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Fracking - The Rest of the Story

Alex Smith | 08.02.2012 19:58 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Health | Sheffield

As fracking envelops the UK - watch the American experience. "Gasland" director Josh Fox arrested at U.S. Congress Fracking Hearing. Speakers Rep Harris (R-MD), Rep Miller (D-NC), Kathleen Sgamma (Industry), John Fenton (well poisoned, Pavillion Wyoming), Theo Colborne (air pollution health impacts of fracking). Interview with EPA whistle-blower Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, inspiration for the No Fear Act.

This is a full program about the risks of fracking, with voices seldom heard. It's also about the failure of the EPA to regulate this industry (although it's hands were tied by Pres Geo Bush's exemption for the industry from the Safe Water Drinking Act).

On the one hand, we hear Republican Congressmen attack the EPA for daring to test polluted wells in Wyoming, in a "Hearing" stacked with industry spokespeople.

On the other, we see a weak defense from the agency - which we learn from whistleblower Coleman-Adebayo is loaded with racism, sexism, and corporate toadies.

Nobody wins. Both workers and residents get poisoned water, and dangerous air pollution.

The air pollution from fracking is seldom covered - because there is no monitoring or regulation! Theo Colborne does a good job explaining the risks. Folks whose land and lives are ruined can't get compensation, or even health care, because the blind-eye approach means they can't prove a thing.

Is fracking a dangerous scam?

For the full story, and more resouces to download (including complete teleconferences and Congressional Hearing) go to:

An optional CD Quality version of this program (56 MB) is here:

Alex Smith
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Upcoming conference: European Shale Gas: Risk, Regulation & Research Challenges

08.02.2012 21:41

European Shale Gas: Risk, Regulation & Research Challenges

Durham Energy Institute & IGEM Conference, Durham University, March 27th- 29th 2012

'Shale gas has been a game-changer in the USA, but has yet to be exploited commercially in Europe. Recent discoveries of 'vast reserves' in the UK, however, coupled with claims of aquifer pollution and induced earthquakes, have made shale gas big news, and with big news come big challenges. From the geological distribution and exploration, to the technical issues of exploitation and regulation, these challenges require an integrated approach that unites all interested parties. Organized by DEI and IGEM, this international, interdisciplinary meeting will bring together policy makers, scientists, engineers and stakeholders. It has the twin aims of informing new codes of practice for UK shale gas exploitation, and of building UK and European research capacity in shale gas and other unconventionals. With invited presentations from recognized experts in all areas of the field, coupled with workshops and plenary discussions, it represents a unique opportunity to inform the future directions of shale gas exploitation, regulation and research in the UK, Europe, and beyond.'

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beyond protest

09.02.2012 00:03

Well... what a lot of talking about nothing.

In short people are being attacked. And for the profits of the gas share holders. When I say attacked I don't say so lightly. Clean water, apart from being a god given and unalienable right, is vital for life. Without it you will die. The violated communities, and that is anyone below the water shed of the fracking, are threaten with genocide. When the water is poisoned the most vulnerable will become sick and the elderly and infants will die first.

If someone is trying to poison your water supply you have a god given and unalienable right to armed self defence.

From an anarchist perspective:
This sort of venture is pretty risky to say the least. No investor would be willing to take that sort of risk in full. But luckily for them, they don't have to. They have something called 'Limited Liability' protection from Government. That mean the investors take the profits and not the risks (beyond the value of their shares). If investors wore exposed to a free market, without Government protection , the risks would be too great to contemplate.

It'd be like going to a casino and a croupier saying; "if you win, you keep the winnings, but if you lose, you only have to pay the first $100, the house will pay the rest of your losses". You'd have no reason to stick to sensible betting.

So no amount of Government safeguards regulations to protect the people and the environment will work, while the same government is enforcing safeguards and regulations to protect business from the risks that they take themselves. And in this case, beyond financial risk; the risk that if you attack people they will defend themselves with force. The Government will deploy its Policy Force officers with guns to protect the assailants not the defenders and allow business to poison peoples water.

But the reality is that this farce can only continue whilst the majority of able people respect the law (the purgative of the financial investor class) and fail to take full responsibility for themselves. But then again why would anyone want to take responsibility for themselves when the state cares for them so?
