Smash EDO: update and upcoming events
Smasher | 14.03.2012 12:47 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World
During the last few weeks we have been busy holding talks accross the country about the summer of resistance -which is getting closer and closer- and we have a fair few events coming up.
There have also been two very successsful demos in Brighton against Barclays -the market makers of EDO's parent company ITT Exelis. For a report from the latest Barclays action see .
Upcoming events:
15th of March: Please note that the event which was due to take place in Norwich on this date has been cancelled. Apologies.
Monday 19th of March, 9.30am: Court support demo outside Brighton Magistates Court. This is the continuation of the 'freedom to protest' court case originally heard in February (see report here: ). Please come along to show your support. There is also another hearing in Brighton magistrates court on Friday the 16th in relation to a blockade of EDO which took place last April. As this case, originally scheduled for this week, has been vacated the hearing will set a new trial date and apply for bail varioation.
Saturday 24th of March, 1pm: Target Barclays in North Street, Brighton. Join Smash EDO, Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity and Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign for yet another lively demo at Barclays against their investment in Israel and the arms trade. If you are not in Brighton, consider doing a Barclays demo where you are. If you do, do send us a report! If you want a target Barclays flyer, we have one ready, just send us an email.
Monday 26th of March, 7.30pm: Summer Of Resistance info night at the Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton. Come along to find out more about the Summer Of Resistance and to get involved! Everyone welcome.
Thursday 29th of March, 8pm. We will be talking about the Summer Of Resistance at the Worthing Alliance meeting at the Beechwood Hall Hotel, Wykeham Road, Worthing.
Sunday 1st of April, from 1pm: Smash EDO at Bristol Against the Arms Trade's 'Down the Drones' conference. ARC bar/Cafe, 23 Broad Street, Bristol. The Sunday anti drone conference will be followed by a noise demo outside the Bristol drone conference on the Monday.
The Summer of Resistance starts on TUESDAY THE 1ST OF MAY. There is now a special Summer of Resistance page on the web-site, which will be updated with all the info you need to know.
Don't forget to get in touch with any plans you have. And as usual, we are happy to come an talk to any group who want some advice.
Tuesday the first of May: come down to Brighton for a big noise demo outside the factory to get us started. Bring noise banners, instruments and anything else you want to contribute.
Thursday the 3rd of May: Phone blockade of EDO/ITT and twitter prompting of EDO parent company @ITTexelis. The great thing about this one is that you can challenge EDO about their business wherever you are.
Sunday the 6th of May: Party in the park, Brighton. Details TBA.
Saturday the 12th of May: Target Barclays. Smash EDO will target Barclays, the Market makers on the New York stock exchange for ITT Exelis, in North Street, Brighton. If you can't join us there, target Barclays where you are!
Bank holiday Monday the 4th of June, 12pm: No to an attack on Iran, No to the arms trade. A big demo in central Brighton. Exact location to be announced shortly.
And finally, on a different note, the racist March for England will be returning to Brighton on the 23rd of April. We call on everyone in Brighton to join any opposition to the march. More info to follow, but keep the date clear.
That's all for now, but plenty more to come... Hope to hear from you.
You can now follow us on twitter @smash_edo
Our web-site is
We are temporarily without our campaign phone. If you need to call us please use the press phone number which is listed on the web-site.
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted"
There have also been two very successsful demos in Brighton against Barclays -the market makers of EDO's parent company ITT Exelis. For a report from the latest Barclays action see

Upcoming events:
15th of March: Please note that the event which was due to take place in Norwich on this date has been cancelled. Apologies.
Monday 19th of March, 9.30am: Court support demo outside Brighton Magistates Court. This is the continuation of the 'freedom to protest' court case originally heard in February (see report here:

Saturday 24th of March, 1pm: Target Barclays in North Street, Brighton. Join Smash EDO, Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity and Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign for yet another lively demo at Barclays against their investment in Israel and the arms trade. If you are not in Brighton, consider doing a Barclays demo where you are. If you do, do send us a report! If you want a target Barclays flyer, we have one ready, just send us an email.
Monday 26th of March, 7.30pm: Summer Of Resistance info night at the Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton. Come along to find out more about the Summer Of Resistance and to get involved! Everyone welcome.
Thursday 29th of March, 8pm. We will be talking about the Summer Of Resistance at the Worthing Alliance meeting at the Beechwood Hall Hotel, Wykeham Road, Worthing.
Sunday 1st of April, from 1pm: Smash EDO at Bristol Against the Arms Trade's 'Down the Drones' conference. ARC bar/Cafe, 23 Broad Street, Bristol. The Sunday anti drone conference will be followed by a noise demo outside the Bristol drone conference on the Monday.
The Summer of Resistance starts on TUESDAY THE 1ST OF MAY. There is now a special Summer of Resistance page on the web-site, which will be updated with all the info you need to know.

Don't forget to get in touch with any plans you have. And as usual, we are happy to come an talk to any group who want some advice.
Tuesday the first of May: come down to Brighton for a big noise demo outside the factory to get us started. Bring noise banners, instruments and anything else you want to contribute.
Thursday the 3rd of May: Phone blockade of EDO/ITT and twitter prompting of EDO parent company @ITTexelis. The great thing about this one is that you can challenge EDO about their business wherever you are.
Sunday the 6th of May: Party in the park, Brighton. Details TBA.
Saturday the 12th of May: Target Barclays. Smash EDO will target Barclays, the Market makers on the New York stock exchange for ITT Exelis, in North Street, Brighton. If you can't join us there, target Barclays where you are!
Bank holiday Monday the 4th of June, 12pm: No to an attack on Iran, No to the arms trade. A big demo in central Brighton. Exact location to be announced shortly.
And finally, on a different note, the racist March for England will be returning to Brighton on the 23rd of April. We call on everyone in Brighton to join any opposition to the march. More info to follow, but keep the date clear.
That's all for now, but plenty more to come... Hope to hear from you.
You can now follow us on twitter @smash_edo
Our web-site is
We are temporarily without our campaign phone. If you need to call us please use the press phone number which is listed on the web-site.
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired, has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted"
e-mail: twitter: @smash_edo