Hinkley Point Barnstormers - Occupiers aim to stop EDF land trash
dv for the barnstormers | 16.02.2012 15:10 | Occupy Everywhere | Anti-Nuclear | Ecology | Energy Crisis | South Coast | World
"shannonsmy23" writes:
"This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at Hinkley point in Somerset. The activists took occupancy in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of February and are settling in to their new home and community."
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:
"This film gives an account of the first few days of the occupation of Langborough Farm on the site of one of the proposed 'new wave' of Nuclear Reactors, at Hinkley point in Somerset. The activists took occupancy in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of February and are settling in to their new home and community."
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:

"shannonsmy23" continues:
"Their aims include highlighting the fact that EDF, the French company given the contract to build Hinkley C, have been given permission to remove all hedgerows, trees and topsoil from the 500 hectare site, before they have been given planning permission to build the power station. The site includes a SSSI and a protected wetland (R.A.M.S.A.R) and is home to some beautiful deer and protected bats.
"This week has seen a number of visitors, and none more poignant than the visit by a county council officer who issued them all with Iodine tablets 'Just in case of a Nuclear Accident!'
"Please support the campaign by heading to the Farm if you are able (TA5 1UD), by donating money, and by spreading the word!
"Nuclear Power is not the solution to our climate change problems, with an embedded energy per kilo of power outputed 5 times that of wind, and a toxic waste that will be too hot to even move for 150 years...can we honestly be certain that future generations will have the climate stability necessary to deal with such a potentially devastating hazard...?
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:
Twitter: @stopnukepower @nonewnuclear @stopnewnuclear @boycottedf #OccupyHinkley
"Their aims include highlighting the fact that EDF, the French company given the contract to build Hinkley C, have been given permission to remove all hedgerows, trees and topsoil from the 500 hectare site, before they have been given planning permission to build the power station. The site includes a SSSI and a protected wetland (R.A.M.S.A.R) and is home to some beautiful deer and protected bats.
"This week has seen a number of visitors, and none more poignant than the visit by a county council officer who issued them all with Iodine tablets 'Just in case of a Nuclear Accident!'
"Please support the campaign by heading to the Farm if you are able (TA5 1UD), by donating money, and by spreading the word!
"Nuclear Power is not the solution to our climate change problems, with an embedded energy per kilo of power outputed 5 times that of wind, and a toxic waste that will be too hot to even move for 150 years...can we honestly be certain that future generations will have the climate stability necessary to deal with such a potentially devastating hazard...?
Check out this great vid of the opening days of the occupation:

Twitter: @stopnukepower @nonewnuclear @stopnewnuclear @boycottedf #OccupyHinkley
dv for the barnstormers
vd2012-imc [at] yahoo.co.uk
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Hinkley Point occupation enters fifth day
16.02.2012 18:32
Activists who have occupied a farm to oppose ground clearance for a new nuclear site in West Somerset today entered the fifth day of their stand-off with the French energy company EDF.
The protesters entered Langborough Farm at Hinkley Point on Saturday night and established a camp around derelict buildings which are believed to house hibernating bats. They want the “Preliminary Works”, which will clear and level several hundred acres of Somerset coastal land to be halted for 12 months until EDF know if they actually have permission to build their proposed reactors.
“Currently EDF have no permission to build here, but astonishingly they DO have permission to destroy this precious part of our common natural heritage” said farm occupant Theo Simon. “If this land and these habitats are lost and then they don’t get planning permission, EDF will have committed an act of unprecedented ecological vandalism. If on the other hand, as many locals now suspect, the planning permission is already a “done deal” then that means the current IPC public consultation is an expensive sham.”
Mr Simon (53) said that their camp has now been strengthened with food and water and other supplies brought in by local well-wishers. Yesterday campers were visited by West Somerset District Councillor Jon Freeman, who told them how he thought the planning process had been corrupted by pressure from central government and the edf. today they were advised by a retired Hinkley B engineer who explained his technical reservations about flaws in the EDF’s reactor and waste storage plans.
Another occupier, Nikki Clark, said, “Already our support is growing here, people who had begun to give up hope, have been empowered by our occupation, and they are free to walk up the footpaths to visit us. There is a lot of resentment in this are at the way this project has been steam-rollered through, but we’re here to draw a line on the ground. The wanton destruction of this beautiful land must be halted until there has been a genuine democratic process the beginning of which must be Parliament deeming the National Statements as fraudulent in the light if the corruption of governance report.”
The new residents are all looking forward to the stop new nuclear surround & blockade of Hinkley Point on March 10th & 11th to mark the first anniversary of the beginning of the Fukushima catastrophe. Around 400 people descended on the station last October to disrupt EDFs operations & voice their dissent at the so-called Nuclear Renaissance.
Site Contact: 07933920425
OR: 07530947554
Details of the Stop New Nuclear surround & blockade available here:
South West Against Nuclear:
Stop Nuclear Power Network:
Boycott EDF Energy:
Twitter: @StopNukePower @NoNewNuclear @StopNewNuclear @BoycottEDF #OccupyHinkley
dv for South-West Against Nuclear
swanactive [at] gmail.com
'Join the Hinkley Barnstormers' flyer
16.02.2012 19:12
vd2012-imc [at] yahoo.co.uk
UK and France sign nuclear energy agreement
17.02.2012 10:02
Health and Safety boss loses nuclear power plant secrets
17.02.2012 10:04
Greenpeace UK on UK-France nuclear power deal
17.02.2012 13:20
Statement by Dr Doug Parr, Greenpeace UK
"No amount of talking up of the French nuclear industry by David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy will cover up the fact that the economics of new nuclear reactors don't stack up. The track record of EDF in building new nuclear power stations on time and to budget is appalling. Recently the independent risk agency Standard and Poor downgraded EDF’s creditworthiness. All this came just a few months after a French judge sentenced a number of EDF senior executives to prison for unscrupulous acts of spying. French nuclear power is no longer popular even in France.
"So instead of using UK taxpayers' money to prop up failing French industries, David Cameron should follow the lead of Germany and concentrate on securing vast numbers of jobs and economic growth in the rapidly expanding clean energy industries such as wind and solar power."