Public meeting about Tescos store on Marston Road
Dave Todd | 27.01.2012 10:08 | Oxford
There is a public meeting tonight at the British Legion hall in Marston, for those seeking to stop the building of a Tesco on the current site of the closed pub on Marston Road. The site is right next to two other supermarkets and threatens the residential nature of the area. There is considerable local objection to the proposal.
The planning permission was granted on appeal by the Council. This meeting, Chaired by Andrew Smith MP, is the last opportunity for locals to have their say.
The planning permission was granted on appeal by the Council. This meeting, Chaired by Andrew Smith MP, is the last opportunity for locals to have their say.
Dave Todd
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"There is considerable local objection to the proposal. "
27.01.2012 12:01
Every little helps
Don't understand
27.01.2012 12:37
27.01.2012 14:13
re marston, good luck with the struggle, here in brighton we held up a supermarket for quite a long time last year although we were ultimately unsuccesful. they're hard to beat!
why not squat the building?
brighton -
sabotaj -
tescopoly -
30.01.2012 12:04
Yes because the local people wanted it while trendy newcomers did not.
Brighton person
Lucky you are here
30.01.2012 12:26
How lucky that we have you here to guide the local people to the decision that you approve of.
feels humble
I use shops more because of Tesco
01.02.2012 00:17
You've dismissed the points and concerns the commenters had without any explanation.
That is very poor and just shows your are politically motivated by your own agenda rather than care about the residents.
We have a tesco that opened in our nest of villages. There was many concerns.
Fact is, I now just have to drive less distance to get to a supermarket (saving fuel), and it actually takes more TOWARDS the village, so I find I actually go and use the 2 butchers (who have better quality meat) more than before because they are near the supermarket.
So, in reality, I use the local shops more because of the Tescos, rather than driving the opposite way and using them less. How do you account so that smarty pants?
01.02.2012 22:33
Good for you. But perhaps your behaviour is atypical? There seems to be a lot of evidence that links the opening on a large supermarket with a decline in trade for smaller local shops. This seems to be true a many different scales, and has been discovered in many studies - including studies that by organisations that are not anti-supermarket (most of which are available on the internet if you want to take the time).
> How do you account so that smarty pants?
By suggesting that not everybody behaves in the same way as you.