Westminster right now along with the inbred royal parasite queen. Why are there not thousands of people outside demanding their arrests?

Rise up


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"Where are the protesters?"

20.03.2012 11:49

Waiting for you to lead them, why not get off the internet and get down there.

More important things

just doing my job!

20.03.2012 12:31

When there is a genocide or torture it's never the "war criminal" political leaders, who actually cut the flesh, funnily enough, it's the working class police men and soldiers.

Isn't it time people took responsibility for their own actions?
Why not take your protest to the people actually doing the killing?

ex army

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