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Sheffield Christian Free School

Activ Sheffield | 25.01.2012 17:07 | Education | Sheffield

your chance to help set up free schools for all

The Sheffield Christian Free School (SCFS) is being proposed in order to promote the benefits of Christian education more widely throughout our city. It will seek to support families who want to get involved with their children’s education and it will help us to develop our distinctive and successful model of family-scale Christian schools to make them available for many more families and communities in Sheffield.

We have been running a very successful school in Sheffield (S3) for almost 25 years. We could bring a free school site to your area.

Parents, teachers, churches, businesses and communities …register your interest now!

Like to be kept informed? Telephone contact: Ken Walze or Peter Fair 0114 272 6994

More details can be found at

Activ Sheffield
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Please please please stop trying to pray to the converted..

25.01.2012 18:14

There is definitely someting out there watching over us, but its not imaginery, its real and they call it the Government!!
