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Please Help Stop the Eviction of St Paul's Protest Camp

Nick Martian | 25.01.2012 09:04 | Occupy Everywhere | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Desperate last minute efforts are being made to stop the IMMINENT EVICTION of the St Paul's protest camp as the eco-warriors are seeking an injunction on the grounds that the City of London Corporation LIED TO THE HIGH COURT about the ownership of the land.

We have compelling evidence that the land on which the St Paul's protest camp is situated was actually GIFTED TO THE CATHEDRAL many years ago and only the Church of England has the legal right to evict us.

Our efforts to obtain a STAY OF EXECUTION on the imminent attack at St Paul's protest camp would be helped if as MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE would also ask the High Court judges in chambers NOW to halt the eviction and hear our evidence.

Under the Magna Carta ANYONE can speak to a judge at any time and request a FAIR TRIAL so we are asking everyone who can help to please go to the High Court and ask the judges for an IMMEDIATE stay of execution at St Paul's.

Defendants in the St Paul's protest camp case were refused admission to the High Court on 19 December denying us the right to a fair trial which is grounds for a retrial - WE HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO WIN THIS CASE but it must be heard again.

To speak to a judge in chambers at the High Court only requires politely sitting outside their offices and waiting to be called in to make your representations which are always listened to and frequently granted IN THE INTERESTS OF JUSTICE.

This is probably the last chance we have of stopping the upcoming eviction at St Paul's and it is very important that as many people as possible support our case for a fair trial and a peaceful outcome.

Nick Martian
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Hide the following 19 comments


25.01.2012 10:42

occupy's about the environment now is it?



25.01.2012 10:53

yeah and according to the magna carta you can ask a judge at any time for a fair trial.

is this bordering on the freeman of the land bullshit or what?


Pencil sharpener.

25.01.2012 12:44

"occupy's about the environment now is it?"

Where did you get that from?

"is this bordering on the freeman of the land bullshit or what?"

Where did you get that from?

The article is a call out for support for the St Pauls Occupy camp. Fairly simple really!

Surprised you're having difficulty with it!!!

Ho hum.



25.01.2012 12:46

You know, just because you use the word 'realist' as your name...doesn't mean people will actually think you ARE a realist.

2/10...must do better.

Larry D

Time to move on

25.01.2012 13:26

This has all got a bit embarrassing and silly, Occupy was a good idea but like many good ideas it did not have the 'legs' to translate into a real movement or campaign. Nothing wrong with that, we can't expect everything we do to succeed.

Time now to move on and refocus on some important stuff

Other focus

re Pencil sharpener.

25.01.2012 13:35

'"occupy's about the environment now is it?"

Where did you get that from? '

...the bit where it said 'the eco-warriors are seeking an injunction'

' "is this bordering on the freeman of the land bullshit or what?"

Where did you get that from? '

...the bit where it said 'Under the Magna Carta ANYONE can speak to a judge at any time'.

another confused soul


25.01.2012 13:57

"This has all got a bit embarrassing and silly, Occupy was a good idea but like many good ideas it did not have the 'legs' to translate into a real movement or campaign. Nothing wrong with that, we can't expect everything we do to succeed.

Time now to move on and refocus on some important stuff"

And some 'important stuff' in your view is what exactly?



25.01.2012 14:04

"the bit where it said 'Under the Magna Carta ANYONE can speak to a judge at any time'."

And why is that 'bullshit'?

You can reject the law of the land if you want...and no doubt fail your entire life at absolutely everything you ever do.

Occupy lives in the real world.

Just out of interest how would you approach defending the camp?


And some 'important stuff' in your view is what exactly?

25.01.2012 14:16

Stuff that has a likelihood of succeeding perhaps ?

Maybe ?


25.01.2012 14:26

"Stuff that has a likelihood of succeeding perhaps ?"

Which is what exactly?


"Which is what exactly?"

25.01.2012 15:21

A campaign that has a clear purpose and target so the individuals involved know what they are working toward as opposed to a loose undefined vague idea of "occupying" which is what we have now ( I assume we can all safely agree that an end to world Capitalism through sleeping in tents is unlikely)

As I assume you will need an example how about the SHAC campaign ? A single clear focused target (the closure of HLS) a series of tactics (protest at suppliers, letter writing to political influencers, direct action etc) and a known measure of success or failure.

Occupy has none of these beyond a rather idealistic notion of 'things being different and better'

Has that helped you to understand ? If not do please ask again for further advice.

Do you really need it spelt out for you ?


25.01.2012 15:29

Solidarity from Giuseppe Conlon House and the London Catholic Worker as we experiment with similar themes in Harirngay and elsewhere.

The occupation at St.Paul's has been, and is, a great inspiration to our efforts and to many others
People draw the line and make their stands where they choose.
You choose your focus to organise on, but that shouldn't prohibit lateral solidarity woth other folks with other priorities, should it?

You have a choice to offer solidarity or cynicism.
As the old '60's slogan goes
"Cynicism is the 5th. column of the establishment!"

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"anonymous" = regular Troll

25.01.2012 16:13

'anonymous' is a regular Indy Troll, he often does this asking question after question to annoy readers. As ever with Trolls the best advice is ignore and do not feed them.

Troll catcher

"Occupy lives in the real world. "

25.01.2012 16:50

Very funny.

thanks - enjoyed that one

Occupy + Catholic Worker = State sponsered Irrelevant bullshit

25.01.2012 20:10

Very true Ciaron, you both achieve the same amount. ie nothing.. and the state loves that.. but then again the State, Church and Middle class have always had lots to agree on?!

Barry Cade


26.01.2012 10:59

"'anonymous' is a regular Indy Troll, he often does this asking question after question to annoy readers. As ever with Trolls the best advice is ignore and do not feed them."


This article is published and is immediately followed by cynicism and jaded comments. I ask questions about what people would do themselves rather than allow negativity to be 'developed' on the pages of Indymedia, an activist resource, which is seen by 90,000 upwards a month.

And then you come along and call me a troll!

Now why would you be doing that then?

What could you possibly have to gain?

P.S Don't answer those questions. If you do you'll be derailing the topic of the conversation, which will be considered trolling!



26.01.2012 11:19

"As I assume you will need an example how about the SHAC campaign ? A single clear focused target (the closure of HLS) a series of tactics (protest at suppliers, letter writing to political influencers, direct action etc) and a known measure of success or failure."

Oh, I see!

The Occupy movement is global and isn't really centric to one individual target. HLS is an individual business, if Occupy global concentrated on a single target then it would void its own warranty so to speak.

The motive of your comments is becoming clearer perhaps!

The police and security services were heavily involved with disrupting SHAC weren't they? Lots of knowledge about that whole campaign. Lots of experience.


Don't dismiss the lessons of SHAC so quickly...

26.01.2012 22:25

Although Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty was a single-issue campaign, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from it.

It was (and still is) a global campaign with actions going on all round the world.

Although it started out focussed on one company, it was expanded to many others (suppliers, customers, financiers).

It made some very rich and some very powerful people very unhappy as it was using the financial system against itself. Hence the massive state interest and draconian crackdowns and punishments. Unfortunately that is a measure of its success.

For example, why not single out some of the 1% for specific actions? e.g. the top 10 richest people? or "soft" targets like the technical companies who run the international financial systems? Or pick some particularly obnoxious individuals that everybody loves to hate, like Fred Goodwin and target them personally.

The key is to change tactics constantly, to be aware of publicity, to make examples, to have a series of easy wins to maintain morale.


To Anon

27.01.2012 05:37

You show a tragically (and sadly common amongst activists) bad understanding of both capitalism and anti-capitalism with your above post. I suggest you do some reading and have some discussions with people.
