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Fascist metropolitan police attack Syrian pro democracy protesters

Freedom for Syria | 05.02.2012 12:58

Yesterday hundreds of fascist metropolitan police violently attacked Syrian pro democracy demonstrators outside the Syrian embassy in Belgrave Square in central London.

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Freedom for Syria


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05.02.2012 13:17

Looked like the pro israeli - sorry, free syria - mob was doing well all on its own.

Plenty of al cia duh types present, alongside those who 'liberated' Libya[sic].


hardly a violent fascist attack

05.02.2012 13:43

mate, i've at the receiving end of the met's violent attacks, and trust me, this was not that bad at all. they were taking control of the embassy and the street around it. hardly a violent fascist attack. stop over-exaggerating.



06.02.2012 12:54

Hardly a violent clash or vicious attack by the Met on this one. Maybe if it was a pro Assad protest they might have got a bit more stroppy, but since this pro-zionist - NATO-US, mob are on the Brit, US, Israeli payroll....duh,,,,say no more... The same scum are crying out for NATO to bomb Syrian towns, villages, men, women and children, for a pro US regime change to install one of their puppets in power..


So anyone who is against tyrannical regimes is pro NATO and pro Zionist?

07.02.2012 13:06

So anyone who is against tyrannical regimes is pro NATO and pro Zionist? Are you mad???? Fuck off! Assad and his regime have murdered thousands of Syrians who are fighting for democracy! And you morons are indirectly supporting him! Burn in hell!

Free Syria

Its funny

07.02.2012 18:19

Its funny how you lot outside the syrian embassy support the NATO bombing of your own country. How tyrannical is that. Its namely the tyrannies that get US-NATO support coz usually they put them in power. And both sides hav blood on thier hands in syria with the so called rebels getting thier support and training from places like turkey, britain and america who are fermenting civil war there. Your the dregs of syrian society with yer feet up in London and cash to spare. Go back to israel.

Havin a laugh