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Local Elections Southampton

Shaw Green | 14.03.2012 12:21 | South Coast

This is a press release put out around Southampton in support of Green Politics.

South West Hampshire Green Party
South West Hampshire Green Party

As we transit out of the dark winter months into the spring it should be a time of hope, of vigorous new beginnings. This is a truism of nature that holds firm for us as a city emerging out of the darkness of recession into a new phase of growth and prudent rebuilding.

Politicians and pundits often refer to the “green shoots of recovery”. A tree however only as strong as its roots and it is the same for our city in the form of it’s people. It is truly sad therefore that we approach the undoubted challenges ahead as a city cruelly divided.

Perhaps the greatest sadness is that the division is of our leaders making, a Tory council fighting an ideological war with its own workers, a Labour party at war with the very unions that birthed it. Meanwhile hardworking businesses are driven into the ground, our high street laid bare and our cherished services slashed.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The Green party has long argued for a better economic model focused on environmental responsibility and social justice. Under a green administration we would move towards a fair living wage for all workers and fight vigorously for the maintenance of high quality services for all the people of Southampton. We have demonstrated our intent by our actions in Brighton fighting for local people and local services against the cuts ultimately imposed by a coalition of Tory and Labour councilors Truly the people’s flag has become tinged with blue.

Chris Bluemel, spokesperson, stressed “As politicians we are often accused of being all the same. I can guarantee as Green’s we have a distinctive vision for the future of Southampton”.

Shaw Green
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