Newcastle City Council Draft Budget (Cut the Police) | 19.01.2012 16:55
Consultation on proposed cuts....
Have your say!
Newcastle City Council‘s draft budget for 2012 has now been published for consultation. We want to hear views on the proposals, in particular from those who feel they might be directly affected by them. It's really important that we fully understand the impact that budget cuts could have on individuals and communities across the city.
What is the name of your group or organisation?
Where are you based? Address & postcode please:
What does your group do?
Who benefits? Areas you work in and people you work with ......
Data Protection statement
Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The council will not disclose such information to any unauthorised person or body but where appropriate will use such information in carrying out its various functions and services. The council may also use this data in connection with the prevention or detection of fraud or other crime. (Cut the Police)
Original article on IMC Northern England: