Peace for Iran - No to War: Second weekly protest
vd2012-imc [at] (dv) | 25.01.2012 22:55 | London
A small but vociferous band of supporters of Peace Strike and 'Solidarity with the Iranian People's Struggle' (SWIP) staged their second weekly protest this afternoon outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Westminster. They are opposed to foreign military intervention in Iran or Syria.
Slogans chanted included "Peace for Iran / Syria / the World - No to War"; "We are all Iranians / Syrians / Concerned Citizens"; and "Solidarity with the People's / Workers' / Women's struggle in Iran / Syria".
The demonstration lasted about an hour and a half, until the stream of Foreign Office employees leaving the building had tailed off.
US Defence Secretary and former CIA director Leon Pannetta admitted on Sunday that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, yet the drumbeat for war goes on, with US, UK and French warships now in the Straits of Hormuz, the European Union imposing an oil embargo on Iran, and President Obama refusing to rule out military intervention, declaring in his State of the Union address that "all options are on the table". The question to the peace and anti-war movement is whether they are prepared to take the action necessary to prevent a repeat of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Stop the War are to stage a protest outside the US embassy on Saturday, whilst next Wednesday's Peace Strike / Iranian solidarity protest will take place at the same time and venue as today's.
Report and pics from last week's protest:
All images are Copyright (c) 2012 D. Viesnik / Peace Strike. They may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial purposes, if credited. For larger, high resolution versions, please e-mail vd2012-imc [at] yahoo .co .uk
vd2012-imc [at] (dv)
Original article on IMC London: