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London Occupy retaken !!!!

One of so very many | 18.03.2012 11:07

This morning 18 people unhappy with the state of the country, the planet and the damage done to us by Capitalism re took the space outside St Paul's

Now we need your help and support to stop the pigs evicting us again. We have tents, wood and building material we are determine to build a more permanent structure that can not be broken as easily as the last camp

We can make Occupy London a permanent camp that will force changes in this country. We stand in solidarity with Occupy movements everywhere

This time we are staying for good ! , !

One of so very many


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Great news

18.03.2012 11:18

Fantastic news. I will be there at about 6pm to help. This time let's make it a solid fixed structure that is connected to the cathedral so if the police try to remove it St Paul's will be damaged. We can set up a Free School, a credit bank, and a news centre (could Indymedia help with that ? )

Great !