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The Possibilities And Advantages Of Solitary Activism

Railroad Man | 02.03.2012 00:15

Why it may be better not to be like herds of cattle waiting to be driven apart and eaten by the wolf.

People have a tendency to form cliques. Why this is could perhaps be answered biologically, because there is a natural instinct towards ‘safety in numbers’. Yet this safety only holds when confronting directly opposed physical forces, engaged in a situation of bloody warfare. This sort of situation is bound to occur at various points in the process of life, yet it is also important to take action to improve the human situation in other ways. People working in this way are those who form “The System”, which really nobody likes and besides that is extremely weak and clumsy. This system always winds up with a bunch of people at the top, as in the case of Stalinism, or a bunch of people who though claiming to be the best of friends are in fact worst enemies. Philosophies are rarely practically lived, hence why people say “books do my head in”. Some books are indeed nothing but complete intellectual drivel, whereas some are genuinely useful and illuminating. People do not live in illuminated ways, this is a key problem.

For many years I worked on and off in intentional communities, and between times travelled around as a solitary musician. Now, the role of the musician in society is generally similar to that of the landless or landed peasant. The former are those who drink, the latter those who are sober. Furthermore, despite their poverty the busker wields a great deal of influence. Whereas attention seeking stunts like crying “Everything Is Ok!” shoot to Youtube fame and are discussed by everyone, music or poetry or street art can bring about the same positive changes without the need for worldwide media. Everybody, whether they are listening or not – and how rarely are we listening – cannot fail to hear.

The message can be direct or subtle, the point is no-one cares. After some time working on the street we develop the self-confidence not to become enwrapped in what everybody thinks of us, so long as we are striving to spread a message not merely trying to please the people. This sort of thing can go a long way, for the person walking past may be inspired to begin making changes, and by this small inspiration the world can change. People do not necessarily flock to give up their jobs and take up a life in hippy communities but they might well decide, perhaps if they are a parking inspector, not to give somebody a fine because they just heard a message about how money rules too many things. Furthermore, we have the time in this kind of thing to develop our art, not to follow the old pre-established ways.

The trouble is see, we are all covers bands.

Yet art is not the only form of solitary activism which can bring about changes. It is possible to engage in a variety of activities for the cause of liberation. Often in books we discover philosophical principles which seem to call us to some kind of action. The American writer Derrick Jensen is very famous at the moment for talking about Eco-Defence, he’s often going about vandalizing corporate salmon farms etc. Now, if we go and suggest to our friends to get involved in a bit of Monkeywrenching, then we might find that people are generally a little bit afraid of the idea which they express generally by mocking laughter and trying to make us change the subject. Yet we may be more serious people.

Then it is necessary to assess what still remains possible to us. One person can accomplish very much. For example, if you have a vehicle, then you can go to wherever you please and at night enter, and do something. Then you simply have to be sure that you are quiet and don’t get caught. It would be easy in this way to liberate animals from slaughterhouses etc. So you don’t have the materials? Well, you can make them. Check out the guides on how to at blogs like therevolutionscript.

All that is needed in life is a little imagination. By one person’s actions, changes can come about. Yet it is not only in this that the advantages of solitary activism lie. At protest sites it is often not possible to even discuss certain topics, for one there are certain subjects that the politically correct police don’t let people take an interest in, for two there are subjects which the morbidly sensualistic drunk police don’t let people take an interest in, for three there are subjects which are genuinely too dangerous to discuss for example you can’t say DEATH TO AMERICA without some Yankee intelligence agent getting offended, despite the fact that their soldiers march into villages crying “Death To Your Children!” without anybody batting an eyelid. Though these soldiers probably do not think, “Death To The Children”, and at the Mai Lai massacre we must question what motivated these people. Were they merely agents of a vast machine, or free men? I believe that the latter, surely as much as the former, is important, for we do not always understand the souls of others. Yet are such atrocities, committed it is true by a country which engages in many kinds of deceit, merely ruses by which the real villains will hide from the fire when confrontations come?

Anyhow, what I mean is – nobody questions you. Nobody is interested in the solitary individual person. This is a great boon, a great gift if we can learn to love our solitude. Rather than fleeing to comfortable surroundings, let us learn to improvise, subject ourselves to harsh conditions. I once tried to put my girlfriend through a week’s serious training in guerrilla countryside reconnaissance, survival and orienteering such as I used to engage myself in on a regular basis. Hence probably why she wasn’t really my girlfriend… “Hahaha” says the crowd - but really people, are we lacking a bit in seriousness? Anyhow, we should worship woman as one Tibetan Tantra advises. So, in my whole career, which ended with me producing the most controversial folk EP in history and having been regularly in the habit of rapping Immortal Technique songs on street corners, I was interrogated once. By the secret police? No, by an old lady.

Then I wound up doing a few other things which probably will get me questioned by the secret police. But the point is, I could’ve got away with it. Solitude teaches us many lessons, and what I learned greatly informed my work in intentional communities.

Is there something we are striving for, are we actually trying to win a battle? Or are we merely going about “being activists”, whatever that means?

Railroad Man
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able bodied sea shanty stabing a fish hook in the gonad of the whaler

02.03.2012 00:49

you raise a good point has the role of "activist" become popularised, in the same way "rock star" exists, it seems as though those who claim to be motivated by a rightous cause often display reluctance to follow through when truely tested. do they seek a face in the press or just a story to tell mates? either way its a fame game. this is not to say all activists are like this there are many who will follow through and go the whole proverbial hog but many seem to be joinin for the fad.
we must remember it is not because we want the title but because the motivivation behind our action, we are people who have found our way of life restricted be it either economicaly, socialy or morraly or indeed our relationship to the earth and we are NOT HAPPY and seek to right the imbalance! it is not because we want to get our face on TV or to merely say we were involved and move onto the next best thing but because we cannot stand by and allow any attrocity to go unoticed. Let us not this age end with the Whimper the cynics and philosphers conjecture upon but a bang which will spew the makings of the next, let the next bear fruit from the lessons we learn in this.


Good luck on your own mate

02.03.2012 09:43

At least I didn't have to listen to that rambling load of nonsence in the pub.


The point isn't to be solitary on your own...

02.03.2012 20:57

but to act in solitude where appropriate. And the point is that *many* may act in such a way, so it's really 'on your own' against an entire system.

another anarchist

some sense on the matter:)

03.03.2012 19:20

Wether it's by a lone pixy or the black block, any act of political direct action, sabotage or Luddism can not happen in a vacuum. There has to be a political will or a moral imperative, preferably both. If there is neither then any material damage can only be considered a random crime.

By political will I mean the will of a substantial number of people in proportion to the action taken.

By moral imperative I mean based on a fundamental belief of righteousness within the mind of the actor/activist. And imperative must stand up to reason and evidence.

But remember a political will without a moral imperative will lead to political crime, ie. hate crime, eg. homophobia or racism.

So get your moral imperative sorted out before taking action or staring up a political will.

yet another anarchist

The Question Of Transvaluation In A Practical Sense

06.03.2012 23:23

Indeed, there should be a moral imperative in things. Yet this does not I think neccessarily have to harmonize with the immediate will of the population, in that people when they become aware of the grim realities of things cannot fail to take the side of Truth. On the other hand, we should be careful in imposing dictatorial realities on the people, to call upon the people to side with a dictatorial and dogmatic norm.

But Truth is the Truth. When the basis of things is exposed, then it becomes clear who the real criminals are. For example, some suggest the lynching of bankers. Perhaps this will actually happen one day, when people wake up from their idleness and take action. In taking any action therefore, there is an immediate moral virtue in that action is greater than apathy and stagnation, and in the hearts of the people is given an impulse towards work rather than stagnation.

There is also the question of illumination. Why, for example, is a major crime commited by a soldier unpunished, whilst if the same act is commited by a member of the population it is punished? Is it not true that in a fit of rage a general or major may act in passion causing not an act of military aggression but an act of mass murder? It is neccessary that Illumination reach the people of the fact that crime is something relative, that the law is something often applied by the rich and powerful in the interests of the rich and powerful.

The recent case on here of an African being shot six times for carrying a knife is an example of this. The law is applied by racists, in favour of colonialists. It seems to me undeniable that this is the case.

What distinguishes a soldier from a guerilla? The guerilla may also live with discipline, they may also have the people's interests in mind. On the other hand, as in the case of groups like FARC, fall into being mere drug traffickers. Some suggest that the armies of capitalist countries have become drug traffickers as well.

There is a moral imperative to overturn a moral order skewed in favour of the powerful. There is a moral imperative to teach people how to act for themselves. Each person who becomes a 'criminal', in the eyes of others becomes an illuminator of hidden crimes. Life in a sense is like a game, in which we are to take the most appropriate position to do what in the end will prove right for humanity.

It is to each man to decide with their own conscience what that is, and hence solitary activism is something which can take place both within and outside of the institutions of society.

Herd behaviours are a biological instinct which must be analysed in order for us to learn to be free human men and womyn. This means resisting the inhuman, the hypocrisies of which become all too obvious in the cold light of day. I have heard it said that what is dark must flee and hide in the shadows, but what is light is open to all.

Nonetheless, there are many things which it is best not to shine too much light upon, for the reason that it will expose too much. In a sense, this may be the only reason why some people are free and others in chains, because only the fallen rise and the primary reason for Lucifer's ugliness is his fall. We are very insignificant within the grander dance of shadows which occurs around this planet.

The most important thing in all moral imperatives, as Blake said, is the child. It is not only heroic men, resisting the march of imperial China in it's descent into free market economics upon the foundation of it's communism, who stand in front of tanks.

"Because a child watches 1500 murders before their 12 years old
And we wonder why we've created a Jason generation which has learned to laugh
Rather than abhor the horror"

Yet if we paid attention to the realities on the television, rather than the popular soaps, we would be struck by such a bloodbath that we could not fail to WAKE UP AND TAKE ACTION. However our hearts decide is right... Why sell out? Why follow trends?

Railroad Man