What Gave Rise to the EDL?
anon@indymedia.org (Ross) | 13.03.2012 16:55 | Anti-racism | History | Terror War
After over two years of inaction Nottingham Stop the War Coalition seems to have returned from the dead.
The Stop the War Coalition has opposed the NATO invasion of Afghanistan and upheld the right of the Afghani people to resist foreign invaders. What it has not done is to appeal to the British armed forces not to fight this unjust, imperialist war. Instead it has put forward the line that British troops are the innocent pawns of the British Government and are being misused. In the last few years this has provided the Government and the media with the opportunity to present British forces as "brave heroes" defending us against terrorist attacks by the Taliban. Now, as a result of this propaganda campaign, any criticism of British military personnel for their part in the war of terror on the Afghani people is widely seen as disloyal, as not supporting "our boys".
Very few people have tried to go to the troops to persuade them not to fight the war. It is not just Stop the War Coalition that has not done so but all of the leftist organizations in Britain have failed to engage with the troops so as to encourage their disaffection with the war. It is an issue they have assiduously avoided. However, in Luton in March 2009 a group of Muslim fundamentalists did demonstrate against a parade of British soldiers who had been in Afghanistan. They did so in an unsubtle, insulting way rather than trying to point out to the soldiers that what they are doing is wrong and trying to encourage their dissent. The result of this action was that some local racists, led by Tommy Robinson, decided to form an anti-Muslim organization, the English Defence League. (See Channel Four documentary on 27/02/12)
If the Stop the War Coalition had led a campaign to encourage dissention within the British armed forces and head off the cult of heroes propaganda, then the EDL might never have come into existence. STWC is largely a front organization for the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party and its fragments. Thus it is ironic that the main organization opposing the EDL, Unite Against Fascism, is also a SWP front. If it had not been for the opportunism of STWC in avoiding directly opposing the role of British troops in Afghanistan then the EDL would probably not exist.
The lesson to be learnt here is that to be effective, opposition to imperialism must first and foremost begin at home. Open criticism and opposition to British troops for the death and destruction they have brought to the Afghanis should be at the forefront of campaigning against the war on Afghanistan.
March 2012
anon@indymedia.org (Ross)
backing our brave boys
13.03.2012 20:46

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Poison for your challice.
13.03.2012 17:47
The lesson to be learnt here is that to be effective, opposition to imperialism must first and foremost begin at home. Open criticism and opposition to British troops for the death and destruction they have brought to the Afghanis should be at the forefront of campaigning against the war on Afghanistan."
As ever, the left spends all its time flattering itself.
What brought the EDL forward was NOT the STWC or any of its statist fronts, but activism in the muslim community by others. The appearance of the EDL was always designed to retard that growing movement and was designed to give a message...if you come out onto the streets, so will we to fight you.
The 'left' STWC, SWP and other statists groups had already been robbed of their legacy because while they were fighting against the war, their leaders were doing deals with the Labour Government to 'ensure' that any movement they built, would be carfeully rendered inactive by its leaders. It was a policy of controlled dissent.
Time and time again the STWC called Tony Blair a war criminal, time and time again they resisted all attempts by private individuals to bring proceedings against him. Time and time again the STWC were approached to help out with the right to protest in London, time and time again they resisted those calls claiming the Government had a right to curtail these rights as a security measure against terrorism. Time and time again they were told that sterile meaningless marches would have no effect on government foreign policy, time and time again they demanded people assemble to march from point a to point b, and then go straight home.
Time and time again they demanded the war be stopped, time and time again they chattered while the dead mounted up. Time and time again they have limited their criticism of the war to the number of dead only, and have utterly ignored the much larger figure of the maimed, injured, crippled, wounded and injured.
At every point along the path of these wars, the STWC and its front organisations have actively engaged in rendering the anti-war movement benign and meaningless.
They did this because a Socialist will always put their government first. What Socialist wants to be responsible for the parties first convicted war criminal?
This is a truth we all know and are familiar with. In these wars, the STWC and SWP are journeymen, and have held the hand of the warmonger every step of the way.
13.03.2012 17:48
Ignorant of historical facts
13.03.2012 22:59
James Bond
14.03.2012 04:37
The modern age's top terrorists. First terrorist attack of the modern age, King David Hotel, plotted by a Zionist fundamentalist group whose name slips my mind.
Except of course now they walk in corridoors of power, they are a state.
Now the implications of this in relation to the sayings of certainly admittedly misguided on the principle of empire yet extraordinarily insightful writers of the early twentieth century enters my mind then I must say I am rather sickened by the very real possibility that...
Oh never mind, it'd be thrown out of court by the unprejudiced jury of their cattle. Sorry did I say something prejudiced? About someone being prejudiced towards me.
Not In My Name
15.03.2012 16:34