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ACTION ALERT: Tell Eastbourne Council That Horses Are Not Slaves

Animal Defence Society | 07.03.2012 12:20 | Animal Liberation

Eastbourne Council has announced its plans to introduce horse drawn carriages on the seafront of Eastbourne as a ‘tourist attraction’. Cllr Neil Stanley has already expressed that he is ‘excited’ about the plans to introduce horse drawn carriages. Animal rights groups have objected to the proposal. The understanding is that Animal Aid are giving a presentation against the horse drawn carriages proposal.

According to the council, the Cabinet has given the green light for horse drawn carriages. There are concerns about the horses welfare as well as concerns for road users. One comment on Eastbourne Herald by ‘jackson555′ was:

“How anyone could think that horses mingling with the traffic in Eastbourne is a good idea is beyond me. These sensitive creatures will be terrified and cause dangerous situations. And for what? To make a quick buck. If this idea is accepted Eastbourne’s reputation will suffer hugely and we will be deluged by animal rights activists and protests. In Victorian times it would have been acceptable to use dumb animals in this way for profit, but not in 2012. This is a cruel, backwards scheme that should never have got past the drawing board stage.”

Please send your objection to Eastbourne Council. Please only send polite comments, and forward this alert widely!

Send polite comments to:

Neil Stanley
Borough Councillor
01323 410 082

Chief Executive

Annie Wills
Tourism Development
01323 415410

Animal Defence Society
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What slavery really is (and why a horse can never be a slave!)

07.03.2012 14:19

For it to be slavery, the horse would have to be sentient and capable of understanding the notion of money, time, labour and fare pay. Basically your objecting to a horse being used as a horse and fulfilling what is basicallly an adjustment of it's natural relationship to other animals. The enrgy the horse is gives is used inredturn for the care of its needs and food.

To call this slavery is extremely offensive and shows no understanding of slavery, which is the subjection of an equal to forced labour for no pay. The important distinction is a slave involves the subjection of some one who is equal and has (or potentially has) an equal understanding of the world, not a different natural function, cognitive function and understanding of the world.

If you were arguening that animals were going to mistreated in Eastbourne please use this as the title and then give details (you have given no evidence of mistreatment). Please stop playing down slavery by equating it with the use of horses drawing carriages.



07.03.2012 21:12

slavery existed before "time money labour and fare pay" concepts you gormless human

anyways thinking like a wage slave isn't the criteria for being sentient

desiring to run free and find your own grass
not being trapped and enslaved

if I force you to do what I want and give you what I consider are your basic needs, (ie just enough for you to be able to keep doing what I want) then that's slavery

whatever kind of creature you are

even if you're human


May be they just don't want too!

07.03.2012 23:05

I've always wandered why show jumpers can't escape the confines of the paddock. But then I've also wandered why socialists can't escape the confines of the state.



08.03.2012 01:18

Try releasing a horse to run free and find it's own grass in sussex and then see how long it lasts you gormless monkey!

I get what you say about wage labour and so on, but unfortunately they form the basis of the capitalist society we live in and so form a measure to fight against (and ultimately get rid of). But until we get rid of them they are still relevant when discussing things like work and slavery.

My argument that slavery can only exist between equals who have a potential for equal understanding of the world still stands. At the moment you have presented your ideas on what a horse wants and desires and your interpretation of a horses actions, not the actual horses ideas.

If you can fully understand and communicate with horses as an equal (and not just act as a human projecting your ideas of right and wrong onto a different species) please tell the horse to start posting on indymedia and argue with me.

You said "if I force you to do what I want and give you what I consider are your basic needs, (ie just enough for you to be able to keep doing what I want) then that's slavery."

It is only slavery if I have the potential to think and understand to the same standard as you. If I am a different species I would not have that potential and I would not be experiencing the same level of exploitation. It is the same way that a lion eating a wilderbeast is not being racist and not murdering by exploiting another living creature for it's food. To argue it is is simply putting human standards (based on modern human morals) on creatures that have no potential to understand or live by human standards.

Pretending that the moral standards (or lack of them) some how universally apply to all animals is forgetting what makes us human and what gives us the potential to build a better society: The fact that we can adjust, control and change our environment rather than simply reacting to it. This ability allows us to exploit others and even make people slaves. It also allows us to understand what it means to be a slave and exploited. Animals don't have this function and so don't have the ability to be made slaves, although they can be exploited. They are simply reacting to their current enviroment, they have no concept of freedom so they have no concept of being deprived of freedom.
