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Equity Partnership to hold vote on Trans inclusion (Franki) | 23.01.2012 06:55


In a nutshell: Equity Partnership is a Bradford LGB organisation that works with and supports groups and related issues for the community. It has previously explicitly not included Trans in its descriptions and implicitly in its efforts. There has been a proposal to include Trans people in the constitution. Before the amendment can go through, there will be a re-vote on the proposal on Monday 13th February, 5.30pm-6.00pm, at the Equity Partnership Offices (82 Grattan Road, BD1 2TP).



Bradford LGB organisation Equity Partnership (a charity that works with members of the LGB community in the area by supporting groups, holding events, providing information, etc) recently held a General Meeting, during which the members voted to change elements of the organisation's constitution. One such such change, under 'Charitable Objects' (meaning as they describe it: "the things the charity strives to achieve, its purpose") effectively supports the basic inclusion and recognition of the needs of Trans people in the Bradford area.

Before the amendment can go through, there will be a vote to allow the changes on Monday 13th February, 5.30pm-6.00pm, at the Equity Partnership Offices (82 Grattan Road, BD1 2TP).

The proposal, as outlined in the email I received regarding this matter:


It is proposed that the following changes to the constitution be made:

The Charity’s objects (the Objects currently are)

To promote equality and diversity and to eliminate homophobia and discrimination in relation to Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) people for the benefit of the public in the district of Bradford and the surrounding area by:

(a) providing information, advice and support services for LGB people;

(b) promoting education and training and raising awareness among LGB people;

(c) promoting education an training and raising awareness among health, social care and other professionals in all aspects of LGB issues and related equality and diversity issues in the elimination of homophobia and discrimination;

(d) cultivating an environment in favour of equality in particular by the provision of information, advice, support and publications.

These shall be changed to:

To promote equality and diversity and to eliminate homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination in relation to Lesbian, Gay Bisexual & Trans (LGB&T) people for the benefit of the public in the district of Bradford and the surrounding area by:

(a) providing information, advice and support services for LGB&T people;

(b) promoting education and training and raising awareness among LGB&T people;

(c) promoting education and training and raising awareness among health, social care and other professionals in all aspects of LGB&T issues and related equality and diversity issues in the elimination of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination;

(d) cultivating an environment in favour of equality in particular by the provision of information, advice, support and publications. "


Similar groups nearly always include Trans people (or Trans*, Transgender, Transsexual... the level of recognition varies) at the very least as a name-check. It's rousingly noticeable in its absence. There is much debate among the Trans* community as to whether or not we should be included in that grouping, but the fact remains that our struggles have been linked for a long time. Trans* people historically always been a part of and at the forefront of Queer liberation. Yet Trans* is still way behind LGB in terms of equality. It's a slap in the face to not be included. The oppressions we face are similar, and as a small minority I don't believe there are enough resources to 'go it alone'. Resources are of increasing shortage with public service cuts left right and centre.+

I do not see this reversal of explicit erasure as the be-all-and-end-all for the needs of Trans* people, but as laying the foundations to something bigger.

Although modern attitudes are very hopeful, LGB people will not necessarily vote in favour of this change - this cannot be relied upon.

So if you agree with me and are able to, then I urge you to come down and vote. If you are not already a member please try to join so that you can. For those who are unable to come down in person but still would like to show support: if you could get the word out it would really help.


N.B. I welcome opinions and insights on this matter as this article is as much about raising the issue for information and debate as it is a request for support. However, if you are not Trans* you should really think before you type as this is not about you. And if you are ignorant on anything relating to Trans* people and have any burning questions not strictly pertinent to this specific issue... look it up. Plenty of 101's out there; Google is your friend. I am serious.


Bradford Council is making more budget cuts which will affect many organisations including Equity Partnership. The proposals document for 2012/13 is here:

and you can contact the council to comment on this here:


++ Only people who self-identify as Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual are allowed to become members of Equity Partnership. I technically identify as a Polysexual Trans* person, but I feel that falls under Bisexual to the wider world. Given the context of this article, I think it would be justifiable for Straight Trans* people to join as this is about Trans* exclusion.

You can find out about joining here: (Franki)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: