'Laughing' US troops murder children
vast minority | 11.03.2012 15:50
THE MURDEROUS reality of neoliberal imperialism was further exposed to the world on Sunday, with news of a massacre of innocent civilians in Afghanistan.
Western forces shot dead 16 civilians including nine children in southern Kandahar province on Sunday, in a rampage that witnesses said was carried out by American soldiers who were laughing and appeared drunk, reports Reuters.
"One Afghan father who said his children were killed in the shooting spree accused soldiers of later burning the bodies, " said the agency. "Witnesses told Reuters they saw a group of US soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at around 2am, enter homes and open fire."
The US embassy in Kabul was reported as saying one American soldier had been detained over the shooting. It added that anti-US reprisals were possible following the killings, which come just weeks after US soldiers burned copies of the Koran at a NATO base, triggering widespread anti-Western protests.
As the USA's allies, Israel, continue to murder Palestinians in Gaza, the hypocrisy of the neoliberal/plutofascist claim to the global moral high ground has never looked so utterly exposed.
"One Afghan father who said his children were killed in the shooting spree accused soldiers of later burning the bodies, " said the agency. "Witnesses told Reuters they saw a group of US soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at around 2am, enter homes and open fire."
The US embassy in Kabul was reported as saying one American soldier had been detained over the shooting. It added that anti-US reprisals were possible following the killings, which come just weeks after US soldiers burned copies of the Koran at a NATO base, triggering widespread anti-Western protests.
As the USA's allies, Israel, continue to murder Palestinians in Gaza, the hypocrisy of the neoliberal/plutofascist claim to the global moral high ground has never looked so utterly exposed.
vast minority
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Two sides
11.03.2012 16:38
11.03.2012 17:09
United Snakkkes
This article is inaccurate
11.03.2012 18:02
The article attempts to indicate it was western forces blah blah
Accurate according to Reuters
11.03.2012 18:11
Maybe it's the "one rotten apple" line that's the lie?
anon too
Homepage: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/11/us-afghanistan-civilians-idUSBRE82A02V20120311
Troll off
11.03.2012 18:44
No platform.
11.03.2012 19:15
Yeah right...so that would make it OK then, in your little world?
Simple fact of it is this.
The yanks are occupying a foreign territory by force and the world says they should leave. End of.
Leave. Don't chat, don't bitch about it, just leave and stop embarrassing us all with your dipshit snivelling.
Whatever the Taliban are doing pails by comparison to the fact the yanks are in a place they shouldn't be. So get fucked with your apologies and your idiot excuses.
Nobody cares, nobody is listening.
Reptile excuses.
they started it
11.03.2012 19:42
get some
Planning and Doing Aggressive War is the Supreme International Crime on Planet.
11.03.2012 23:22
The U.S. Judge Jackson who chaired the Nuremberg Trials wrote into international law that the planning and doing of Aggressive War is the Supreme international crime on the planet earth as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big, and small. He further says that it is the supreme international crime whether Germany does it or the U.S.A. does it.
This international anti-fascist law is signed on to the U.S. Constitition and that constitution says that all international treaties signed on to it are to be treated as the supreme law of the land. This shows that the U.S. Imperialist military invasion of Iraq, and Afghanistan are the supreme worst crimes on the planet earth, and that the U.S. Military and its Nato allies are in fact commiting war crimes of the worst possible sort.
The lies told of that Afghanistan was guilty of 9/11, the controlled demolition of the three buildings in NYC were just that: lies perpetrated by the U.S. military, the C.I.A. and the Bush regime to create what they call a new 'Pearl Harbor' so the American people would go to war for the U.S. oil monopolies , and we all know the proof the the Invasion of Iraq was done by lying that a nuclear strike was imminent, and that Iraq possesed WMD- weapons of mass destruction.
Previous UN, and subsequent investigations had proven that was false, and America is to this day engaged in those two aggressive wars of U.S. Imperialist Instigation by lying and showing the Peoples of America and the world deliberate false pretenses.
This incident of U.S. soldiers killing sleeping civilians has been replicated throughout the middle east by the U.S. or their mercenaries in proxy wars or direct illegal violence in breaking the world law against waging Aggressive war against any non-belligerent nation.
Geneva Conventions clearly states that targeting and killing civilians is a war crime, within the worst possible war crime on the planet, which is planning and doing aggressive war.
The second world war fighters against fascism-nazism of the axis powers have written these international laws with their blood on the battle fields. The U.S. Governemnt is guilty of violating its own constitution and the liberation fighters side, while adopting the discredited axis military practice of 1) might makes right, 2) Unilateralism, going it alone, 3) Pre-emptive strikes, shooting first and asking questions and lying later.
These continuing war crimes committed by the U.S.A. and the Nato forces which the Pentagon are committing are subject to International Court procedings in which every country on earth has a necessary power to collectively reign in the war criminal U.S. Imperialism, and put an end to their unjust wars, and illegal violence.
Workers of the world, unite!! End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. Re-tool to the renewables such as wind, tidal, and solar power which transforms to electcity. Restore the matriarchy, natures 50-50 electing with due process. You yet have a world to win!!
Unity Jack
U.S. Imperialism must take its troops out of every country they have invaded
12.03.2012 01:50
He fought the fascist side but the American Imperialist Rulers armed the Japanese fascists with fifty percent of the Japanese Fascist Military War Material during the thirties. So much so that the American Troops were being bombed and shot at with War Material supplied by the U.S. Monopoly Capitalist Rulers.
The same occurred with Nazis Germany in which Avril Harriman, and Prescott Bush who were on the Thysson Corp. executive (Thysson was the finance Capitalist that headed the Adolf Hitler project in Nazi Germany) and supplied the Nazis controlled military after their 1933 military coup-d'-tat, with 45% of their high explosives and 50% of their pig iron, and a huge list of other war materials.
Prescot Bush was George HW Bush's father and George W. Bush's grandfather. Both men achieved U.S. Presidential status and are moguls of the U.S. and Middle East Oil monopolies.
Texaco during the Spanish Civil War refused to supply the democratically elected government of Spain with any of its products even though the Spanish Government offered cash. However, Texaco offered a full line of its products to the Fascist Flange of Franco, and said that they could have their products on credit till they won the war against democracy. Enough is enough.
We need to renew again the anti-fascist side for liberation as ending any nations foreign policy as Aggressive War, and to further set the freeing of the peoples as being the scrapping of the war machine and its manufactury. Remembering full well that it is the militaries of the Imperialist-Camp that are holding the fossil fuels pollution of the globe in place. Nay, more they are waring to get more pollution by monopolizing the world's oil, which will only guarantee further burn-out of oxygen. (already 38% gone) It does not take a rocket scientist to see that the present system is heading too fast to zero oxygen. We need to re-tool the entire industrial revolution to the non-pollution solutions of the wind, tidal, and solar power which transforms to electricity.
Or as the Kellog-Briand Treaty correctly says we must end war because the WMD -- weapons of mass destruction are so terrible and destructive that all sides including the web-of-life dies a horrible death, to horrible to let aggressive war continue. We must set collective agree as democracy to mutual benefit as the new way forward for settling disputes between nations.
Workers of the world, Unite!! You yet have a world to win!! It is a well hidden fact of the Imperialist-Camp, that Christ never forgave the Imperial soldiers that enslaved and killed him or the peoples in the Holyland , and that includes up to the modern times.
Hence the ancient Christ saying 'and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Unity Jack
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