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Manchester University Walkout Against Rise of Postgraduate Fees

Amanda Walters | 14.03.2012 18:04 | Education | Public sector cuts

As part of the NUS National Walkout, students at the University of Manchester walked out of lectures in protest against the University’s planned rise of postgraduate fees.

Students march down the road after walkout
Students march down the road after walkout

University of Manchester students walked out of lectures in protest against the University’s planned rise of postgraduate fees and wider privatisation of education. The walkout was on Wednesday 14th March at 11am as part of the National Union of Students' (NUS) mass walkout. After the walkout around a hundred students congregated outside of University Place.

The University of Manchester plans on raising the minimum fee for postgraduate taught courses by 43% in September 2012 from £3,500 to £5,000 [1]. This is despite the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) returning £1,100 in funding to the University for each postgraduate taught student in non-classroom based subjects in 2012[2], which removes any financially based need to raise fees.

Earlier this year Professor Vincent Emery, Vice-Head of the Graduate School at University College London, said that it was likely that fees for master courses would increase, so as to be more in line with the £9,000 fees for undergraduate courses, something which the University of Manchester has not ruled out.

Manchester Against Fees & Cuts (MAFAC), the anti-cuts and fees society for students at the University of Manchester, along with the University of Manchester Students’ Union (UMSU), is calling for the fees not to rise. However, if the fees do rise they argue that the University should provide more bursaries and scholarships. At the moment only around 3.5% of Postgraduate Taught students receive a bursary or scholarship compared to approximately a quarter of undergraduate students.[3]

Sarah Kerton, Treasurer of Manchester Against Fees & Cuts, stated the following: “Unlike undergraduate education, postgraduate students get no loan and have to pay for their degree upfront. Therefore, a rise in fee will mean that many students will be priced out of a postgraduate education, and as a result the professions and research careers that they lead to, as well as the ability to further their critical enquiry skills. We must stop a postgraduate degree becoming even more elitist than it already is by putting pressure on the University to remove finance as a barrier.”[4]

Amanda Walters
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Hide the following 15 comments

Free University still to Come.

14.03.2012 20:37

After the unjust war and illegal violence against Libya by U.S led Imperialist Camp Members and their aggressive war machine of NATO. The 24/7 bombing, missling and droning shoot that left Libya a destroyed means of production, residential, hospitals, schools and only the six thousand trooper guarding the pollution spreading oil refineries, all the free education and free medical (state of the world) was destroyed. This strike for tuition fee decrease is fully just but could also contain a free education clause which would tend to take money from the trillions spent of waring against mother nature. Viva social liberation. You yet have a world to win!!


Could you list your alternatives for funding

15.03.2012 10:23

Great to see you are resisting the increases in funding but it would be helpful for you to list your alternatives for dealing with the shortfall.



15.03.2012 12:46

It is fairly obvious that education must be funded through the taxation system and as such tax increases are required to fund these places. Years of Tory and Labour tax cuts have ensured that both health and education are underfunded in this country. Our calculation shows that a modest 1% rise in the basic rate of tax combined with an increase to 70% of all high earners (ie people earning more than 75,000 per year) would fully fund education in the UK.

Amanda Walters
mail e-mail:

Should be free

15.03.2012 15:03

All higher education should be free with grants for living expenses and available regardless of the achievement in imperialist era exams.

Education remains the home of the Middle and Upper Classes who are 'clever' while those from lower income homes and those who do not pass outdated exams are excluded. In addition places should be reserved for those students whose countries have suffered as a result of British imperialism.

Another student

Other campaigns

15.03.2012 16:55

Important to remember that not only must all education fees be eliminated but also all outstanding student loans must be struck off and payments that have been made so far fully refunded to the former student s like me who are still paying them off.

The Repay the Debt campaign is also seeking compensation for those student who have suffered mental stress and trauma by having e debt of a student loan.

Former student in poverty


15.03.2012 21:38

>> All higher education should be free with grants for living expenses and available regardless of the achievement in imperialist era exams.

I totally disagree. Further education should be "earned", it should not be an automatic entitlement. University used to be about the top percentile achieving their potential. There is little point in getting someone with poor academic abilities a place on a cause in a useless degree. It wastes tax payers money that could be spent on something useful.

>>Education remains the home of the Middle and Upper Classes who are 'clever' while those from lower income homes and those who do not pass outdated exams are excluded. In addition places should be reserved for those students whose countries have suffered as a result of British imperialism.

Why!? University should be for "clever" people, because "dumb" people wont really gain anything from doing a degree in advanced physics. Why should places be reserved for people from foreign countries? Places should be allocated on merit. The students who work the hardest and perform the best should get the placements.

>> Important to remember that not only must all education fees be eliminated but also all outstanding student loans must be struck off and payments that have been made so far fully refunded to the former student s like me who are still paying them off.

Why!? You made a choice to get trained at university. Last time i checked, training costs money. You are getting all these benefits, that other people arn't, yet you want them for free.
Last time i checked, if you want a product or a service, you pay for it. If you don't want it, you keep the money and spend it on something you do want. Thats what choice is. In no way, should it be that money is taken off people to pay for your career fancy. Its your choice - you pay for it - and then reap the benefits of a higher salary.

>> The Repay the Debt campaign is also seeking compensation for those student who have suffered mental stress and trauma by having e debt of a student loan.

WTF!!!!!!!? Well maybe the student shouldn't of borrowed the money
They are an adult - what the fuck are they borrowing it for if they cant cope?
This sounds like someone who wants their cake and they want to eat it.

The student has been given free will to make their choice. With freedom comes responsibility for ones own actions. Quit starting a blame game. Shouldn't of fucking borrowed the money in first place if didn't like it.


@Max - I think you are being trolled!

15.03.2012 22:04

unless of course it is you doing the trolling and responding to your own troll.


In reply to Max

16.03.2012 10:38


I am sorry you do not understand the stresses that some students have endured as a result of the student loans they have been forced to take out.

Higher education is not a choice in the current ConDem Britain, the reality is that anybody without a degree is unemployable which means that higher education like Primary and Secondary schooling should be free and available to all.

I hope this better explains our position.

Former student in poverty

Ejukashun=Selection for Obedience

16.03.2012 12:50

Noam Chomky says Education is selection for obedience, I agree with chomper, he's a good lad.



Free education

16.03.2012 15:15

The ruling class require a certain percentage of the population to remain in ignorance, to be the cannon fodder, blue colour workers, etc. The growing percentage of the population that is going to university was causing that percentage to fall so hence the charges to keep the working class out of higher education.

London student

my opinions

16.03.2012 21:27

>> I am sorry you do not understand the stresses that some students have endured as a result of the student loans they have been forced to take out.

No need to apologise at all - you are entitled to your viewpoints. I don't dispute that. I'm just disagreeing. Im not saying you can't have those viewpoints.

>> Higher education is not a choice in the current ConDem Britain, the reality is that anybody without a degree is unemployable which means that higher education like Primary and Secondary schooling should be free and available to all.
I hope this better explains our position.

I beg to differ. That is a very sweeping statemnet and is inaccurate. I've worked with a lot of talented people who don't have degrees doing the same job i do which is more normally got with a degree. A degree is a stepping stone (one of many). I would argue that many students choose to do non-economic variable degrees (socialogy, fine arts etc) and then complain about not getting a job. The first step with getting a job is choose a degree that will get you a job. If you are doing a degree for personal development - fine...... pay for it yourself and don't complain about not getting a job.

Lets assume you do something in a creative field. Raw talent will trump a degree everytime. A degree is meaningless without the ability and talent to do the job.

>> Noam Chomky says Education is selection for obedience, I agree with chomper, he's a good lad.

Noam Chomsky is a leech who has found a nice little niche where he can write books by exploiting people who have a chip on their shoulders about their down-troddeness.
If Noam was so great, his books would be lot cheaper or he would disseminate them for free electronically. Its his job to write stuff that you agree with - thats how he butters his bread.

>> The ruling class require a certain percentage of the population to remain in ignorance, to be the cannon fodder, blue colour workers, etc. The growing percentage of the population that is going to university was causing that percentage to fall so hence the charges to keep the working class out of higher education.

Totally disagree. You've neglected supply and demand. A while ago, white colour workers such as accountants were packing in their jobs and training as plumbers because they could earn more money.

If there was a huge shortage of people to become binmen, then the wages would have to be raised to attract people into the profession. If lots of people are willing to come a binman, then the salary will drop.

No company wants to pay an employee £75,000pa+. Why should they want to pay that!?
They pay it because they have to to get the person with the necessary skills and ability.
If there was a glut of people who were competent to fill the role, then the 75K would quickly become 25K

thats what i think

Oh no the neo-liberal condem trolls are about!

17.03.2012 13:00

>>my opinions

Your opinions suck. Straight out of some neo-liberal think tank and the Daily Mail - Torygraph they ain't your opinions at all - liar!

>>No need to apologise at all - you are entitled to your viewpoints. I don't dispute that. I'm just >>disagreeing. Im not saying you can't have those viewpoints.

Liberal arse biscuit!

>>I beg to differ. That is a very sweeping statemnet and is inaccurate. I've worked with a lot of talented >>people who don't have degrees doing the same job i do which is more normally got with a degree. A degree is a >>stepping stone (one of many)

Job Job Job - Life =Job what a sad ideologically indoctrinated dumb fuck liberal this is!.

A degree proves that you are obedient, Education is Selection for Obedience, a degree means you've been selected for obedience how nice!

>>I would argue that many students choose to do non-economic variable degrees (socialogy, fine arts etc) and >>then complain about not getting a job.

non-economic? you mean a degree that doesn't make you immediately exploitable by some bunch of capitalists.

Like the be all and end all of Life is a job! working for some global corp or some subsidiary of a global corp being exploited 'till you die, wow what a fabulous system capitalism is.

>>The first step with getting a job is choose a degree that will get you a job.

Selection for obedience. Life = Job what a very narrow perspective that is, definitely don't make yourself exploitable by these ruling class wankers - do sommat else - work co-operatively in your community doing something useful like organising the revolution

>> If you are doing a degree for personal development - fine...... pay for it yourself and don't complain about >>not getting a job.

Fuck Jobs being exploited by capitalists ok?

>>Lets assume you do something in a creative field. Raw talent will trump a degree everytime. A degree is >>meaningless without the ability and talent to do the job.

A degree means you are exploitable and obedient, congratulations, you are now corporate job fodder.

>>Noam Chomsky is a leech who has found a nice little niche where he can write books by exploiting people who >>have a chip on their shoulders about their down-troddeness.

You mean like the Palestinians have a 'chip on their shoulder' about being down trodden. FFS this is a Daily Mail reading neo-liberal troll make no mistake.

>>If Noam was so great, his books would be lot cheaper or he would disseminate them for free electronically.

Now if you know how to bit torrent you can find his books too (for 'free' ).

>> Its his job to write stuff that you agree with - thats how he butters his bread.

He's a linguist that's what butters his bread, so now disinformation being peddled by this Daily Mail liberal troll, just troll off back to the cosy comfort of your Daily Mail 'safe-zone'

>>Totally disagree. You've neglected supply and demand.

Must be a neo-liberal using language like that, this idiot believes in the dumb ideology of the market, hasn't heard about Slave-Fare, hows that for a policy to distort a market, people doing stuff for profiteers for nothing

>> A while ago, white colour workers such as accountants were packing in their jobs and training as plumbers >>because they could earn more money.

Yeah oh aye only in the tabloid created reality world you inhabit , fuck off back there.

>>If there was a huge shortage of people to become binmen, then the wages would have to be raised to attract >>people into the profession. If lots of people are willing to come a binman, then the salary will drop.

Total and utter neo-liberal bollocks, free market ideology. Interesting choice of occupation too, the poor fuckers who are being exploited clearing up the mess of this insane capitalist consumerist nightmare. Waste is Growth.

>>No company wants to pay an employee £75,000pa+. Why should they want to pay that!?

Because they don't want to exploit people? well don't expect a capitalist to not want to exploit you.

>>thats what i think

And what trite confused bollocks it is.

Troll off con-dem scum


Trolling for Wage Slavery (well its a livin')

17.03.2012 17:25

You still here slave?

>>Unemployable and useless to boot.

Unemployable and useless to fat globalist corporations yes fucking absolutely

>>I'd really love to know how you manage to get food to put in your mouth.

Have you heard of 'growing food' or are you so dependent on tesco-asda exploiting farmers and workers.

>>And how you get clothes to put on your back.

Like you exploiting cheap labour in the Workers Paradise of china.

Like there's absolutely any choice at all about it, the choice is get your clothes from one globalist exploiter or another.

>>I suspect, since you at so against "jobs", you probably live on handouts (benefits and charity).

I am strongly in favour of a welfare system in such a monolithic capitalist system, that's there to enrich the wealthy at the expense of the workers and poor. Two generations ago your ancestors fought a war against fascism only to have what they democratically insisted upon, free education, health care, and welfare taken away from them by a bunch of greedy capitalist that want you to be a serf. The working class have been fighting for two centuries to get that now all we have are neo-liberal wage slaves like you helping these neo liberal extremists denying that history of struggle .

>>Unfortunately, I have to go to my job

Oh poor little wage slave you 'have to go' yup that's freedom for you.

>> because people on welfare are relying on me to get their food on their table.

The ruling class are relying on you to do your job so they can go of on some bankers gambling spree or some illegal war over some oil resource or other. Blaming it on the poor is typical spin doctor think tank neo-liberal bollocks and you have been well programmed.

>>Sort your life out.

Fuck off you patronising serf

>> Might be cool to be revolutionary now.

Fuck off you sad excuse for a human being

>>Hit 40 and you'll be wondering why you aint got anything.

I'll be happy not to have anything I'm not a materialist. Anything you've accumulated you've taken from theft and the criminal behaviour of your ruling class like the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children so necessary so that you can have petrol to shove in your car so you can drive to tescda to put food on the table. You 'livin the dream' eh sucker?

>>It will be because you havn't done any work and 'earnt' any wealth.

You've got it wrong dim wit to get wealth you steal it from the work of others that's what capitalism is a massive pyramid of squalid exploitation.

>>I think I'll stick to my methods thank you very much. I reckon I'm much better off than if I went using your >>methods of "working on the revolution".

Yep ruling class to the cabbage fields of Lincolnshire (for the winter), greedy bankers to run credit unions.

>> We can't all be revolutionaries wearing black and balaclavas. Some of us have to get the food in.

Hey look at that image of revolutionaries - they all wear black balaclavas! your watching toomuch TeeVee troll and your believing the propaganda.

>>thats what i think

Life = Job for some blood sucking globalist corporation. Fuck that, withdraw your Labour now it's your right.


@the loser

17.03.2012 20:58

>>I'd really love to know how you manage to get food to put in your mouth.
Have you heard of 'growing food' or are you so dependent on tesco-asda exploiting farmers and workers.

Growing food!?!? lol Naive. Growing a few vegetables on an allotment isn't going to take your family through winter and crop failures.

Check out the countries where they do live on self subsistence. They generally move to extremely low paid sweat shop labour because THEY ARE BETTER OFF. That shows how tough it is to feed yourself. Without paid labour, most people are constantly on struggling line. If it was so easy, people wouldn't move to jobs in sweat shops for little cash. They do that - because they are better off

So, you tend to about 3-4 acres of land do you? Because that is how much you would need to farm on to achieve long term survival for your family. And of course you'll need a couple of horses to plough with and they will need horseshoes - how are you going to make horseshoes? You'll going to have to dig for iron ore and forge it? What about irrigration too? How you going to sort that out? Its a pretty big job. What if you have a crop failure? You'd have to cope with that too. And you presumably need to hunt and fish (in order to survice), 60million in britain.

Check out history. THis is what people used to do to survive. They didn't do it for fun!
It was a tough, tough existance with a lower life expectancy than today.
Check out other countries where they still do it.

I can guarantee you I work less than it is take to run a subsistence farm.

Also, if everyone is working 10-12 hours a day on a farm to grow their food. How are dentists going to exist. Where are they going to get all their supplies? What about doctors? They wont have time to learn the trade, unless of course we invent something called "trade" which is done with something called "money". Who is going to make all the medicines? Who is going to develop the new antibiotics etc? Do we just do away with all that? Then of course people could pay each other with this "money" and maybe even swap labour for money with a thing called a "job"

If you got 3-4 acres of land to live solely on food growing - fine do it.
I don't. And i dont particularly want to. Im much better off in my chosen career with a decent salary that pays me for everything i want and gives me a lot of spare time.

The only reason i work is to survive and live comfortably.

You "work" or "job" is growing your own food. You don't have a choice to not do it. Unless you sit on a PS3 all day and live on benefits nursing a big chip on your shoulder which i strongly suspect is the case

Im not a slave. I've made a smart choice and im better off for it.
You're the slave. You rely on others to survive. No talent, no ability, no ambition, nothing. Waste of space. You sound like you got chip on your shoulder because you cant get a job except a shit temp vacancy putting pasty in slots at a pie factory. Fucking self develop! I love my job, it really helps people and I enjoy it and I get paid a good amount too. I got it because I wanted it and worked towards it. No fucker who works hard has regretted doing it. Stop waiting on a silver plate to hand it to you. It aint going to happen.

You need a saleable talent that people want. Not corporations, people! Something that people fucking want. If you were a decent cook you could make good money. Or a decent artist. Or a decent plumber. If you cant do anything that involves skill or talent then of course your only option is to work in a shitty exploited job. Your choice.

Sorry mate - but you are moving backwards in history not forwards. Things used to be like what you want but that was called the Dark Ages where serfs used to toil in the field growing turnips and dying of infections. Fuck that

>>And how you get clothes to put on your back.

Like you exploiting cheap labour in the Workers Paradise of china.

Like there's absolutely any choice at all about it, the choice is get your clothes from one globalist exploiter or another.

>>I suspect, since you at so against "jobs", you probably live on handouts (benefits and charity).

I am strongly in favour of a welfare system in such a monolithic capitalist system, that's there to enrich the wealthy at the expense of the workers and poor. Two generations ago your ancestors fought a war against fascism only to have what they democratically insisted upon, free education, health care, and welfare taken away from them by a bunch of greedy capitalist that want you to be a serf. The working class have been fighting for two centuries to get that now all we have are neo-liberal wage slaves like you helping these neo liberal extremists denying that history of struggle .

>>Unfortunately, I have to go to my job

Oh poor little wage slave you 'have to go' yup that's freedom for you.

>> because people on welfare are relying on me to get their food on their table.

The ruling class are relying on you to do your job so they can go of on some bankers gambling spree or some illegal war over some oil resource or other. Blaming it on the poor is typical spin doctor think tank neo-liberal bollocks and you have been well programmed.

>>Sort your life out.

Fuck off you patronising serf

>> Might be cool to be revolutionary now.

Fuck off you sad excuse for a human being

>>Hit 40 and you'll be wondering why you aint got anything.

I'll be happy not to have anything I'm not a materialist. Anything you've accumulated you've taken from theft and the criminal behaviour of your ruling class like the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children so necessary so that you can have petrol to shove in your car so you can drive to tescda to put food on the table. You 'livin the dream' eh sucker?

>>It will be because you havn't done any work and 'earnt' any wealth.

You've got it wrong dim wit to get wealth you steal it from the work of others that's what capitalism is a massive pyramid of squalid exploitation.

>>I think I'll stick to my methods thank you very much. I reckon I'm much better off than if I went using your >>methods of "working on the revolution".

Yep ruling class to the cabbage fields of Lincolnshire (for the winter), greedy bankers to run credit unions.

>> We can't all be revolutionaries wearing black and balaclavas. Some of us have to get the food in.

Hey look at that image of revolutionaries - they all wear black balaclavas! your watching toomuch TeeVee troll and your believing the propaganda.

>>thats what i think

Life = Job for some blood sucking globalist corporation. Fuck that, withdraw your Labour now it's your right.

number one

Straw Men Parade

17.03.2012 22:37

So now on with the straw men.

Horseshoes? WTF are you on about?, who owns all the land dim wit? why do you think the ruling class enacted the enclosure laws? so they could steal what was held in common. Horse shit more like

The land is ours and it's time we took it back.

This idiot troll thinks that the only way it can 'live comfortably' is if there's a ruling class exploiting the whole population of Earth. This is the only system of production and consumption this clown can think of, and it's funny how his idea chimes so neatly with neo-liberal ruling class shite. Or put it another way this fool thinks the only alternative to capitalism is subsistence farming where the individual farmer has to do everything, like co-operation can only happen if there is some 'entrepreneur' telling you what to do, like human beings don't have the wit to live comfortably without a top down, hierarchy of exploitation. The lack of imagination is staggering. Almost as dumb as the woman who rang me the other day from BT asking if I'd like to 'rejoin the fold' and become a BT customer again. No, I said BT are part of the military industrial complex involved in an illegal war in Afghanistan, What? says she, illegal? that's impossible they're doing it for the queen.
WTF? do you live in some bee colony I asked incredulous.

So just fuck off back to your neo-liberal world, troll, and take your stupid Life = Job 'philosophy' with you
Get off your knees wage slave
