Democracy or Plutocracy?
Emilio de Lima | 16.02.2012 19:50 | Analysis | Sheffield
3. The means of mass communication, financed by big banks and big business conglomerates,will continue stimulating more unrestrained and irresponsible consumption, until does not remain a standing tree and consequently we get into a insane cycle also, of wars for water.
Democracy or Plutocracy?
We need a new way.
Only by complete and deep forgiveness and the complete and thorough adherence to good we'll break the chain of violence on both sides and the ancient chain of victims and perpetrators, perpetrators and victims. Anyway, we will address issues very down-to-earth, looking for a new way of living on the planet.
The mediocrity of the proposal for today is unsurpassed:
1. We'll have "crisis" at all times, which always end in unemployment and misery for ordinary people and in awards of thousands of thousands of millions in cash to speculators and bankers, who are invariably the meticulous builders of those "crises". Governments, led by politicians always financed by these gentlemen, dutifully will pass them the hard-earned money from the taxpayer crowd.
2. Wars increasingly violent and dangerous shall be detonated. all for oil and (again), for taxpayer money, until the assaulted get tired and unite around some leadership sufficiently armed and reckless and leave for a war of apocalyptic dimensions. It does not take Nostradamus to predict this ...
3. The means of mass communication, financed by big banks and big business conglomerates,will continue stimulating more unrestrained and irresponsible consumption, until does not remain a standing tree and consequently we get into a insane cycle also, of wars for water.
4. Countries will be increasingly driven to debt, something completely unnecessary, as has showed Benjamin Franklin* ,they will be increasingly ruled by agencies of speculators and bankers that determine its capacity to meet its commitments and the level of interest they must pay for "private fundraising,"these "private funds" also absolutely unnecessary*, and especially unhappy those who gave up their national currency, as the poories of Europe that joined the Euro little thoughtfully.
Before developing this:
Barak Obama's speech, at White House shortly before the attack on Libya, stating that U.S. troops would not be sent but that he (The president said it literally in front of television cameras from around the world) did not control the Central Intelligence Agency, was more than a green light to attack the regime, not nice at all forms of Colonel. Qaddafi. We had there one more international aggression and a coup d'etat more among so many promoted by certain sectors of American society like Brazil in 1964, Chile in 1973 and many, so many others indeed, destined to topple governments and to impose international interests captained by these referred sectors of U.S.
Interestingly, it was enough that the president lost the majority in Congress to start the arrangements with the Republicans and began the assault on Líbia that from the point of view of international law, is an aberration, and so-called "Arab (oil) Spring time."
Let us note in passing that many of these coups-d'etat of the past, were led by George Bush, the father, (When in charge of the CIA)
also responsible for the installation of countless torture centers around the world, so leaving the son of a first election, riddled with irregularities and with the popularity flying low, it is not surprising that many people doubt the authorship of the attack on the Twin Towers, that raised the numbers of the heir, and he became the darling of the armed forces, a kind of modern legions' Caesar.
What really interests us, however, is that what the media and ourselves we call democracy around the globe, is actually plutocracy, government of money, where conglomerates and corporations elect politicians who will then rule the nations, with much less appreciation for the people, the less educated and organized they are.
While the schemes are façade democracies, powered by money, we'll have no peace, no real progress. The war, as everyone knows, is a big deal, since it does not happen in our house, and that we don't need to invest a child or two. Of course, this is for the poor ...The very wealthy sell weapons and equipment for government, is the taxpayer who pays, and how much longer it takes the war, to these vampires the better.
We need to reinvent democracy so that voting no longer have a relationship with money of large economic groups and go to have it with the proposals of the candidates. Free timetable to publish proposals by TV, as in Brazil, and the same can be done online. No campaign financing: neither public nor private. More than that: tools of modern telematics allow perfectly that citizens participate directly in the budget preparation and execution and of all decisions involving public funds. So we'll have our legislators, executives and judges under the direct monitoring of the population. Many outrage will no longer be committed, for sure.
A true democracy such as that outlined, in addition, will become much closer to a polycentric world government, just and peaceful, and will move us away of this empire of speculation and usury we have today.
However, mixed cropping, agroforestry regenerative analogues of Ernst Götsch(4), reconstruct the environment, produce rural prosperity and abundance and good prices in the city. The standing forest is worth much more than soy or cattle, however, without a deep involvement of universities and ministries of science and technology, entrepreneurs in their frightening misinformation, continue to raze treasures to get crumbs, in brutal prejudice, moreover, of all mankind.
The means of mass communication, the main disseminators of value, in our time, prisoners of funding arising from advertisers, will continue stimulating the most reckless and deplorable consumption, determining the continuation and acceleration of the devastation of the environment and very fast extinction of animal species.
It's good to remember that each new coup-d'etat since 1964, in Brazil, before it even, going through so many others in all continents, to Iraq and recently in Libya, the coup or the war tried to consolidate locally the power of the so called international block, more visible today than ever, in a nothing shy combination of finance and arms, creating many times, however, to intervene in local, historical and cultural roots of power, increasing areas of instability.
Let us mention also countries like Russia, China, Brazil and South Africa, that really dependent on the referred block, struggle to create their own areas of influence.
Brazil, for instance, lives the ambiguous situation of developing a little spectacularly, even without a consistent development plan, or really significant development actions, (despite the DAP), while buying its relative placidity by about half of its annual budget, of interest and other charges of a ever audited famous debt, except under Getulio Vargas, and absolutely unnecessary, but from the perspective of international high finance, they make converge to the true centers of the system, Wall Street and mainly the City of London, (Armindo Abreu, "The Secret Power") absurdly high sums of countries "indebted".
How to achieve true democracy that we propose? How to bypass the mass media of this insane path of consumption that devours the planet, if it is funded by those who produce goods and for both devast the environment? if it is funded by those who produce goods and for both devast the environment?
In response to these questions, which will be found only collectively,lies the survival of our species, which, among us, it would no fault to earth, quite the contrary. We "are" the sixth great wave of species extinctions in the history of life on the planet.
1,2,3,4 and 5 are at
We need a new way.
Only by complete and deep forgiveness and the complete and thorough adherence to good we'll break the chain of violence on both sides and the ancient chain of victims and perpetrators, perpetrators and victims. Anyway, we will address issues very down-to-earth, looking for a new way of living on the planet.
The mediocrity of the proposal for today is unsurpassed:
1. We'll have "crisis" at all times, which always end in unemployment and misery for ordinary people and in awards of thousands of thousands of millions in cash to speculators and bankers, who are invariably the meticulous builders of those "crises". Governments, led by politicians always financed by these gentlemen, dutifully will pass them the hard-earned money from the taxpayer crowd.
2. Wars increasingly violent and dangerous shall be detonated. all for oil and (again), for taxpayer money, until the assaulted get tired and unite around some leadership sufficiently armed and reckless and leave for a war of apocalyptic dimensions. It does not take Nostradamus to predict this ...
3. The means of mass communication, financed by big banks and big business conglomerates,will continue stimulating more unrestrained and irresponsible consumption, until does not remain a standing tree and consequently we get into a insane cycle also, of wars for water.
4. Countries will be increasingly driven to debt, something completely unnecessary, as has showed Benjamin Franklin* ,they will be increasingly ruled by agencies of speculators and bankers that determine its capacity to meet its commitments and the level of interest they must pay for "private fundraising,"these "private funds" also absolutely unnecessary*, and especially unhappy those who gave up their national currency, as the poories of Europe that joined the Euro little thoughtfully.
Before developing this:
Barak Obama's speech, at White House shortly before the attack on Libya, stating that U.S. troops would not be sent but that he (The president said it literally in front of television cameras from around the world) did not control the Central Intelligence Agency, was more than a green light to attack the regime, not nice at all forms of Colonel. Qaddafi. We had there one more international aggression and a coup d'etat more among so many promoted by certain sectors of American society like Brazil in 1964, Chile in 1973 and many, so many others indeed, destined to topple governments and to impose international interests captained by these referred sectors of U.S.
Interestingly, it was enough that the president lost the majority in Congress to start the arrangements with the Republicans and began the assault on Líbia that from the point of view of international law, is an aberration, and so-called "Arab (oil) Spring time."
Let us note in passing that many of these coups-d'etat of the past, were led by George Bush, the father, (When in charge of the CIA)
also responsible for the installation of countless torture centers around the world, so leaving the son of a first election, riddled with irregularities and with the popularity flying low, it is not surprising that many people doubt the authorship of the attack on the Twin Towers, that raised the numbers of the heir, and he became the darling of the armed forces, a kind of modern legions' Caesar.
What really interests us, however, is that what the media and ourselves we call democracy around the globe, is actually plutocracy, government of money, where conglomerates and corporations elect politicians who will then rule the nations, with much less appreciation for the people, the less educated and organized they are.
While the schemes are façade democracies, powered by money, we'll have no peace, no real progress. The war, as everyone knows, is a big deal, since it does not happen in our house, and that we don't need to invest a child or two. Of course, this is for the poor ...The very wealthy sell weapons and equipment for government, is the taxpayer who pays, and how much longer it takes the war, to these vampires the better.
We need to reinvent democracy so that voting no longer have a relationship with money of large economic groups and go to have it with the proposals of the candidates. Free timetable to publish proposals by TV, as in Brazil, and the same can be done online. No campaign financing: neither public nor private. More than that: tools of modern telematics allow perfectly that citizens participate directly in the budget preparation and execution and of all decisions involving public funds. So we'll have our legislators, executives and judges under the direct monitoring of the population. Many outrage will no longer be committed, for sure.
A true democracy such as that outlined, in addition, will become much closer to a polycentric world government, just and peaceful, and will move us away of this empire of speculation and usury we have today.
However, mixed cropping, agroforestry regenerative analogues of Ernst Götsch(4), reconstruct the environment, produce rural prosperity and abundance and good prices in the city. The standing forest is worth much more than soy or cattle, however, without a deep involvement of universities and ministries of science and technology, entrepreneurs in their frightening misinformation, continue to raze treasures to get crumbs, in brutal prejudice, moreover, of all mankind.
The means of mass communication, the main disseminators of value, in our time, prisoners of funding arising from advertisers, will continue stimulating the most reckless and deplorable consumption, determining the continuation and acceleration of the devastation of the environment and very fast extinction of animal species.
It's good to remember that each new coup-d'etat since 1964, in Brazil, before it even, going through so many others in all continents, to Iraq and recently in Libya, the coup or the war tried to consolidate locally the power of the so called international block, more visible today than ever, in a nothing shy combination of finance and arms, creating many times, however, to intervene in local, historical and cultural roots of power, increasing areas of instability.
Let us mention also countries like Russia, China, Brazil and South Africa, that really dependent on the referred block, struggle to create their own areas of influence.
Brazil, for instance, lives the ambiguous situation of developing a little spectacularly, even without a consistent development plan, or really significant development actions, (despite the DAP), while buying its relative placidity by about half of its annual budget, of interest and other charges of a ever audited famous debt, except under Getulio Vargas, and absolutely unnecessary, but from the perspective of international high finance, they make converge to the true centers of the system, Wall Street and mainly the City of London, (Armindo Abreu, "The Secret Power") absurdly high sums of countries "indebted".
How to achieve true democracy that we propose? How to bypass the mass media of this insane path of consumption that devours the planet, if it is funded by those who produce goods and for both devast the environment? if it is funded by those who produce goods and for both devast the environment?
In response to these questions, which will be found only collectively,lies the survival of our species, which, among us, it would no fault to earth, quite the contrary. We "are" the sixth great wave of species extinctions in the history of life on the planet.
1,2,3,4 and 5 are at
Emilio de Lima