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Romanians battle neoliberal fascism

vast minority | 19.01.2012 07:41

THE ROMANIAN uprising against neoliberal fascism continues, with more protests planned for Thursday.

Anger is growing against the regime of President Traian Basescu, which has been brutally imposing IMF-ordered 'austerity measures' since 2009.

But the ruthless attack on people's living conditions has gone so far that they are taking to the streets in their thousands and staying there - even though Basescu has hastily dropped the changes to the health system which sparked the latest protests.

The outbreak of people power has been met with the same police brutality as is being unleashed by other local franchises of the global capitalist system, as can be seen in this 12-minute video by Alex Sandulache.

RT reports: "­Some 60 people have reportedly been injured as demonstrators clashed with riot police, hurling stones and petrol bombs, in an outpouring of rage against the government."

It quotes Marioara Florescu, aged 60. She has worked all her life in a textile factory in Bucharest, but now she is being forced to pay for her social security out of her small pension.

She says: “I've come here for the pain of the Romanian people, the pain of the entire country. For 22 years all they've done is destroy the entire country. Our youth has no future.”

vast minority
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"For 22 years all they've done is destroy the entire country."

19.01.2012 11:59

Sounds like this protestor is a bit of a Ceaucescu fan then...

Unreconstructed Stalinists watch

"Transition to democracy"

19.01.2012 14:22

Much of the frustration goes back to the way Romania transitioned to democracy after its 1989 coup against dictator Nicolae Ceausescu — with many former communists keeping control of power and resources. The results, today, are seen in entrenched cronyism, a huge gap between rich and poor and a lack of government transparency that feeds a widespread sense of injustice.

“The Mafioso government stole everything we had!” protesters declared on banners at several of the rallies that have taken place in more than a dozen Romanian cities since Thursday and appear set to go on.
