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Greece, Athens: Antifascist demo (photos)

- | 20.03.2012 09:37 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Greece, Athens: Antifascist demo

Greece, Athens: Antifascist demo

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20.03.2012 09:54

Good stuff guys!

We noticed some graffiti in our area from the fash group Apoel Ultras, we're not sure who any of the supporters are and are tryin to get em to surface by coaxing them out with our own graff campaign against them do you have any Greek antifash slogans we can add?


Skank Antifa

Out of touch

20.03.2012 11:20

Greece slides into bankruptcy with only massive loans from Germany keeping the lights on and the Anarchist movement thinks the best way to help is to have a march in opposition to a near non-existent Fascist movement and to spray some slogans and signs on walls.

I can't imagine why Anarchists have been so sidelined in the recent protests in Greece.

Unbelievable !

go away troll!

20.03.2012 11:45

"Greece slides into bankruptcy with only massive loans from Germany keeping the lights on and the Anarchist movement thinks the best way to help is to have a march in opposition to a near non-existent Fascist movement and to spray some slogans and signs on walls.

I can't imagine why Anarchists have been so sidelined in the recent protests in Greece. "

non-existant?!!! When the fascists of golden dawn and the police act together to murder migrants, with the rise of populist rhetoric and "national unity" -- all these things are connected to the crisis and how the restructuring of the greek economy by the Troika plays itself in real life.

If there is ever a need for antifascist activity to stop the slide to the right in the midst of the crisis its now - like in the UK, the EDL/NWI/BFP - are aiming to be the benefactors of the crisis on the streets. All of which is in the service of the bosses economy!

Solidarity to the comrades in Athens - from London


Well done 'a'

20.03.2012 12:24

With your post you have proven my point perfectly, thanks for that.

Unbelievable !

Don't worry

20.03.2012 13:11

Worry thee not, the Greek Anarchist movement has ZERO involvement in the real protests against the cuts. Once the Trade Unions and worker groups realised they were a bunch of 19 year old Play Station Commandos who get a hard on when they wear black clothes and a balaclava they ignored them.

Two kebabs and a vine leaf please


20.03.2012 14:00

Fuck the sad sack of a troll. Solidarity and the same to comrades in Greece. Antifa!


No correlation between financial crisis and fascism?

21.03.2012 14:25

What history books have you been reading?! Financial crisis is one the key triggers for the rooting of fascist movements, Hitler massively expanded his support in the wake of Wall St by blaming the financial situation on the Jews, Mussolini used his squadristi to gain support in the countryside by sending them as strikebreakers and to attack organised labour which had become inflamed due to the poor economic situation at the end of WWI in Italy. Oswald Mosley's first book on British Fascism was a response to the economic situation in Britain, a problem he claimed only fascism could solve, and was part of the groups most effective recruiting strategy (numbers dropped severely as they moved into racial politics).

Even in the absence of a strongly organised fascist movement it is critical to have an active anti-fascist presence at times of financial instability to prevent these groups attempting to seize the initiative as the EDL are currently doing while many activists are fully engaged in the struggle against austerity. Despite fascism not being capitalism in crisis, this is a catalyst to the growth of fascist movements.


Evidence of rising fascism in Greece:

At times of recession anti-fascism become more pertinent than ever.
Solidarity to all antifascists! Bash fash, smash the state.

Skank Antifa

Ok, so I am ignorant and wrong

21.03.2012 22:46

... but I am just trolling!

I found this previous post:

General Strike in Greece

Proof that the anarchists are not involved in action against the cuts. ;-)

Pesky anarchists, grr.

Unbelievable !