Why Have BBC, ABC, CBC Attacked Sai Baba?
Baba Follower | 10.02.2012 06:15 | Afghanistan | Animal Liberation | Anti-militarism | South Coast | World
they are media controlled by war profiteers, butchers, and governments silent about the
secret pedophile rings at the highest levels of power.
secret pedophile rings at the highest levels of power.
1. Commonwealth nations are a big percentage along with the US, Argentina, of profiteers from animal slaughter. Governments and media are pawns to these billionaire fleshmongers. Baba was a vegan and his
over 100 million followers have become, many of them, vegetarians, vegans, fruitarians. This exploding movement has a negative impact on Commonwealth butcher profits.
2. Commonwealth nations have been pawns to billionaire war profiteers, banks, petroplutocrats using mass war as a tool to acquire new land, new mineral and oil rights, billionaires whose black ops are designed
to divide people of different faiths in order to conquer. NATO campaigns have been illegal, unethical in their mass bloodshed. Baba in Spirit and Body has and continues to promote peace for all beings
and the courage to oppose the illegal wars around the world.
3. For over 150 years, pedophile rings in the UK have been at the 'highest' levels of government controlled by men of immense wealth and power, men with an appetite for young boys. The kidnapping, rape,
and murder of young boys in the 1800's has been written of in Acceptable Loss and Execution Dock, 2 books by Anne Perry. This has never abated. Baba has expelled pedophiles from His ashram, just as in ancient India violent militaristic pedophiles were expelled and then founded the gay culture of Greece. On the battlefield at Thermopylae, 150 soldier pairs of lovers died.
A BBC film attacking Baba is full of editing crimes of which only a few
are mentioned here.
a. Baba devotee Isaac Tigrett's reason for selling the Hard Rock Cafes is never mentioned. He did not receive an interview with Baba for 14 years until he sold the flesh and booze mongering chain. While in those
14 years every Hard Rock Cafe had Baba's words "Love all Serve all"
on its wall, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens etc. were not included in the
definition of all.
b. The BBC film does not mention that Baba's hospitals are totally
free, that Western insurance companies save money by sending people
to Bangalore, to the world's best equipped hospital, one which performs
10,000 free heart surgeries a year.
c. Prince Charles' architect, a Baba devotee, designed Baba's hospital. The BBC falsely says he was paid to do so.
Baba Follower