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Has anybody heard any news from Israel Today?

Barry Cade | 07.02.2012 15:51

Maybe someone over dosing on Israel Today!!

Seems to be an absence of any news from or about Israel today!

Barry Cade


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Why do you object ?

07.02.2012 16:06

Why do you object with your sarcasm ?
Are you perhaps not happy to see the truth about Zionism getting to the Indymedia readers ?
What is your motivation for objecting ?
Who is paying you to object ?

Knot-Eyed Jaguar

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Please ignore 'Barry Cade'

07.02.2012 16:21

'Barry Cade' is without doubt one of the paid Israeli tools who inhabit Indy and other radical sites to try and obsure and discredit independent reporting about Israel and the Zionist menace.

Their day will come.

Zionists are everywhere.

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Oh its the anti semite eyed jaguar!

07.02.2012 16:22

You are uch a TIT. Fuck off to the sewer with your jew hating bile!!

Barry Cade

This is trolling

07.02.2012 16:27

Can you take all of these posts about Israel and collate them into a single post, or just a couple of posts, it's over shadowing everything else. I have no problem of posts about resisting the occupation, but it's not the most important place in the world. 144 people were murdered in Syria in the last day and not a squeak about it.


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It's your Indymedia

07.02.2012 16:35

"144 people were murdered in Syria in the last day and not a squeak about it."

So write something, that's what Indy is all about. As for the Israeli posts I could not be happier to see Israel finally getting some in depth coverage from posters.


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Israel finally getting some in depth coverage

07.02.2012 16:41

Yes because usually Israel is hardly ever mentioned here.

....sarcastic git.

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"but it's not the most important place in the world"

07.02.2012 16:49

Not to a Zionist troll like you no it's not but to those of with thoughts for our fellow human beings that go beyond "from the river to the sea" it is.

Knot-Eyed Jaguar

I don't like Israel, but this is spamming

07.02.2012 18:12

Look I don't like what Israel does, but spamming Indymedia with a million stories about it isn't going to help anything. This is UK Indymedia which I know is supposed to stand for something other than United Kingdom (can't remember what offhand), but it is really for the UK, so why not keep it focused on stories with relevance to the UK?

A few international stories are fine, especially with some kind of local hook, but this is just crazy.

Of course, it could just be pro-Israelis spamming Indymedia as a "false flag" operation to give Palestinians or anti-Israelis a bad name, but either way it isn't helpful.


Independent media should be welcome

07.02.2012 19:13

Maybe it's a good place to look at and post information on Israel/Palestine in English?
And has Indymedia ever been a good place to find out info in English about what's going on in Syria?

Carrie Bade


07.02.2012 20:12

There was a comment earlier this morning stating that Israeli jets were flying over Homs, using laser designators to guide Tomahawk missiles onto targets there (to blame the Syrian Army for the slaughter).

When it was pointed out that a) Tomahawks are GPS guided, they don't need lasers and

b) It's unlikely the Syrians would allow Israeli planes to invade their airspace in order to 'guide' tomahawks to target,

the post was hidden.

Funny that - allow stupid, easily disproven (with a bit of common sense) comments saying Israel are conducting acts of war, yet hide the discussion when it's shown how stupid these comments are.

What on earth is Indy coming too ???

Hidden story :


Posts moved - more to come

08.02.2012 07:40

The majority of the welll over 50 Israel related articles posted today have been moved to the Palestine topic - because they were disrupting the newswire.

Indymedia UK is currently working on a feature which will discuss the posts in some details.

Apache complained: "When it was pointed out that a) Tomahawks are GPS guided, they don't need lasers and
b) It's unlikely the Syrians would allow Israeli planes to invade their airspace in order to 'guide' tomahawks to target,
the post was hidden."

The guidelines are clear on this: Articles and/or comments may be hidden for the following reasons: Inaccurate: posts that are inaccurate or misleading.

Indymedia is not a discussion forum, it is primarily a news wire. Thus posts which are inaccurate are hidden.


Inaccurate posts hidden ?

08.02.2012 14:25

FTP - you say that the post was hidden because it was inaccurate, yet the post was allowed by a moderator and remained visible until I posted a response showing how absurd it was.

Are you really telling me that your moderators can't think for themselves, can't themselves wonder why Syria would allow Israeli jets into Syrian airspace in order to guide bombs into Syrian cities with the intention of pretending the Syrian Army was attacking those cities ?

Surely only a tiny modicum of intelligence/rational thinking is needed to see such posts are 'misleading and/or inaccurate' yet the post itself was allowed and remained visible until it was pointed out how absurd the 'story' obviously was.

I also note that some comments by Knot-Eyed Jaguar have been removed - did moderators remove his individual comments as well as hiding the post, and if so why ?


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

@ Apache

08.02.2012 15:59

We don't really care what you think. If you disagree with the editorial decisions go read another news site.



08.02.2012 16:40

"you say that the post was hidden because it was inaccurate, yet the post was allowed by a moderator and remained visible until I posted a response showing how absurd it was."

Firstly, Indymedia is an Open Publishing site - posts are not pre-approved. So you've jumped to conclusions based on a false premise.

Secondly, we are a small group of admins, none of whom is paid to police the wire, and all of whom have lives away from the keyboard. You may have noticed that the wire was extremely busy yesterday as some plonker spent the day reposting a series of anti-Israel posts. I have been reading them most of today and am not yet even halfway though.

Thirdly, kindly have the courtesy to read our editorial guidelines before you start screaming out your misguided complaints. If you'd emailed the moderation list as the guidelines suggest it would have been hidden a lot sooner.

"Are you really telling me that your moderators can't think for themselves, can't themselves wonder why Syria would allow Israeli jets into Syrian airspace in order to guide bombs into Syrian cities with the intention of pretending the Syrian Army was attacking those cities ?"


"I also note that some comments by Knot-Eyed Jaguar have been removed - did moderators remove his individual comments as well as hiding the post, and if so why ?"

Please read the guidelines and contact the moderation list with the urls of the articles you wish to query.



FTP - Aha!

09.02.2012 09:52

Thanks for the (slightly sarcastic) response :)

Apologies for making assumptions and not reading relevant guidelines - I did indeed believe the delay before posts appeared was because they were vetted.

Apologies for insinuating a post was only hidden because it could no longer be used as anti-Israeli propaganda.

I didn't notice all the anti-Israeli posts yesterday no, because I too have a life away from the keyboard :)

Thanks for your efforts to police the site, sorry my words/attitude added to your stresses of the day.



11.02.2012 02:07

Really beginning to look like a moderator is engaging in disruption of this site himself.


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