“OCCUPY” As an activity of “99%”
anarsistfaaliyet@gmail.com (Devrim Anarsist Faaliyet / Istanbul) | 05.03.2012 16:55 | London
An anarchist criticism to
As an activity of “99%”
An anarchist criticism to
As an activity of “99%”
Occupy Wall Street: From Beginning to Today—5
The Features of the Activity—6
‘Peaceful’ and ‘Nonviolent’ Activity—6
‘Depoliticism’ and ‘Spontaneity’—7
Space Politics—7
Social Media as an Organizer of Public Opinion—8
Demands of the Activity—8
Socio-Economic Groups in the Activity—12
Known and Unknown Realities about the Activity—12
Not Peaceful But Reconciling Way of Action—18
Active Individual or the Individual of Activity?—19
Occupy or ‘sitting for a long time as an activity?—21
Is the Activity a Simulacra?—23
‘Not Anti Capitalism, But Capitalism for Everybody’—24
To know the unknown—25
Changes in US: “Obamaean Changes in Glass Steagall—27
Reflection to Turkey—30
anarsistfaaliyet@gmail.com (Devrim Anarsist Faaliyet / Istanbul)
Original article on IMC London: