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McDonalds & KFC planning application (Nottmar) | 23.02.2012 02:55

McDonalds have put in a planning application to open a branch at Clifton Lane, Nottingham NG11 8NA. They tried last year but were refused (see

This time they've come back all guns blazing, and teamed up with KFC. Great.


Anybody can object, but it has to be on 'planning' grounds, such as visual impact, 24 hour disturbance in a residential area, noise, smell, anti social behaviour (beyond simply trashing the planet), access, traffic etc. For example in the report (above) residents expressed concerns that "it would be a magnet for gangs and would create more litter."

The StreetView of the location at will give a hint as to potential issues. It is on the already over-capacity A453 and the near doubling of parking spaces indicates that more (short stay) traffic is expected. Despite the site backing on to a residential area, 24 hour x 7-day opening is applied for.

If you feel you could just put even one sentence in to object to it then please do!

March 1st is the deadline, and you can do it online at
Just scroll down, bottom left in green "comment on application".

The application itself is at

It is interesting to note that the application doesn't mention McD & KFC upfront.
The application is from a 'Nottingham-based company Medina Green Ltd' via an 'agent'. Only when looking at the proposed view in the Layout Plans & Elevations do you see that it is actually for McD & KFC. (See pdf at

Please object, and pass it on!



See sample letter of objection at

What do you do when 'Big Mac' wants to Burger up your neighbourhood?
- see a Case Study from the folk behind the McLibel campaign at

Whilst not necessarily grounds for planning objections there is plenty more at McDonalds not to enjoy; everything from nutrition, animals and the environment to globalisation and capitalism! See

... and don't get us started on KFC: (Nottmar)