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Peace Campaign v. police camp

Charity Sweet | 03.02.2012 14:46 | History | Policing | Repression | South Coast | World

One has a tent- one doesn't.

Take a lucky guess who gets the tent?

The agent provacateur maria gallestegui or the peace campaigner Babs Tucker?

Westminster Village has lost the plot and sure hope indymedia still has some bollocks n reports the truth. It's set to be minus 8 degrees this evening and expecting snow.

Is survival not a part of the human rights act- Right to life anyone?

Does inhumane and degrading treatment not include being shat upon from the heights of Westminster by the police, parliament and the judiciary- no division of powers necessary- no pretense warranted?

The truth always comes to light. Seems to me that tribunal in Malaysia done good declaring phony Tony Bliar a war criminal that needs arresting along with his bush boi buddy Georgie.

Are there any real men willing to stand up for the kids and cry out genocide is a war crime or is it down to the sole female babs who has more balls than all the idiots put together across the road?

Charity Sweet

Charity Sweet
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