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Anti-fascist memorial - London

London Anti-fascists | 27.02.2012 13:28 | Anti-racism


London anti-fascists memorial demo
London anti-fascists memorial demo

On the 9th of February 2012 a janitor found the body of Nikita Kalin, a Russian anarchist and anti-fascist. Nikita was murdered by a group of Nazis, brutally stabbed 61 times, besides this his ribs were fractured multiple times and his head was also wounded. Currently only one suspect has been arrested, and was confirmed off the record by Nikita’s mother that this person was a National Socialist. Nikita was from a simple working-class family, and never attempted to hide his anarchist and anti-fascist views. It is due to this news, that London anti-fascists decided to host a memorial in respect to Nikita, his friends and family and to show solidarity to the Russian anti-fascists who face as what can only be described as a horrible situation. The memorial was hosted beside the iconic Cable Street mural, speeches were made and a banner was hoisted. We stand in solidarity with our Russian counterparts and all anti-fascists in struggle!

London Anti-fascists
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27.02.2012 14:44

Hey, why do most the people have their faces covered?



27.02.2012 15:06

Militant anti-fascists are an obvious target of far right agression (as the far right are understandably a target of militant anti-fascist agression). In the sphere of 'physical-force' anti-fascism, giving the fash any opportunity to identify you is probably a bad idea - this is the same reason why the photographer chose to obscure the faces of those who had not done it themselves.

Town End Boy

Isn't it rather obvious

27.02.2012 16:54

Bearing in mind that antifascists not only have to contend with neo-Nazi violence, of which the death of our young comrade is an example, but also unprecedented state repression, for example the well-publicised Welling case, isn't it rather obvious why antifascists don't want their faces on the internet? To paraphrase 'Watchmen', antifascism is like the hawk, sometimes it must go hooded!

Good choice of venue comrades.


Rather obvious.

27.02.2012 21:26

Hate to break it to the comrades, but there are scores of CCTV around there, who would have followed the group getting there, doing their demo, the photo shoot, and leaving.
All of those present would have been recorded, bit late to start trying to brush out people's ID for the photo.

Ex Met police

@Ex Met police

27.02.2012 21:42

Sorry to spoil your smugness Inspector Lestrade, but a/ even if there is CCTV in the area that doesn't mean plod's either got the tapes and/or digital files, let alone usable images, b/ obscuring faces in this photo is to protect these folks from being ID'd by the Fascists .... or should I say the other Fascists .... ya dig ;)

Jamie G

I've never been able to work out

27.02.2012 23:10

And i've actually tried to look it up.

Why do these people call each other "Comrade" ?
Is it a russian or a communist thing.

Seems to me, that the russian military call each other comrade in films and stuff, so its kind of an odd one to follow - the russian military



28.02.2012 00:58

I'm with you on the "Comrade" issue, weird huh, but the Fascists call each other comrade as well


re: Comrade

28.02.2012 10:12

It does have socialist origins and was inspired by the French Revolution when they chopped the heads of their nobility and abolished aristocratic titles.


how stupid you are

29.02.2012 16:13

how da fuk can you bring the word comrade to discussion to this site ...since hundreds of years ago we call ourselfs (anarchists scene ) comrades ..AND WE ARE COMRADES YOU FUKING DICKHEAD ..go fuk yourself samewhere else and leave this site alone ..... from a comrade amsterdam


comrades as a term used by the left

29.02.2012 18:28

Thanks Sesh and Anon for your positive input. I hadn't thought of looking it up on wikipedia (weird huh?!). I had no idea that fascists call each other comrade too. I guess its ok, just sounds a bit weird i suppose.

So, that just leaves a.c.a.b..... well, well, well. Guess who is unable to take-it.
I mean come-on! Get a grip. If you are going to flip out like that over something that is so trivial then i think you should see a doctor or something.

For your information - and I'll put it into bullet point format because I know you will have trouble reading.

1) I can actually bring it to the site. Its called going about my lawful business and I have ensured that I have complied with the editorial guidelines for this site.

2) You have broken the editorial guidelines with your insults. You should leave.
"Personal attack: Articles and/or comments that contain abusive language against other activists or site users. Please make your point without resorting to personal abuse."


a very typical policing attitude

01.03.2012 10:25

... is equating the antifascists with the fascists, and trying to make them look identical to the the 'general public'.

its how the German cops deal with it- producing comics and leaflets for schools attempting to conflate anti-racist, anti-nazi, anti-sexist perspectives with Nazism. no wonder it isn't going to work.

the same 'anti-extremist' tactics are found here on IMC UK, from the British cops who want to import and formulate such programmatic ways of dealing with the anti-fascists as the German BKA-Federal police. eagerly taken up by liberals.

this is IMC UK, not a sounding board for idiot cops and liberals who don't know what "comrade" means and have to look it up on wikipedia.


what a way to carry on

01.03.2012 12:15

plus, there is slim chance these negative and diversive comments above are genuine, and if they are, the commentors should be ashamed of themselves for trying to denigrate and distract the purpose of a memorial for a young person who has been brutally murdered by nazis.

no pasaran.


Liverpool Appeal

02.03.2012 08:08

An Emergency appeal to all anti-fascists and anti-racists : We need to respond to the increasing threat of the far-right.

On Monday 6th February the British National Party (BNP) and English Defence League (EDL) along with other racists and fascists, were able to hold a confident, 100-strong demonstration , outside the hearing of a child sex abuse case at the Crown Court. The fascists were trying to capitalise on the case, as the accused were Asian men.

On Saturday 18th February some 250 far-right activists, bolstered by Loyalist and veterans' organisations were able to control parts of the town centre as they mobilised against a parade organised by Liverpool Irish Patriots. The combination of their numbers and the fairly relaxed attitude taken by Merseyside Police meant they were at liberty to harass and racially abuse the demonstration, other political activists in town, and Black people who were simply out of a Saturday afternoon.

This increased confrontational street presence of the far right is extremely concerning. The British National Party seems to be abandoning its recent strategy of trying to gain electoral 'respectability' and is therefore becoming less hostile to its members getting publicly involved in street thuggery. The EDL seems to also be changing tactics. In addition to its set piece rallies and marches 'against Islamic extremism' some of its splinter groups have begun specifically targeting left-wing and Labour movement meetings and stalls. The Unite Regional Office building in Liverpool as well as the Occupy! group in the city have already had hassle.

One of these splinter groups, the North-West Infidels, have called a day of action on Saturday March 24th. It is possible that they will want to follow up their recent successes in this city and target Liverpool.

The response of our movement has left quite a lot to be desired. Much of this is understandable given many of us have been occupied with the enormous task of responding to the attacks this government is launching on Health, Education, Welfare, Pensions and the rest of it. However we must not lose sight of the fact that the cuts and the uncertainty and misery created by them will create opportunities for racists and fascists, especially if there is not a serious fight against them.

We are therefore calling a meeting open to all, to discuss how to respond to the immediate question of March 24th and beyond:

Sunday 4th March
The McCausland Lounge
Liverpool Guild of Students
160 Mount Pleasant
L3 5TR

Facebook event:!/events/152298701557574/

Liverpool Antifascists