9/11 is the Litmus Test.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar | 27.02.2012 12:11
There is one thing that defines everyone over the course of these early years of this new century. That thing is the 9/11 attack. Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event. It is not necessary to know the truth. It is only necessary to know the extent of the lies in order to define any leader in any position anywhere in the world. By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people’s of the world. One can accurately determine who is a tool of the psychopaths or one of them.
Think about what you allow yourself to know. Think about what you pass by; ignore, deny and defend ...that defines you. It defines the degree of your personal courage, your relationship to the truth, your values, your principles and what you will pass on to your children and everyone you meet. It tells you in that place where your conscience must once have lived whether you are a hypocrite and a fool or whether something greater still lives within you.
Nineteen men pass through airport security. Eleven of them are stopped and questioned but then allowed to board. Several large passenger planes wind up hijacked and flown at high speed into enormous buildings. None of these men had shown previous capacity to accomplish this feat. These men were armed with box cutters. No jet fighters were scrambled to intercept these planes, although the authorities in charge of such actions knew immediately what was happening. Airport traffic controllers were ordered to destroy all recorded evidence of the event. Some of them physically broke the CD’s and scattered the pieces into different trash containers at the airports.
Within hours, three of the biggest buildings in the city, buildings designed to absorb the impact of the very planes which hit them, all crumbled into their own footprints at the speed of freefall. It was said that the fire, which burned below the melting point of steel, caused this to happen. No fire in history had previously accomplished such a thing, not once. Previous fires had burned hotter and longer, yet no building fell. Now, three have fallen in one day. Months later the wreckage burned white hot beneath the surface and clear cuts in support beams were photographed.
A passport from one of the hijackers appears on a city street undamaged. Cars are discovered at airports with flight training videos and Korans. Apparently the men who were deeply religious enough to give their lives to attack these buildings thought nothing of leaving their sacred texts behind. Some weeks later, seven of the alleged hijackers are found to be alive in their native countries.
Some days earlier some of these men were observed drinking and having lap dances in a Florida bar. This sort of behavior is not normal for such men as these. Around the same time, the ringleader of these men and some associates were observed by the FBI boarding a gambling boat belonging to Jack Abramoff. These men were tracked to Las Vegas and watched by the FBI, yet they passed through the airport security checkpoints. Even though eleven of them were stopped and questioned they still boarded.
On the day of the event several men were observed videotaping the attack as it happened. They were seen to be dancing and celebrating as well. The police stopped and arrested them. They were found to be Mossad agents. Some time later they were quietly released and returned to their home country with no reasons given. The men videotaping and celebrating had to have known about the attack in advance in order to have been in a position to film it. Members of the Bin Laden family; the man accused of masterminding the attack, were immediately flown out of the country. Bin Laden denied any connection to this attack. Direct evidence of this exists and no evidence of his admitting his involvement exists. All of this is fabrication and hearsay. No one can present such information other than one fabricated video that was proven false by the world’s leading forensic experts in Switzerland. Many insist it is true but no one has such evidence. Go look. Bring it to me.
As a result of this event, major wars have been launched. Over a million people have died with nearly another 5 million displaced. An investigation was launched into the event against the wishes of the president and vice president and rubber stamped with pre-drawn conclusions even though the evidence did not support these conclusions. The wreckage was gathered together and shipped overseas. No one was allowed to investigate it.
In every event... in New York City... in a Pennsylvania field... at The Pentagon... all of the evidence is contradictory. The amount of evidence on every level that directly refutes what we have been told fills thousands of pages. Meanwhile, the administration and the congress belligerently oppose any inquiry into the matter. People in government who have questioned the official story have been fired from their jobs or driven from office by the very party they are a member of. University professors are fired for discussing it. Independent investigators are met with scenes like THIS. Major web sites composed of experts in their fields, HERE and HERE are ignored and censured.
Casual investigation of who benefited and who engineered actions of global impact based on official 9/11 findings ALL lead to the same parties. It is incontrovertibly true that one organization, PNAC, called for an attack on American soil in order to facilitate what followed. Members of this organization held key positions in and around the present administration.
Therefore... therefore... here is what you must know, given that the official story is patently absurd. Anyone... anyone who promotes the official story; who accepts the official story, who oppresses those who doubt the official story, who does not question the official story, is involved or too stupid to pat their head and chew gum at the same time. Any presidential candidate who does not dispute the official story is a traitor to their nation and a tool of those who accomplished the attack.
It all comes down to 9/11. Everything that has happened has happened based on a lie. Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool. Everyone who does not stand forth and speak truth to power is a coward, a liar and complicit in mass murder. Everyone- everywhere can be measured according to this litmus test.
I have included here only a very small portion of the damning evidence that runs counter to the official lies. The preponderance of evidence that refute the official lies is overwhelming.
Measure everyone by their position and their comments or lack of comments concerning this signal event. Measure everything they say in relation to their position on this event. For those of you who know that this is all a lie, I ask you not to go to work on March 19th in protest of this event and all of the events that have followed. I ask the residents of every nation on Earth to take this day off from your usual duties and stand down in protest of the terrible lies and events that cloud our existence and circumscribe our freedoms. Send a message. Stop the machine. See your power and in seeing it, expand it.
Hear me people. We know who you are and we know who we are. We see you lie and we see you murder. We see. You are going down. It may not be today and it may not be tomorrow but you are going down. And you... all of you who know and who abet and serve the empire of darkness; all of you who have sold your honor and integrity for a place at the table, for the opportunity to run your mouths about banal tripe and be a hearty-fellow-well-met among the psychopaths, who lurk like jackals among the lions, who are complicit in this evil... you will be shamed beyond endurance for having been such a whore and a fool for table scraps at the cost of your humanity.
March 19th. Stand down. Next time make it a week and then a month and then as long as it takes.
Nineteen men pass through airport security. Eleven of them are stopped and questioned but then allowed to board. Several large passenger planes wind up hijacked and flown at high speed into enormous buildings. None of these men had shown previous capacity to accomplish this feat. These men were armed with box cutters. No jet fighters were scrambled to intercept these planes, although the authorities in charge of such actions knew immediately what was happening. Airport traffic controllers were ordered to destroy all recorded evidence of the event. Some of them physically broke the CD’s and scattered the pieces into different trash containers at the airports.
Within hours, three of the biggest buildings in the city, buildings designed to absorb the impact of the very planes which hit them, all crumbled into their own footprints at the speed of freefall. It was said that the fire, which burned below the melting point of steel, caused this to happen. No fire in history had previously accomplished such a thing, not once. Previous fires had burned hotter and longer, yet no building fell. Now, three have fallen in one day. Months later the wreckage burned white hot beneath the surface and clear cuts in support beams were photographed.
A passport from one of the hijackers appears on a city street undamaged. Cars are discovered at airports with flight training videos and Korans. Apparently the men who were deeply religious enough to give their lives to attack these buildings thought nothing of leaving their sacred texts behind. Some weeks later, seven of the alleged hijackers are found to be alive in their native countries.
Some days earlier some of these men were observed drinking and having lap dances in a Florida bar. This sort of behavior is not normal for such men as these. Around the same time, the ringleader of these men and some associates were observed by the FBI boarding a gambling boat belonging to Jack Abramoff. These men were tracked to Las Vegas and watched by the FBI, yet they passed through the airport security checkpoints. Even though eleven of them were stopped and questioned they still boarded.
On the day of the event several men were observed videotaping the attack as it happened. They were seen to be dancing and celebrating as well. The police stopped and arrested them. They were found to be Mossad agents. Some time later they were quietly released and returned to their home country with no reasons given. The men videotaping and celebrating had to have known about the attack in advance in order to have been in a position to film it. Members of the Bin Laden family; the man accused of masterminding the attack, were immediately flown out of the country. Bin Laden denied any connection to this attack. Direct evidence of this exists and no evidence of his admitting his involvement exists. All of this is fabrication and hearsay. No one can present such information other than one fabricated video that was proven false by the world’s leading forensic experts in Switzerland. Many insist it is true but no one has such evidence. Go look. Bring it to me.
As a result of this event, major wars have been launched. Over a million people have died with nearly another 5 million displaced. An investigation was launched into the event against the wishes of the president and vice president and rubber stamped with pre-drawn conclusions even though the evidence did not support these conclusions. The wreckage was gathered together and shipped overseas. No one was allowed to investigate it.
In every event... in New York City... in a Pennsylvania field... at The Pentagon... all of the evidence is contradictory. The amount of evidence on every level that directly refutes what we have been told fills thousands of pages. Meanwhile, the administration and the congress belligerently oppose any inquiry into the matter. People in government who have questioned the official story have been fired from their jobs or driven from office by the very party they are a member of. University professors are fired for discussing it. Independent investigators are met with scenes like THIS. Major web sites composed of experts in their fields, HERE and HERE are ignored and censured.
Casual investigation of who benefited and who engineered actions of global impact based on official 9/11 findings ALL lead to the same parties. It is incontrovertibly true that one organization, PNAC, called for an attack on American soil in order to facilitate what followed. Members of this organization held key positions in and around the present administration.
Therefore... therefore... here is what you must know, given that the official story is patently absurd. Anyone... anyone who promotes the official story; who accepts the official story, who oppresses those who doubt the official story, who does not question the official story, is involved or too stupid to pat their head and chew gum at the same time. Any presidential candidate who does not dispute the official story is a traitor to their nation and a tool of those who accomplished the attack.
It all comes down to 9/11. Everything that has happened has happened based on a lie. Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool. Everyone who does not stand forth and speak truth to power is a coward, a liar and complicit in mass murder. Everyone- everywhere can be measured according to this litmus test.
I have included here only a very small portion of the damning evidence that runs counter to the official lies. The preponderance of evidence that refute the official lies is overwhelming.
Measure everyone by their position and their comments or lack of comments concerning this signal event. Measure everything they say in relation to their position on this event. For those of you who know that this is all a lie, I ask you not to go to work on March 19th in protest of this event and all of the events that have followed. I ask the residents of every nation on Earth to take this day off from your usual duties and stand down in protest of the terrible lies and events that cloud our existence and circumscribe our freedoms. Send a message. Stop the machine. See your power and in seeing it, expand it.
Hear me people. We know who you are and we know who we are. We see you lie and we see you murder. We see. You are going down. It may not be today and it may not be tomorrow but you are going down. And you... all of you who know and who abet and serve the empire of darkness; all of you who have sold your honor and integrity for a place at the table, for the opportunity to run your mouths about banal tripe and be a hearty-fellow-well-met among the psychopaths, who lurk like jackals among the lions, who are complicit in this evil... you will be shamed beyond endurance for having been such a whore and a fool for table scraps at the cost of your humanity.
March 19th. Stand down. Next time make it a week and then a month and then as long as it takes.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
Hide the following 8 comments
911 is the next post
27.02.2012 12:48
justin wonderin
Great article! common sense is all that is needed
27.02.2012 12:52
first, being people who are open minded to begin with, open to believe that 9/11 was an inside job without doing any form of research, usually due to such dis-trust and low opinion of the state they are willing to accept that the people who are supposedly there to care for us, would do such a thing, as a means to an end. (thankfully! the majority of people whom I speak about it with are of this kind) The fact that every government has grand historic records of brutality and deceit, and are overall liars and murderers is pretty clear for anyone who delves slightly into history, therefore people say it not neccessary to go into 9/11 as people don't need proved that governments do bad things. it's a given. But i don't agree with this, 9/11 signifies when the gears got shifted into over drive, they've really went to work.
the second type of people are people who downright deny the possiblitiy of it, most likely people who are very well conditioned to the demands our society dishes. 9 - 5 jobs, lots of bills, still fascinated with material items, sometimes thinks of themselves as individual, and to highlight this they dress in a smiliar fashion to everyone else. because of this conditioning, i believe the overall zeitgeist of their peers is what moulds their beliefs. for example, I have shown people articles in which various governments ADMIT things people deem as conspiracy, and because the reciever of this information is aware that the peer approved opinion is to dismiss and deny the information, they do so. I'd call these people brainwashed to a certain degree, and I don't say that lightly, I feel ever so greatly for the majority of people I see around me.
the third type is in my opinion the worst. ever worse than outright denying it.
People who have been presented enough adequate information to at least consider some of whats at hand to be of substance, but instead due to sheer apathy and laziness, shrug off the topic and forget they ever heard it.
I have sat for literally hours with people who are now active serving military, about how all the wars in the middle east launched by western governments are simple for profit and world domination. They agreed and even brought up points I hadn't considered. But they're now in the army?
I think people need to come to terms with the fact that a very very large number of our population in the world are dumbed down to the point where they feel so powerless that they accept the brutality.
There are those who will strive for truth, however. To quote a famous freemason, those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither.
bin liner
27.02.2012 14:04
Well, that bit you got right anyway!
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
Knot eyed Nutcase
27.02.2012 14:35
Keep it up, you're lots of fun.
Don't stop now, you're on a roll
Arrogant prick
27.02.2012 14:52
Fuck off to the 911 boards where wankers like you can all spunk off together over "Loose Change"
27.02.2012 15:38
There are still a few people clinging on to this sinking ship?
File a lawsuit against who you think are the perps, if your evidence is that strong it should be easy.
I won't hold my breath.
On the fly
The law
27.02.2012 16:03
Difficult when nearly all lawyers are Jewish and those that are not are controlled by Jewish run legal partnerships.
Street lawyer
Israel is 100% Responsible for 9/11
27.02.2012 17:04
*) It is a FACT that the first people to be arrested in conjunction with 9/11 were Israelis. This occurred in NYC within hours of the WTC attacks.
*) It is a FACT that the reason why the BOLO (be on look out) was issued by the NYPD for these men were because they were witnessed filming the twin towers, celebrating, and giving high fives to one another after the FIRST plane hit. Bear in mind that following the first plane strike, most people were under the impression it was accident.
*) It is a FACT that at least TWO of these Israelis were known to the authorities as being Mossad agents.
*) It is a FACT that the company that all five worked for, Urban Moving Systems, was known to the authorities as a front company for the Mossad.
*) It is a FACT, that following detainment of these five Israelis by the NYPD, they were thereafter taken into custody by the FBI.
*) It is a FACT that FBI sniffer dogs found traces of explosives on the white van in which these five Israelis were arrested.
*) It is a FACT that these five Israelis were detained by the FBI for 71 days, often in solitary confinement.
*) It is a FACT that photographs retrieved by the FBI showed clearly these five men smiling and 'appearing jovial' in front of the smoking New York skyline before the second plane strike.
*) It is a FACT that the corresponding inventory seized by the FBI concerning these five Israelis including, a sock full of cash, airline tickets to Israel dated the 12th September 2001, a One-Day admission ticket to WTC 1, various maps around NYC with certain landmarks highlighted, among other things.
*) It is a FACT that these Israelis' alibis didn't corroborate with each other at all.
*) It is a FACT that at least one of these five Israelis, after being deported back to Israel, has spent his subsequent professional career from 2002-2012 working as an explosives expert for a variety of different companies in Tel Aviv, Israel.
*) It is a FACT, that a 47-story building such as WTC 7, cannot fall into it's own footprint in 6 seconds without pre-planted explosives, no matter whether it has been hit by a high-speed object (which it hadn't), or even whether it was on fire.
*) It is a FACT that these five Israelis consistently refused polygraph tests. When they finally agreed to take them, they failed.
*) It is a FACT, that two employees of the the Israeli Instant Messaging company, Odigo, based in one of the World Trade Center towers, received two unsigned messages 2 hours before the first plane strike warning them to leave the building.
These FACTs are FACTS by way of the official documentation that has been made freely available either by the FBI or the NYPD. Anyone can download and read through the hundred and hundreds of pages that relate to the incident.
Some people have speculated that the United States of America benefited from 9/11 because it provided the necessary justification to launch a series of wars required to extend US hegemony in a variety of different regions. This may be accurate, however it is worth bearing in mind that the cost of these wars in U.S money and U.S blood has been MASSIVE.
Israel on the other hand, has had all it's enemies taken out, for FREE.
In addition, Larry Silverstein, good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, whose business dealings in Israel extended to the now defunct project of trying to establish a free-trade zone in the Negev, and who conveniently was at a dermatologist appointment during the attacks, despite his military daily routine of eating breakfast in the Windows on the World restaurant in the North Tower, and who infamously described in a PBS documentary how he made the decision "to pull" WTC 7 after learning of the uncontrollable nature of the fire - widely considered to be a demolition term - but then later appearing to imply that he meant "to pull" the firefighters out of the building, despite there not being any firefighters in the building at the time, and despite the fact that the Fire Chief Commander not recalling any such conversation with Silverstein about this whatsoever.........is the ONLY person to personally profit from September 11th, after taking out an enormous insurance policy on both (asbestos ridden) towers just months after purchasing it from the Port Authority.
I'm still interested in hearing someone successfully debunk these facts - a somewhat impossible feat - given that they ARE all facts. The only debunking strategy in operation at the moment appears to be something along the lines of "You're an Anti-Semite", or "You're a dick". Bravo Israel. You really know how to win an argument without looking like you have blood on your hands.