Whither anarchism? - the state of UK anarchism
FP | 27.01.2012 11:03 | Analysis | Other Press
Putting things in perspective
Anarchists in the UK today stand at a historical crossroads. Whether we identify as students, workers, unemployed, as members of a network/organization or not, we are called upon to answer this fundamental question: what is our political relevance to the larger world in the context of the struggle against austerity and beyond?
Anarchists in the UK today stand at a historical crossroads. Whether we identify as students, workers, unemployed, as members of a network/organization or not, we are called upon to answer this fundamental question: what is our political relevance to the larger world in the context of the struggle against austerity and beyond?
Other important questions lead on from here:-
Are we existing in a tacitly recognized political ghetto, where we see ‘our’ concerns as more or less unrelated to the more ‘mainstream’ struggles of the students and the workers (public as well as private sectors)?
If many of the anarchists identify themselves ‘as class struggle anarchists’, are we adequately engaging in that class struggle?
Perhaps the term ‘class struggle’ itself needs to be sufficiently defined in order for us to engage in it?
How do we relate to the rest of the anti-cuts movement, which falls within the ambit of ‘class struggle’? Is there a desire to do so?
Most crucially, as social anarchists, how do we act collectively and in a unified way, as an ‘anarchist movement’, not just in name but in deed?
Looking forward
The answers to the above questions – the desire to engage with these questions – will determine our future as to whether anarchism has an appeal beyond the visuals of menacing-looking black blocs and street battles with the police. Do we have answers to the thorny problems of everyday life? Can we practically and materially create the alternatives needed that the Left has no desire to do? Or, are our ideas mere rhetoric, and incapable of being implemented?
Organizing ourselves, and mobilizing people to this end, not just in the current social unrest but also in the long-term, is key to the continued political life and growth of anarchism. Otherwise, the title ‘anarchist’ would mean nothing at all, and we may have to consider ceding the way to new political subjectivities and new political subjects who are better able to adapt to the changed circumstances. The is true of the Left as much as it is true of anarchists.
Perhaps we can begin this self-critical, but also self-renewing process, by examining whether our current organizations and organizational frameworks have been adequate to meeting this challenge, or do we need to create entirely new spaces and structures that are efficient, inclusive, and non-sectarian. For there is no doubt that the need for such structures and procedures exists, and if we can begin to build them together it might just spell the difference between our political obscurity and a political rebirth.
Back to basics
1. Who we are
After doing the rounds of the anarchist movement in London as an insider, as well as looking at anarchists from within the student movement as an outsider, a number of features of the existing anarchists stand out to me. The most salient and baffling aspect is the tacit and unquestioned assumption that the only criterion for being an ‘anarchist’ is calling oneself an ‘anarchist’, despite us knowing full well that there are many strands of anarchism. As a result of this, one’s politics is never questioned, never presented, and ultimately never tested. The assumption – and this is an insidious thing – that because we all call ourselves ‘anarchists’ we all share the same politics.
Some of these forms of anarchism such as individualism and anarcho-capitalism are as anathema to anarcho-communism or social anarchism or collectivism as Conservatism and capitalism are. Therefore, I’m astounded and disturbed to find many of the features of individualism and even nihilism among those who call themselves collectivists. The lack of awareness of this contradiction leads people to form attitudes such as hostility to and phobia of organizations, confusing unified and co-ordinated action with hierarchy, and dressing up the lack of accountability and culpability as choice and autonomy.
Such attitudes lead these anarchists to hold rigid and biased beliefs, bordering on superstition, like opposition to the very ideas of leadership (even when nothing is going well), movement, due process and formal relations. Informality, structurelessness, and ‘network’ are deified regardless of the context and raised to the status of tenets. And there are those anarchists who, though they are part of a formal organization, hold many of the same beliefs mentioned above. These latter are extremely comfortable being a part of their organization but have little or no involvement outside of it.
Yet none of these contradictions are recognized, let alone examined, even as they have long been hurdles in the development and growth of anarchism, at least here in London. It’s either a case of a new awareness that is lacking and needs to be introduced, or that there is no desire whatsoever to engage with this problem, or even worse, that people think that it’s not important and therefore, does not need to be discussed. This last is most probably the case.
So, there is a crisis of political identity that needs to be sorted out first and foremost. We need to understand what it means for us to ‘do politics’. All the rest follow from here.
2. What do we do
The next thing to resolve is our political role in London. If we want to create political influence among the general population, and make anarchist principles and practice real alternatives to statist Left politics, we should figure out not what we want to do, but what we need to do. We should be able to perform both the fun aspect of politics (if there is any such thing) as well as the tedious, laborious, and difficult part of politics (which is most of it) with equal dedication. Exploring how we put anarchist principles into practice could be fun even as it is tough and labour-intensive.
Once we have assessed that we have the requisite willingness and dedication to engage in politics, we can start to build groups, networks and organizations that define their areas of struggle (workplace, schools and universities, non-unionized workforce, immigrants, women, etc), but also work in tandem if need be (such as during Far Right challenges, or city-level or national mobilizations). The key is that we should stand prepared to act together in a unified fashion, regardless of what happens politically in the country. As social anarchists, we should take responsibility for our beliefs and acknowledge that we have a duty to respond to large-scale disturbances (such as the anti-cuts movement), even as we assist and provide solidarity to small-scale struggles (such as stopping the eviction of a squat).
Thus we can start drafting a long-term political strategy that gives us direction and purpose as a movement. This strategy does not have to be a centralized thing drafted by ‘the movement’. Various groups and networks can draft their own political agendas keeping in mind the various struggles we are engaged in. But these various strategies can feed into one another and feed out to each other in a porous, inflow-outflow mechanism. Perhaps this can be achieved by calling annual all-anarchist conferences or some other type of unified activity for our mutual understanding and benefit, so that we have a physical space to meet in and see each other (visual impression is crucial), and talk to and learn from each other face to face. This is how, at present, I envisage an anarchist ‘movement’ being created out of nothing. The infrastructure and political culture need to be created, maintained and constantly enriched if we are ever going to attract radicals in the making who are looking for a political expression.
For those who fail to see why we need to be a ‘movement’, we must remember that others (outside the anarchist circle) will see us, if they see us at all, as one political entity, as ‘anarchists’, in short as a ‘movement’. It’s only by being a movement that we can liaise with and build connections with other groups and political entities, or oppose ourselves to them. We cannot do so as atomized individuals, or as fractured or disparate groups with no real relationship with each other, practising our own fetishes in our precious corners. If we insist on acting this way, we unwittingly act out the alienation engendered by the present system, and more perniciously, reproduce those same alienated relations and behaviours we claim to oppose. The only position of strength is as a movement. A movement gives us a legitimate claim and a legitimate voice to speak with. Otherwise our existence is weak and fractured at best, or worse, an illusion that exists only in our minds for our reassurance.
When we have all this up and going, we can start to take risks with our actions, and start to be actual revolutionaries. As of now, no anarchist in London even comes close to being a revolutionary. Most of their attitudes are closer to a liberal or soft left ideology than a truly anarchist one. Moreover, without knowing or understanding anarchist history, what our relationship to our own past is – what people who swore by collectivist anarchist ideals thought and did since the nineteenth century – we have no means of knowing who we are now and what we are doing here. If anarchism has mutated in the UK it has mutated into a most undesirable form. If we have no past we have no present – and no future.
What we have now are mere remnants of a vision and an ideal that existed and was real to the anarchists of the past, but which we seem to believe only out of habit. Our attitude is one of fatalism proper – of waiting for something to happen, and if and when it happens cheering it on voyeuristically as the best thing ever, or looking down our noses at it as something ‘leftie’ or ‘liberal’ that we are too good to be part of. No popular struggle is ever seen as ‘ours’. We don’t see ourselves as a legitimate part of a popular struggle (as is happening with the anti-austerity movement), and that allows others to view us as outsiders, so when we do choose to take part we are seen as ‘injecting’ ourselves into them. Not only does this attitude make us at times look like political vultures, but it also effectively hands the baton to long-established and inefficient Left parties who then take over, reduce it to useless sloganeering and stamp it with their brand.
Political Vision
Politics is a struggle for power. It is a struggle by those who have less power to have more of it, and once they have it, to retain it. In our case, it is the struggle to neutralize ‘Power’, spelt with a capital P, and to enhance self-power. In the long run, anarchist political struggle is a struggle to create a society where no one power is dominant, where there is a balance of power. This is the invisible goliath we are tackling.
But politics is also about the ‘polis’, or civil society; it is the art of actively planning, creating and managing the structures, institutions, customs and practices of the society we live in. In this way politics involves two different but intricately and inseparably connected facets. The sooner we understand this the better for us. I say this because, as I mentioned earlier, there is a strong nihilist element in the ‘anarchism’ I’ve witnessed where politics is a ‘bad ‘word; politics is something the lying, corrupt, power-mongering elites, or the long-discredited ‘Left’ (seen as a monolith) engage in, replete with its association of boredom and bureaucracy.
Perhaps this attitude is the reason why we refuse to define ourselves ‘politically’ or to explain our ‘politics’. This way we effectively saw off the branch we’re sitting on, because we enter into battle with the powers-that-be without a plan, without a political strategy, since one needs to have a politics in order to have a political strategy, and having a political strategy means doing politics (in the sense understood above, which involves a plethora of tasks). It means figuring out one’s own position, one’s relation with other comrades, one’s relation to the political antagonist (e.g., state and capital), one’s relation to the rest of the world – regionally, nationally and internationally. It entails figuring out our collective political purposes and the goals to be achieved, and committing ourselves to achieving them – in deed, not just in word.
When we begin to think on these lines and begin to put the work in in earnest, we begin to engage in revolutionary politics. Anything short of it is a wishy-washy liberal attitude of “Oh, I’ll do whatever little I can to make the world a little less nasty” disguised in revolutionary posturing. Now, I don’t expect such revolutionary politics to emerge signed, sealed and delivered in a matter of days. Years of work needs to go into it. But the process has to begin sometime.
Every once in a while time presents us with an excellent opportunity to begin this process. The 1840s in Europe, 1917 Russia, 1930s in Spain and Germany, the mid-twentieth century in the colonies, the 1990s in the Americas etc. have all been terrible times, but also opened up trap-doors for people to break-through their usual paralysis, apathy and despair. And that’s what constitutes political vision: to be able to notice the calm before the storm and prepare for the challenges and opportunities provided by the flux. Political vision also involves recognizing that we may fail due to lack of resources, or lack of ability, or because we make mistakes, but failing because we never got started is worse. Political vision might come with experience but there is no excuse for a lack of willingness to act while claiming to be ‘revolutionaries’.
Are we existing in a tacitly recognized political ghetto, where we see ‘our’ concerns as more or less unrelated to the more ‘mainstream’ struggles of the students and the workers (public as well as private sectors)?
If many of the anarchists identify themselves ‘as class struggle anarchists’, are we adequately engaging in that class struggle?
Perhaps the term ‘class struggle’ itself needs to be sufficiently defined in order for us to engage in it?
How do we relate to the rest of the anti-cuts movement, which falls within the ambit of ‘class struggle’? Is there a desire to do so?
Most crucially, as social anarchists, how do we act collectively and in a unified way, as an ‘anarchist movement’, not just in name but in deed?
Looking forward
The answers to the above questions – the desire to engage with these questions – will determine our future as to whether anarchism has an appeal beyond the visuals of menacing-looking black blocs and street battles with the police. Do we have answers to the thorny problems of everyday life? Can we practically and materially create the alternatives needed that the Left has no desire to do? Or, are our ideas mere rhetoric, and incapable of being implemented?
Organizing ourselves, and mobilizing people to this end, not just in the current social unrest but also in the long-term, is key to the continued political life and growth of anarchism. Otherwise, the title ‘anarchist’ would mean nothing at all, and we may have to consider ceding the way to new political subjectivities and new political subjects who are better able to adapt to the changed circumstances. The is true of the Left as much as it is true of anarchists.
Perhaps we can begin this self-critical, but also self-renewing process, by examining whether our current organizations and organizational frameworks have been adequate to meeting this challenge, or do we need to create entirely new spaces and structures that are efficient, inclusive, and non-sectarian. For there is no doubt that the need for such structures and procedures exists, and if we can begin to build them together it might just spell the difference between our political obscurity and a political rebirth.
Back to basics
1. Who we are
After doing the rounds of the anarchist movement in London as an insider, as well as looking at anarchists from within the student movement as an outsider, a number of features of the existing anarchists stand out to me. The most salient and baffling aspect is the tacit and unquestioned assumption that the only criterion for being an ‘anarchist’ is calling oneself an ‘anarchist’, despite us knowing full well that there are many strands of anarchism. As a result of this, one’s politics is never questioned, never presented, and ultimately never tested. The assumption – and this is an insidious thing – that because we all call ourselves ‘anarchists’ we all share the same politics.
Some of these forms of anarchism such as individualism and anarcho-capitalism are as anathema to anarcho-communism or social anarchism or collectivism as Conservatism and capitalism are. Therefore, I’m astounded and disturbed to find many of the features of individualism and even nihilism among those who call themselves collectivists. The lack of awareness of this contradiction leads people to form attitudes such as hostility to and phobia of organizations, confusing unified and co-ordinated action with hierarchy, and dressing up the lack of accountability and culpability as choice and autonomy.
Such attitudes lead these anarchists to hold rigid and biased beliefs, bordering on superstition, like opposition to the very ideas of leadership (even when nothing is going well), movement, due process and formal relations. Informality, structurelessness, and ‘network’ are deified regardless of the context and raised to the status of tenets. And there are those anarchists who, though they are part of a formal organization, hold many of the same beliefs mentioned above. These latter are extremely comfortable being a part of their organization but have little or no involvement outside of it.
Yet none of these contradictions are recognized, let alone examined, even as they have long been hurdles in the development and growth of anarchism, at least here in London. It’s either a case of a new awareness that is lacking and needs to be introduced, or that there is no desire whatsoever to engage with this problem, or even worse, that people think that it’s not important and therefore, does not need to be discussed. This last is most probably the case.
So, there is a crisis of political identity that needs to be sorted out first and foremost. We need to understand what it means for us to ‘do politics’. All the rest follow from here.
2. What do we do
The next thing to resolve is our political role in London. If we want to create political influence among the general population, and make anarchist principles and practice real alternatives to statist Left politics, we should figure out not what we want to do, but what we need to do. We should be able to perform both the fun aspect of politics (if there is any such thing) as well as the tedious, laborious, and difficult part of politics (which is most of it) with equal dedication. Exploring how we put anarchist principles into practice could be fun even as it is tough and labour-intensive.
Once we have assessed that we have the requisite willingness and dedication to engage in politics, we can start to build groups, networks and organizations that define their areas of struggle (workplace, schools and universities, non-unionized workforce, immigrants, women, etc), but also work in tandem if need be (such as during Far Right challenges, or city-level or national mobilizations). The key is that we should stand prepared to act together in a unified fashion, regardless of what happens politically in the country. As social anarchists, we should take responsibility for our beliefs and acknowledge that we have a duty to respond to large-scale disturbances (such as the anti-cuts movement), even as we assist and provide solidarity to small-scale struggles (such as stopping the eviction of a squat).
Thus we can start drafting a long-term political strategy that gives us direction and purpose as a movement. This strategy does not have to be a centralized thing drafted by ‘the movement’. Various groups and networks can draft their own political agendas keeping in mind the various struggles we are engaged in. But these various strategies can feed into one another and feed out to each other in a porous, inflow-outflow mechanism. Perhaps this can be achieved by calling annual all-anarchist conferences or some other type of unified activity for our mutual understanding and benefit, so that we have a physical space to meet in and see each other (visual impression is crucial), and talk to and learn from each other face to face. This is how, at present, I envisage an anarchist ‘movement’ being created out of nothing. The infrastructure and political culture need to be created, maintained and constantly enriched if we are ever going to attract radicals in the making who are looking for a political expression.
For those who fail to see why we need to be a ‘movement’, we must remember that others (outside the anarchist circle) will see us, if they see us at all, as one political entity, as ‘anarchists’, in short as a ‘movement’. It’s only by being a movement that we can liaise with and build connections with other groups and political entities, or oppose ourselves to them. We cannot do so as atomized individuals, or as fractured or disparate groups with no real relationship with each other, practising our own fetishes in our precious corners. If we insist on acting this way, we unwittingly act out the alienation engendered by the present system, and more perniciously, reproduce those same alienated relations and behaviours we claim to oppose. The only position of strength is as a movement. A movement gives us a legitimate claim and a legitimate voice to speak with. Otherwise our existence is weak and fractured at best, or worse, an illusion that exists only in our minds for our reassurance.
When we have all this up and going, we can start to take risks with our actions, and start to be actual revolutionaries. As of now, no anarchist in London even comes close to being a revolutionary. Most of their attitudes are closer to a liberal or soft left ideology than a truly anarchist one. Moreover, without knowing or understanding anarchist history, what our relationship to our own past is – what people who swore by collectivist anarchist ideals thought and did since the nineteenth century – we have no means of knowing who we are now and what we are doing here. If anarchism has mutated in the UK it has mutated into a most undesirable form. If we have no past we have no present – and no future.
What we have now are mere remnants of a vision and an ideal that existed and was real to the anarchists of the past, but which we seem to believe only out of habit. Our attitude is one of fatalism proper – of waiting for something to happen, and if and when it happens cheering it on voyeuristically as the best thing ever, or looking down our noses at it as something ‘leftie’ or ‘liberal’ that we are too good to be part of. No popular struggle is ever seen as ‘ours’. We don’t see ourselves as a legitimate part of a popular struggle (as is happening with the anti-austerity movement), and that allows others to view us as outsiders, so when we do choose to take part we are seen as ‘injecting’ ourselves into them. Not only does this attitude make us at times look like political vultures, but it also effectively hands the baton to long-established and inefficient Left parties who then take over, reduce it to useless sloganeering and stamp it with their brand.
Political Vision
Politics is a struggle for power. It is a struggle by those who have less power to have more of it, and once they have it, to retain it. In our case, it is the struggle to neutralize ‘Power’, spelt with a capital P, and to enhance self-power. In the long run, anarchist political struggle is a struggle to create a society where no one power is dominant, where there is a balance of power. This is the invisible goliath we are tackling.
But politics is also about the ‘polis’, or civil society; it is the art of actively planning, creating and managing the structures, institutions, customs and practices of the society we live in. In this way politics involves two different but intricately and inseparably connected facets. The sooner we understand this the better for us. I say this because, as I mentioned earlier, there is a strong nihilist element in the ‘anarchism’ I’ve witnessed where politics is a ‘bad ‘word; politics is something the lying, corrupt, power-mongering elites, or the long-discredited ‘Left’ (seen as a monolith) engage in, replete with its association of boredom and bureaucracy.
Perhaps this attitude is the reason why we refuse to define ourselves ‘politically’ or to explain our ‘politics’. This way we effectively saw off the branch we’re sitting on, because we enter into battle with the powers-that-be without a plan, without a political strategy, since one needs to have a politics in order to have a political strategy, and having a political strategy means doing politics (in the sense understood above, which involves a plethora of tasks). It means figuring out one’s own position, one’s relation with other comrades, one’s relation to the political antagonist (e.g., state and capital), one’s relation to the rest of the world – regionally, nationally and internationally. It entails figuring out our collective political purposes and the goals to be achieved, and committing ourselves to achieving them – in deed, not just in word.
When we begin to think on these lines and begin to put the work in in earnest, we begin to engage in revolutionary politics. Anything short of it is a wishy-washy liberal attitude of “Oh, I’ll do whatever little I can to make the world a little less nasty” disguised in revolutionary posturing. Now, I don’t expect such revolutionary politics to emerge signed, sealed and delivered in a matter of days. Years of work needs to go into it. But the process has to begin sometime.
Every once in a while time presents us with an excellent opportunity to begin this process. The 1840s in Europe, 1917 Russia, 1930s in Spain and Germany, the mid-twentieth century in the colonies, the 1990s in the Americas etc. have all been terrible times, but also opened up trap-doors for people to break-through their usual paralysis, apathy and despair. And that’s what constitutes political vision: to be able to notice the calm before the storm and prepare for the challenges and opportunities provided by the flux. Political vision also involves recognizing that we may fail due to lack of resources, or lack of ability, or because we make mistakes, but failing because we never got started is worse. Political vision might come with experience but there is no excuse for a lack of willingness to act while claiming to be ‘revolutionaries’.
Hide the following 27 comments
27.01.2012 11:12
the reality is anarchisms relevance is negligible. rather it is irrelevant to the world struggle against oppression. when anarchists championed the NATO sponsored 'rebellion' and assault on Libya, it all became clear.
If you agree with these statements...
27.01.2012 13:51
Government is essentially self serving.
Governments work for clients and control subjects for the benefit of the client, where an individual can be both a subject and a client.
Government is a hungry monster which can only grow and grow until it bursts.
government is a relationship of oppression between one or more human beings and one or more other human beings.
Dependance is a weakness; independence is a strength.
Cooperation should be a choice between two or more consenting parties not a obligation or necessity.
Liberty is a "natural state" or "right" of all living creatures.
I am King! ( or Queen) or sovereign. (See social contract theory).
My rights extend to where your rights begin. (See natural and legal rights)
If you threaten my rights I have a right to defend myself, myself, directly, by force, not necessarily through arbitration or political representation. (See self defence)
...then you are probably an anarchist and a danger to Society and potentially a violent threat to the political STATEus quo. Scary shit. (not)
You can expect the police (government policy force) to come down on you like a ton of bricks because you want them, and their political masters to lose their jobs! and their political power over you.
If you are a libertarian and you follow your philosophy you will almost certainly become an anarchist.
But if you consider yourself to be a Revolutionary Anarchist, remember: a "revolution" is one full turn i.e. back to where you started from;)
Yes but...
27.01.2012 15:42
Lots of different people from lots of different anarchist tendencies could sign up to that, but it would bring us no closer to a consensus on tactics, strategy, post-revolutionary goals etc.
Both an anarchist-communist (like myself) and an anarcho-primitivist could agree in general terms to those loose statements, but their methods and goals (and even what those statements look like in practice) are still entirely at odds with eachother.
There are many people who would sign up to those points below who I see myself as having nothing in common with, or beloning to the same movement as (primitivists and lifestyley crimethinc kids being just 2 examples).
I certainly see myself as an anarchist communist and belonging to that movement/the class more than I see myself belonging too some general anarchist movement. there are too many different strands of anarchism, some of them completley contradictory, and some deeply unpleasant for there to be any such thing as an anarchist 'movement' comprising the different strands.
Town End Boy
Don't mention the insurrection, we're from the Federation
27.01.2012 16:27
So Sayeth the Lord Saviour. Lead Us Freedom Press Out Of the Wilderness.
take anarchism seriously? Don't make me fucking laugh
27.01.2012 18:50
Given me an anarchist squatter and i'll give you a posh cunt with a phd in political science speaking in cockernee twang to impress the other grubby squat kids.
Dumb Blonde
anarchism isn't a movement
27.01.2012 20:14
Not always though, I can also think of many brave, hard-working, committed and creative comrades involved in many kinds of active struggles here and around the world (one thing I would pick you up on is the exclusively local focus of your analysis, as I think anarchism has always been internationalist).
I disagree though with the idea that we need to try and organise ourselves into one "movement". Anarchism, as I understand it, has never been one movement with one consensus on what anarchism means. At its strongest, there have been anarchist movementS, and anarchists involved as minorities in many broader movements (e.g., syndicalism, a strategy which many other anarchists disagreed with, even at its height; or revolutionary movements of various kinds in different revolutionary moments), but never one all-embracing anarchist movement.
One thing I celebrate in anarchism as a historical and living tradition is its diversity. I can disagree with comrades on all kinds of points -- for example, I'm not an "individualist" but I think I can learn a lot about my own politics by talking with radical individualists, and trying to understand their positions. I would never want to be part of a "movement" that excommunicated individualists or anyone else in the name of "true anarchism" -- as if this label is a piece of property to fight over. I am really not interested in getting into those interminable discussions over who is or isn't an anarchist, which brand is "legitimate", etc. And who the fuck is to say who is or isn't legitimate? (Obviously "anarcho-capitalists" and "anarcho-nationalists" are another thing altogether.)
Your argument for "why we need to be a movement" is that this is how "others" will see us whether we like it or not. Let's face it, most non-anarchists see us as a) loonies b) terrorists c) irrelevant lifestylist wankers d) totally useless scroungers who can't get out of bed in the morning e) pick your own. In my experience, how we overcome these stereotypes is we engage with non-anarchists as part of wider movements and struggles, work hard and show commitment and openness to learn and discuss, neither hiding our beliefs nor trying to ram them down peoples' throats, sharing our skills and knowledge and resources as equals. We can do that, as many of us do, as individuals, as small groups, or indeed as bigger organisations and "movements". People aren't stupid: you can see when someone is working hard, fighting bravely, acting as a comrade. It is when we show the value of our ideals in practice that people get interested in listening to our more wacky ideas.
None of this needs any movement that claims to "represent" all anarchists. Let's share our ideas and learn from each other, and if I like what you or your group is doing I may join you, or learn from you and set something else up. We can form federations and organisations when our projects coincide, and go our separate ways when they don't. This after all, is exactly what we believe in, isn't it -- a world of free associations? I don't think you're ever going to get rid of the diversity of anarchy, with all its messiness (sometimes breaking out into bloodshed, back in the good old days). So maybe we can actually look at it as a strength.
i understand the risks
@ 'dumb blonde'
27.01.2012 20:30
What ridiculous divisive reasoning! People come to anarchism in many ways and from all sorts of backgrounds. Some study politics and come to the truth of it from studying how history shows time and time again how all governments are self-serving and feed off the opression of others. Some observe what happens directly to them and their families, their treatment at the hands of the state and the state authorities and come to the anarchist conclusion. Some come from other countries where standing in opposition to a government has meant torture, imprisonment without trial, disappearences and they know the truth that all power over others lives is wrong. Whatever the starting point, anarchists meet at the shared realisation of a fundamental truth and at that moment, we become truly equal.
27.01.2012 20:40
As it stands we got graduates and gargling misfits parading their identity as anarchist politics like a new set of clothes.
For the article it's way too ambitious. Keep it simple, ignore the anarchists.
Dumb Blonde
anarchism is happening right now
28.01.2012 02:25
the people at freedom seem to love telling us all what is anarchist or revolutionary, trying to guilt us out for not being anarchist or class struggle enough - drop it comrades please! The time you just spent slagging london anarchists would have been bettter spent actually building links with people who live. work, organise etc near you.....actually do anarchism, instead of just writing about it!!!!!
the auther of this article says that atm "the only criterion for being an ‘anarchist’ is calling oneself an ‘anarchist’".
BOLLOX! its only self-described anarchists who think that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anarchist worker
28.01.2012 02:40
smash the state - do the fats cats a favour
unnattached - together
28.01.2012 08:51
Surely anarchism isn't some working-men's club (I'm talking in particular to someone signing themselves Dumb Blonde, after all), a club you belong to or can join, that affiliates itself to another group, like a political party?
As for people slagging off the article, saying there's no need to write anything, just do stuff, I sometimes agree with that, but at the same time it's useful to get ideas going, challenge our own thoughts about anarchism (no, I didn't write it). I think it's a mistake to see anarchism as a movement that has to formally organise to present a credible opposition to existing forms of government, like in an election situation! Through sharing our ideas, encouraging and inspiring each other, getting active and living differently, anarchism can make an irrelevancy of state control over our lives. Making elitist judgements over other anarchists, excluding and ridiculising newly aware anarchists is doing the work of the State.
"the people at Freedom"
28.01.2012 09:06
To be clear to "anarchist worker" as editor of the paper, we feature the activtites of all anarchists groups throughout the UK. Two dedicated pages each issues promoting anarchist groups, their activities and propaganda material.
We also has no problem publishing articles by groups represnting their views, political perspectives.
In the last two issues alone we have had articles by:
Nottingham Defence Campaign and the Atos two case,
No Borders on State corporatism
North East Anarchists
plus artilces on
liverpool solfed's setting up an umemplyment union
anarchist organising around the electricians dispute
Community grassroots campaigns round up including effective action in saving schools in sheffield, saving health centre in Dorset, residenstb opposing nuclear waste in Northants
social centres in manchester, sheffield and birmingham
Hereford Heckler magazine
Af's Organise magazine
Glasgow Anarchist Bookfair
Staffordshire anarchists
Swindon anarchists
LaDIYFest festival,
Leicester AF
Leicester Solidarity Group
Cardiff's new radical newspaper and social centre
Tyneside Solidarity Group
ALARM conference
Radical London intiative
That is just in the last two issues of Freedom alone. I'm suspecting "anarchist worker" has a grudge to bear against Freedom, perhaps situated close by, but if any serious anarchists want to know what they can read in Freedom yes check out the website but there is much more that goes into the paper.
Dean, Freedom Press
Homepage: http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/
Freedom's January editorial
28.01.2012 10:05
Are we going to make predictions about 2012? Certainly a degree of bravado and bluster is always necessary for someone to step up to the soapbox and preach the bleeding obvious about what is ahead of us, and the anarchist movement is littered with discarded soapboxes. Do we even dare to imagine what responses the deepening crisis will bring?
We continue to live through an intense period of social transformation, one that is at times chaotic and unpredictable, but one that is also unique and open to all kinds of influences and new expectations. Where does capitalism go now, and what do we do to aid its downfall? Two questions we couldn't have imagined posing five years ago and here they are, as we take hold of 2012, presenting themselves as real challenges.
Another question, as always, is what is the role of the anarchists in all of this? Can we remain simply a voice of disapproval amongst a growing wave of social discontent? Should we simply be a place of ideological sanctuary for those with a radical temperament? Are we just presenting an alternative viewpoint?
No, our job, indeed the job of any serious anarchist is to be involved. Wearing anarchism like a badge, or splashing anarchism across the internet as an argument desperate to be won - these activities are becoming less and less relevant the more we are confronted with the reality of our social crisis. Now is the time to be part of a movement. If anarchism to you is a personal belief system maintained through theoretical discourse, all well and good, but it is still a method of organising society and it is still an engagement with the practicalities of social change. Anarchism in 2012 can no longer rely on simply having the right opinion.
And Freedom's job in all this is to ask questions of the movement, to try and understand why UK anarchists have been so slow to respond to the incredible transitions we are living through at the moment. Our main question is: what is the role of anarchists in the age of austerity? Where are we, who are we, and what are we doing? The feedback page of this issue of Freedom is filled with new radical groups, all committed to practically engaging with real people about our material needs. This can only be a good thing, and it is certainly impressive so many new initiatives emerging at such a crucial time. And 2012 will be crucial in a global context - this is a period of expectation and preparation.
Perhaps if we were to make one prediction it is that the anarchist social scene dies a death to be replaced by a committed and organised group of people intent on getting their hands dirty, as anarchists, in all aspects of political organising and social change We can but hope.
Dean, Freedom Press
e-mail: copy@freedompress.org.uk
Homepage: http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/
Serious anarchists only please
28.01.2012 10:52
Look at my anarchist tattoo, go on look
28.01.2012 12:20
The ghost of murray bookchin
No Fun!
28.01.2012 12:47
marxism and anarchism both dead
28.01.2012 14:42
daniel guerin
Whither whither hither nither Anarchism?
28.01.2012 17:25
Available now from Freedom Bookshop.
28.01.2012 17:38
28.01.2012 18:02
We don't need no stinking words
28.01.2012 19:25
Yesterday a trotkyist today an anarchist tomorrow who knows
No contradiction between individualism and collectivism
28.01.2012 23:55
1. Class War anarchism destroyed the movement's hopes of becoming a serious political force during the 1980s
2. Anarchist extremism is more of an ASSET to the State and to capitalism than it is a threat
3. Anarchist extremism creates the ghetto from within which activists fail to engage the liberal values within mainstream popular culture that are being betrayed by capitalism and by the State
Total Failure of Class Struggle Politics in the UK
Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain
State strategies to wreck UK Uncut, Dale Farm & March 26 etc
Anti-Cuts movement will succeed if it defends democratic principles
Big A Little A
29.01.2012 00:30
If Class-Struggle Anarchism didn't exist already the Daily Mail would have to invent it
cheers everyone
29.01.2012 06:46
Meanwhile the Feb issue of Freedom will feature:
youth unemployment
Lucien Van der Walt's discusses anarchism's histroical role
Police kettling court win
Italian horse racing strikes since January
Leeds Anti-fascist Film Festival
Liverpool solfed's call for week of action against privatisation
Sabcat's take on Labour's cuts u-turn
UK prison riots
Internet's online strike against Sopa
Tories policy on housing, the homeless and social tenants
Obituary of the radical Rita Milton
Eco-friendly football - Forest Green Rovers goes vegan
Nottingham Defence Campaign update
Wessex solidarity Group
Bristol radical zine festival
Cunningham Amendmentt magazine
New anarchist publishers launched: LBC
Birmingham's new bike co-op
Campaign to give private estate parkland back to the community
Haiti's troubled past
Colombian radical poet solidarity
Workers Killed in Kazakhstan
Nigeria's oil industry troubles
and much more...
See you at the barricades (or an the internet cafe..)
Dean, Freedom Press
e-mail: copy@freedompress.org.uk
Homepage: http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/
Militant Liberalism!!!! You couldn't make it up!!!
30.01.2012 23:49
the internet has spoken
31.01.2012 07:24
broadband warrior
Ode to the current london anarchist scene
31.01.2012 15:44
Talk becomes slow but there's one thing I'll never forget:
Hey, you gotta pay your dues before you pay the rent.
Run from the pigs, the fuzz, the cops, the heat
Pass me your gloves, this crime wave is never complete
Until you snort it up or shoot it down
You're never gonna feel free
Out on my skateboard the night is just hummin'
And the gum smacks are the pulse I'll follow if my walkman fades
But I've got absolutely no one, no one but myself to blame
Don't worry- we're in no hurry
School's out, what did you expect?
Out on tour with the current london anarchist scene
Nature kids, i/they don't have no function
I don't understand what they mean
And I could really give a fuck?
London anarchists
They're elegant bachelors
They're foxy to me are they foxy to you?
I will agree there isn't absolutely nothing
Nothing more than me
Loretta's scars