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Keep Roger Franklin FREE !

Monica Jones | 22.02.2012 10:55

Roger Franklin, 84, a lifelong peace campaigner from Stroud is facing a £460 fine from Bristol Magistrates Court for refusing to fill out the Lockheed Martin administered UK census last year. This is a call out for supporters to contribute £2 towards the fine.
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Roger, now 84, is a life-long peace campaigner from Stroud. He refused to fill in his UK Census last year because Lockheed Martin, the firm administering the Census, is the world’s 2nd-biggest arms manufacturer. contributed to the weaponry that rained death on Gaza in 2008-9. And their American subsidiaries trained the interrogators at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

Earlier this month Bristol Magistrates’ fined Roger £460, which he refuses to pay. It would be a demonstration of solidarity if each of us paid a TINY AMOUNT of the fine for him. Public exposure for LM, and they won’t be invited to run a census again. Can you pay just two pound?

Write a cheque for £2 HMCTS (HM Courts & Tribunals Service), and post ASAP to Monica Jones, ‘Wisma Mulia’, Bridge Rd, Frampton on Severn GL2 7HE for bulk mailing to the court. You can also send a statement of support which can be used for the media. Another Census-Refusenik, John Marjoram, goes on trial in May

Monica Jones
- Original article on IMC Bristol: