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delegation to Venezuela or Bolivia this Summer - food sovereignty, indigenous re

Bolivarian Circle Alberto Lovera | 25.01.2012 14:08 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Oxford

Experience first-hand the change sweeping through Latin America in the areas of food sovereignty, indigenous resistance, climate justice, and human rights through a trip to Bolivia or Venezuela this summer.

Experience first-hand the change sweeping through Latin America in the areas of food sovereignty, indigenous resistance, climate justice, and human rights through a trip to Bolivia or Venezuela this summer.

Delegation to Bolivia: Food Sovereignty, Indigenous Resistance, and Climate Justice
(May 29-June 9, 2012)

We will be celebrating indigenous resistance and exploring food sovereignty issues in Bolivia, the first country in the hemisphere to be governed by an indigenous president. Learn about indigenous struggles for food sovereignty and the rights of Mother Earth in the face of climate change. Meet with farmers, community leaders, government leaders, and others. Experience the rich culture of the Andes and soak in the sights, sounds, people, and politics in this historic moment in Bolivia.

When: May 29-June 9, 2012

Tentative Itinerary: Start and end in La Paz; visits to Coroico (Yungas de La Paz), Cochabamba and Chapare.

Cost for Activities: $1100. This will cover all lodging, all ground transportation, 2 meals per day, qualified trip leaders, and Spanish-English interpretation. Additional expenses during the trip will be minimal.
 Airfare not included.

Delegation to Venezuela: Food Sovereignty, Human Rights, and Community Power

(July 16 to 26, 2012)
We will examine issues of land reform, urban agriculture, rural development, fishing rights, and food sovereignty within a dynamic political context. Venezuela is an outstanding example of a country that strives to ensure its citizens’ right to food while bolstering its domestic agriculture sector, with an emphasis on sustainable agriculture. We will also explore other areas of social transformation, including education, healthcare, and direct citizen participation in the political process. Plus trips to beaches, parks, and other sites of interest.

When: July 16 to 26, 2012

Tentative Itinerary. Start and end in Caracas; visits to the states of Portuguesa, Barinas, Yaracuy, and the Amazon.
Cost for Activities: $1100. This will cover all lodging, all ground transportation, 2 meals per day, qualified trip leaders, and Spanish-English interpretation. Additional expenses during the trip will be minimal.
 Airfare not included.

To Learn more and hold a spot for either trip, email Please be in touch as soon as possible, as space for both trips is very limited. Please allow several days for responses.

Sponsored by the Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY.

Check out these articles from past delegations:

For additional information, see:

Bolivarian Circle Alberto Lovera
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