Global 24 hours of action for Tasmania's forests
Observer Tree | 16.02.2012 01:09 | Ecology | World
Yesterday people from around the world took peaceful action in support of Miranda Gibson in the Observertree and the ongoing struggle for Tasmania's forests.
An incredible world-wide action over the last 24 hours has been instrumental in demonstrating the global significance of Tasmania's forests. Hundreds of people gathered across 48 actions in 13 countries. Including one pair of daring activists who abseiled the Black Mountain Tower in Canberra to display their message of support.
With street theatre, banner drops, community gatherings, and images of Tasmania's forest projected up onto buildings it has been a busy 24 hours of creative and inspirational actions.
This global action builds on the action of conservationist Miranda Gibson, who has spent 65 days so far at the top of an old growth tree near the Styx Valley. Ms Gibson’s commitment to remain in the tree until the forest is protected has inspired people right across the world. Miranda beamed Tasmania’s forest protection message straight from the trees to the people of the world, using Skype to speak at action locations right across the globe and taking part in a press conference via video link up.
"It is an international disgrace that the Australian government promised the protection of these forests six months ago now. Yet due to the Ta Ann’s insatiable appetite for native forests, logging has actually increased in the areas that are ear-marked for forest reserves" said Miranda Gibson.
"Today's action sends a clear message to Ta Ann and their corporate customers that the international community will not tolerate the destruction of these globally significant forests. We are asking Ta Ann’s customers including flooring manufacturers Panasonic and Eidai and Japan’s largest home building companies Seksui House, Daiwa House to cease purchasing from Ta Ann while the company is driving the logging of Tasmania’s native forests" said Ms Gibson.
"Globally the ancient forests of Tasmania are significant and unique. Tall eucalypt forests are threatened from logging. A long term vision that gives Tasmania a unique reserve system, protection for endangered species habitat and taking real action to mitigate climate change is what we are standing up for. With people around the globe and around Australia, we are calling for the protection for these treasure houses of species," Huon Valley Environment Centre’s Jenny Weber said.
"The level of support that has come in from all reaches of the globe is phenomenal" said spokesperson Miranda Gibson. "From community actions in regional Aussie towns, to a massive banner drop in Canberra and from Japan to Europe to Fiji, the people of the world have really made a stand today for Tasmania's world class forests"
"This show of global support has given me the inspiration to continue with my commitment to remain at the top of this tree until these forests receive protection" said Ms Gibson who has spent the past 2 months at the top of a tree in Tasmania's threatened forests.
"We will be sending a letter and images of these actions to the Japanese corporate customers of Ta Ann, to let them know that the world supports the protection of these globally significant forests. We are asking these companies to cease buying from Ta Ann while the company is driving forest destruction" said Ms Gibson.
View a slideshow of actions from the day at
With street theatre, banner drops, community gatherings, and images of Tasmania's forest projected up onto buildings it has been a busy 24 hours of creative and inspirational actions.
This global action builds on the action of conservationist Miranda Gibson, who has spent 65 days so far at the top of an old growth tree near the Styx Valley. Ms Gibson’s commitment to remain in the tree until the forest is protected has inspired people right across the world. Miranda beamed Tasmania’s forest protection message straight from the trees to the people of the world, using Skype to speak at action locations right across the globe and taking part in a press conference via video link up.
"It is an international disgrace that the Australian government promised the protection of these forests six months ago now. Yet due to the Ta Ann’s insatiable appetite for native forests, logging has actually increased in the areas that are ear-marked for forest reserves" said Miranda Gibson.
"Today's action sends a clear message to Ta Ann and their corporate customers that the international community will not tolerate the destruction of these globally significant forests. We are asking Ta Ann’s customers including flooring manufacturers Panasonic and Eidai and Japan’s largest home building companies Seksui House, Daiwa House to cease purchasing from Ta Ann while the company is driving the logging of Tasmania’s native forests" said Ms Gibson.
"Globally the ancient forests of Tasmania are significant and unique. Tall eucalypt forests are threatened from logging. A long term vision that gives Tasmania a unique reserve system, protection for endangered species habitat and taking real action to mitigate climate change is what we are standing up for. With people around the globe and around Australia, we are calling for the protection for these treasure houses of species," Huon Valley Environment Centre’s Jenny Weber said.
"The level of support that has come in from all reaches of the globe is phenomenal" said spokesperson Miranda Gibson. "From community actions in regional Aussie towns, to a massive banner drop in Canberra and from Japan to Europe to Fiji, the people of the world have really made a stand today for Tasmania's world class forests"
"This show of global support has given me the inspiration to continue with my commitment to remain at the top of this tree until these forests receive protection" said Ms Gibson who has spent the past 2 months at the top of a tree in Tasmania's threatened forests.
"We will be sending a letter and images of these actions to the Japanese corporate customers of Ta Ann, to let them know that the world supports the protection of these globally significant forests. We are asking these companies to cease buying from Ta Ann while the company is driving forest destruction" said Ms Gibson.
View a slideshow of actions from the day at

Observer Tree