Brighton book launch for Target Israeli Apartheid: A BDS handbook
Corporate Watch | 18.01.2012 11:47 | Campaign against Carmel-Agrexco | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast | World
Time for action: Target Israeli Apartheid
Talk and discussion to launch the new Corporate Watch book Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook
7.30pm Thurs 19th January, Friends Meeting House, Brighton
Talk and discussion to launch the new Corporate Watch book Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook
7.30pm Thurs 19th January, Friends Meeting House, Brighton
In 2010 two researchers from the civil society organisation Corporate Watch spent several months in Palestine and Israel looking at the ways in which both Israeli and international companies profit from the occupation. Targeting Israeli Apartheid is the result of this research.
Taking its cue from the unified Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, the book is designed to facilitate action; to bring the Palestinian struggle to the doorsteps of those who profit from Israeli apartheid.
Through economic and geographical case studies, the authors show both the real impact the ‘corporate occupation’ has on Palestinians on the ground and highlights which companies to target from all Israeli economy sectors, from agriculture, diamond cutting and construction to pharmaceuticals, technology and arms sales. There is also a section on British companies aiding the Israeli economy, including supermarkets, universities, pension funds and banks.
The researchers’ talk will focus on ’information for action’ and will be followed by a discussion. Hopefully we will plan some action so feel free to prepare your own ideas, suggestions and BDS activities.
‘Targeting Israeli Apartheid is the guide many of us in the movement have been waiting for. This forensic, clear and systematic account details the where, who, how and why of the flows of capital and contracts which enable the colonisation of Palestine to continue.’ Ewa Jasiewicz – Coordinator of the Free Gaza movement
This meeting is being organised jointly by Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity ( and Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign (
Taking its cue from the unified Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, the book is designed to facilitate action; to bring the Palestinian struggle to the doorsteps of those who profit from Israeli apartheid.
Through economic and geographical case studies, the authors show both the real impact the ‘corporate occupation’ has on Palestinians on the ground and highlights which companies to target from all Israeli economy sectors, from agriculture, diamond cutting and construction to pharmaceuticals, technology and arms sales. There is also a section on British companies aiding the Israeli economy, including supermarkets, universities, pension funds and banks.
The researchers’ talk will focus on ’information for action’ and will be followed by a discussion. Hopefully we will plan some action so feel free to prepare your own ideas, suggestions and BDS activities.
‘Targeting Israeli Apartheid is the guide many of us in the movement have been waiting for. This forensic, clear and systematic account details the where, who, how and why of the flows of capital and contracts which enable the colonisation of Palestine to continue.’ Ewa Jasiewicz – Coordinator of the Free Gaza movement
This meeting is being organised jointly by Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity (

Corporate Watch