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Daily Mail perpetuates the black mercenary myth in coverage of abuse of caged bl

Sam Carrington | 03.03.2012 18:56 | World

A shocking video that shows Libyan NATO backed rebels torturing a group of black Libyan detainees. Not surprisingly the Daily Mail describes the detainees them as black mercenaries.
The presence of ‘African mercenaries’ in Libya was a lie used by NATO and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media to de-legitimise and demonise the Libyan government and cover up the mass racist lynchings, torture and imprisonment of black Libyans and migrant workers by the ‘rebels’.

Daily Mail perpetuates the black mercenary myth in coverage of abuse of caged black detainees

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Sam Carrington
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To the victor go the spoils of war

03.03.2012 19:34

If Gaddafi's side had won then I think they would be torturing the captured rebels.

Thats war for you

Topper Harley

dont believe the hype

04.03.2012 14:39

Oh do you, Topper Harley? Maybe that's because EVERYTHING that you know about Gaddafi and Libya has been informed by your country's propaganda, oh sorry i meant news. Forget the fact that in the last 10 years Libya had less deaths in police custody than the UK did in 2011. Forget the fact that Libya was in line for a human rights award by the UN. Forget the fact the Libya had the highest living standards of all of Africa. Forget all the facts. Rely on the propaganda that's spoon fed to you, and that you lap up only too readily.


Green Libya was *NOT* racist

04.03.2012 14:45

also, Gaddafi's side preached for a unified and strong Africa, and respect for blacks, not like the racist scum that are the rebels. The anti-black, thoroughly RACIST nature of the rebels can be seen in the horrific video above. but this is nothing new. From the outset of the 'rebellion' videos emerged showing the mass lynchings and ethnic cleansing that was taking place in Libya, but which the western mainstream media refused to touch on, and the british left willfuly ignored. you're all just as complicit as the tory fuckers who run this country in what Libya has become today. Where were the mass anti-war demos against the TENS OF THOUSANDS of bombs that nato dropped on Libya, that killed TENS OF THOUSANDS of CIVILIANS? Nowhere, because the British left were too busy cheerleading nato's rebel scum



04.03.2012 15:40

So what are you going to do about?
Listening to you tell people to fuck themselves, is like listening to a little lamb lost in a field who is bleating to find its mummy.

I'm not interested in what happens in Libya. What I know is he financed the IRA and then of course there is the Lockerbie bombing. Those are the things i'm interested in because they affected the UK.

Topper Harley

Daily Mail withdraws its reference to mercenaries

10.03.2012 11:12

This article has now been substantially changed; the references to mercenaries have been withdrawn.

Sam Carrington