The writing is on the wall for the "Jewish state"
Oraib Rantawi | 07.02.2012 15:33 | Palestine
When Clinton compares Israel's religious fundamentalism to Iran's "rule of the mullahs", the writing is on the wall for the "Jewish state"
One can imagine what angst this will have caused within Israel's political, spiritual and cultural elites.
One can imagine what angst this will have caused within Israel's political, spiritual and cultural elites.
Israel is no longer "the only democracy" in the political desert of the Middle East; indeed, it never was. Any country which maintains a military occupation, builds illegal colonies and practices racism in the land of another doesn't deserve to call itself democratic. Nevertheless, that's the stereotypical image of Israel in the West; the only partner of the free world with its similar values system. The Arab stereotype is that they are "outside of history", dictatorial and corrupt, spending fortunes on weapons and repression.
The latter image has now changed and the people of the Arab world have launched a wave of democracy, inspiring other peoples, including some in the West. This has removed Israel's "uniqueness". In the best case scenario, it is now one "democracy" among emerging democracies in the region.
This week, however, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shattered – or, at least, created a mighty crack in – the image of Israeli democracy. Speaking in a stronghold of the pro-Israel Lobby, the Saban Institute, Mrs. Clinton expressed her concerns about the future of democracy in Israel. This speech came just a few weeks after she had welcomed the "Arab Spring" in her famous speech at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. The images have, it seems, reversed, even at the highest levels of decision-making in Washington.
Clinton spoke about legislation put before the Israeli Knesset which, if approved, would limit press freedom and restrict human rights, as well as weaken the judiciary. She also mentioned the increasing influence of fundamentalist Jewish groups, which seek to make Israel's a religious society based on discrimination between women and men in the military and education, and tackle other issues in Taliban-style.
The Secretary of State missed out two important aspects in her unprecedented critique of Israel: She skipped over the fact that when a people occupy the land of another the first can never be truly free; and she ignored the fact that if Israel pushes its claim to be a "Jewish state", it will emphasise its religious fundamentalism. Even secular parties – of the right and the left - in Israel have been using the Jewish state slogan for many years. This is something that successive US administrations have also backed with their support for and bias towards Israel.
Traditionally, of course, the US has also supported corrupt Arab regimes in the name of "stability" and as a bulwark against "Islamic fundamentalism". So Clinton's comments take on a particular significance, given the apparent Judaic drift of Israeli politics, where extreme right-wing religious fundamentalists dominate.
Amazingly, Hillary Clinton went so far as to compare what is happening in Israel with Iran's "rule of the mullahs". Those critics of Israel who have had much to say about it over the years have never gone that far, myself included. One can imagine what angst this will have caused within Israel's political, spiritual and cultural elites.
It is possible, therefore, that the revolutions emanating from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen have not only changed the Arab political scene but may also have a major say on events in Israel. The "Jewish state", for so long a strategic asset of the West may soon become a strategic liability, with concerns and complaints coming from other Western capitals, not just Washington. It's not unimaginable, in these exciting times, that we might hear Israel being criticised as a threat to the emerging democracies of the Arab world.
Maybe I am being too optimistic, but did we ever imagine the likes of the Arab Spring? Or that the US Secretary of State would compare Israel to Iran's theocracy? Hillary Clinton's statement will go down as a landmark, despite its incomplete nature. Israel does not appear to be flavour of the month and it is vital that we take the opportunity to stick to our democratic options and uphold our national rights. The pens may not have quite lifted yet, nor the pages quite dried, but the writing is on the wall for Israel.
Oraib Rantawi
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Unclear on the concept?
07.02.2012 16:24
Whether Israel is democratic we can discuss another day but please note that NONE of the reasons you list here have the slightest connection to that question.
We properly judge whether or not a society is democratic by examining the PROCESS by which it makes decisions. What those decisions turn out to be is irrelevant. A democracy can most certainly conquer its neighbors, build colonies there, etc. if that's what the people of that society decide to do (by democratic decision making).
Democracy is NOT about making good, just, wise, etc. etc, decisions. All we can ask of it, when working properly, is that it make the decisions that the people want.
Not wanted here
07.02.2012 16:37
I suggest you try doing that (learn what DEMOCRACY means)
07.02.2012 17:56
For example, I am NOT in favor of pure democracy. I prefer having a charter/constitution/bill of rights which provide some protections of minority interests against the will of the majority. Understand what I am saying? A "bill of rights" is an UNDEMOCRATIC feature. It is a limitation imposed on a democracy (but having such limits might be a very good idea).
Let's try again. I just gave some "structural" reasons why I would consider Israel a democracy. You say it isn't? What are your reasons? REMEMBER --- giving examples of decisions you consider bad, decisions of which you do not approve, decisions very much against the interests of "others", etc. would NOT be relevant. If you think they are then you are using the term "democracy" for something other than a METHOD of decision making. In other words, what do you consider wrong with their PROCESS?
Jog on 'MDN' troll
07.02.2012 18:44
Have a nice day
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