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IMC UK G21 Notice. 23:00:00hrs 23/02/2012

IMC ORIGINS | 23.02.2012 23:01 | Indymedia | Policing | Repression | World

Indymedia UK at the .org address is being spammed and trolled by its own moderators.

Indymedia UK at the .org address is being spammed and trolled by its own moderators.

There does appear to be a serious problem with its since the takeover at the beginning of 2011 when the UK site was taken away from the Kollective and placed into the hands of 'private' individuals.

As a result of that action, the site was removed from its server and placed off-shore with the passwords changed locking most of the Kollective out.

To date we know that the .org site has become a haven for far right groups and hierarchal organisations.

There is also a problem with selective use of 'certificates' which appear as though they are being used to record the details of i.p addresses posting articles or comments to 'sensitive' or timely articles.

We'll continue to drive this home on the UK .org site and continue to raise these issues with the global community.

In the interim, the site should be considered unreliable until we can get a formal global response.



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  1. 7786AA:05 — S5
  2. Push now — N
  3. EE — EE
  4. Push — N
  5. FF — FF
  6. AA — AA
  7. Push — N
  8. 7A — 7A
  9. N — N
  10. S5 — 7786AA:05
  11. AA — AA
  12. FF — FF
  13. 7A — 7A