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Eviction at St Paul's delayed while Court of Appeal considers the evidence

Nick Martian | 28.01.2012 00:49 | Occupy Everywhere | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

The Court of Appeal has ruled there can be no eviction at St Paul's protest camp until Tuesday 31 January at the earliest while the judges consider the evidence presented by Occupy London and the eco-warriors.

If the appeal judge decides not to allow an appeal for the St Paul's protesters to go ahead there should be a few days before the City of London Corporation will be able to arrange bailiffs and police to evict the camp.
A legal spokesman for Occupy London told the General Assembly at St Paul's camp on Friday night 27 January, that he wished other groups well, but they were not part of Occupy London.
Asked to consider the question of whether to create an eco-village after being evicted from St Paul's,
and being told that the issues involved were not mutually exclusive, some of the campers expressed approval at the General Assembly.

Nick Martian
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Me smell piggy

29.01.2012 19:59

This is a really shit article man.

Do you want to explain why you are continually referring to the Occupy OLX as 'eco w a rriors'

Come clean...cop!

Nick Martian

Eco-warriors at St Paul's are an autonomous group of friends

29.01.2012 21:24

My story states that applications were presented to the Court of Appeal by Occupy London AND the eco-warriors which is true because two of our friends came down to London from Nottingham to make our own representations to the judges.
We have a copy of the original charter that proves the land St Paul's protest camp is on was gifted to the Church of England many years ago and does not belong to the City of London.
We also presented other evidence of our own to the court.

I have NEVER referred to Occupy London as eco-warriors.
I fail to see how my work makes me look like a police officer but I am sure you will enlighten me.
Below is the statement that I made on another post on Indymedia on 26 January after someone else asked why I was calling St Paul's protesters eco-warriors.

Eco-warriors at St Paul's are an autonomous group of friends
To Town End Boy:
I apologise if my post above has misled anyone into thinking that I was referring to everyone at the St Paul's protest camp as environmental campaigners.
The eco-wariors involved with the protest are a small number of friends, some of whom go back as far as Twyford Down during the road protests in the 1990s.

We are lending our support to the St Paul's protest behind the scenes and I have been posting messages about what we ourselves are doing to help the cause.
The mainstream news media has always called us "eco-warriors" and although its a silly comic book name it seems to have stuck and we realise it is the easiest way to identify us.

You are quite right that the Occupy movement is an anti-capitalist campaign but that is exactly what the environmental movement is all about since we blame capitalism for destroying the earth.
There is no intention to be inaccurate in my posts on Indymedia and nor am I trying to push a different agenda since one of the purposes of Occupy is to include everyone, and if you check back on my previous posts you will see that we have been inviting everyone to join us in occupying entire neighbourhoods over the past several years.

There is no competition going on at the St Paul's protest camp and we all respect each others' right to express ourselves in our own way and to speak freely about what we are doing and what we believe in, as you will realise if you look at what has been published and broadcast.
I posted my email address in case anyone wants to get in touch with me and here are my phone numbers as well: 07883242168 and 07574092827.
Anyone can call me at any time if they need any information about what we are doing.
I don't know who you are but you are welcome to know who I am.

Nick Martian

Nick Martian
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