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Routine repression of Smash EDO activists continues

Smashy | 10.02.2012 10:47 | Smash EDO | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast

On the 8th February 2012 Chris Osmond, a long-term campaigner against EDO MBM.ITT, was in court for criminal damage for allegedly tapping the fence of EDO with a rock during a demonstration.

Solidarity Demo
Solidarity Demo

On the 8th February 2012 Chris Osmond was in court for criminal damage for allegedly tapping the fence of EDO with a rock during a demonstration.

A solidarity demonstration was held outside the court

The charges against Chris are clearly politically motivated. The trial has been running for fifteen months with the Crown Prosecution Service never yet specifying the amount of damage caused.

The defence made an application too dismiss on the grounds of abuse of process. This was because the CPS had originally dropped the case due to 'insufficient evidence' and then restarted the prosecution five months later.

During his evidence Chris branded the proceedings "Kafkaesque"

The district Judge will give a judgement on the abuse of process argument by the 20th February.

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15 months ???

10.02.2012 16:38

Who the hell is paying for all this, the legal costs must be astronomical and if this is the case that tax payers are somehow paying for this then it should be brought up in Parliament.

This really is outrageous, who the hell do these people think they are with these ridiculous charges. Its no wonder the world is on its knees when the law is such an ass.

I agree, smash EDO and while we're at it EDF and EDL aswell !!!


I dont think it is ridiculous

11.02.2012 11:44

You've got an organisation called "smashEDO", whos publically stated aim is to destroy EDO, and then you got a member of that organisation hanging around the property with a rock and an evil grin.

To my mind, that is pretty threatening. If i worked at a place, where someone was hanging around outside with a rock in his hand and with a poster saying they they are going to smash the place up, I wouldn't feel comfortable about their intentions.

Lets put this into context. If someone said they didn't like a Doctor in a hospital and then started hanging around their hospital with a rock in their hand and set up an organisation called "Smash hospital", most people would consider that somewhat threatening.
The guy would probably be arrested and punished, but that kind of thing is not on. If he has a problem with the hospital or the doctor then he should sort it out within the law, not resort to using rocks and violence.


In context..

12.02.2012 11:10

How long has the campaign been running ? How many 'terrified workers' have been physically attacked ?

Laugh at the crackdown on legal protest if you wish, but just remember, when they come for you there'll be no-one to peacefully protest your cause.



12.02.2012 23:49

To all the brave edo smashers, thankyou!

Sympathy for people who work in a bomb factory? Are you kidding?
These internet trolls are pretty crap aren't they? I mean how sad their lives must be, I don't feel sorry for them either!

The post above about the doctor is a classic...... I mean who on earth would think that was a valid analogy to smash edo?
They make bombs! Bombs to kills children!
The troll wants to know why the activists do not pursue a legal course against edo.
Well perhaps because the legal system in the UK is inadequate, and plagued with corruption at all levels.
Despite this, the activists who did enter the edo factory and caused damage were acquitted by the judge in their trial who said that it was the moral responsibility of all citizens to take this kind of direct action against arms companies who were selling weapons to be used to oppress civilians, in the case of edo, against defenseless children in Gaza.

Gosh I wonder what the trolls will say next...... probably not anything intelligent, but I do think we should all make an effort to set things straight here as it makes good practice.

Once again, a massive thankyou to all activists!
remember the only reason why these trolls are being paid to write so much divisive nonsense on indymedia is because the bastards who are in control of them are afraid.
They are afraid because they know that people power is the most powerful force in society, and they will do everything they can to make people think otherwise.
Goodluck everyone!

grateful living