Trial Day 2 – The Witnesses for the ProsecutionTrial Day 2 – The Witnesses for t
Belinda | 18.01.2012 01:14 | Repression | Birmingham | Sheffield
This confirms what Anne and Robert have always maintained, Grampian police never interviewed the alleged abusers furthermore, Shropshire Council accepted false information of a "full investigation" and have brought false charges against Anne and Robert taking them to the High Court in an attempt to silence them. It begs the question: on whose instructions are they acting?? Look at the documents on the site

"All the prosecution witnesses had to demonstrate was the degree to which he had caused them ‘alarm and distress’. Every single witness confirmed that they had never been questioned about Hollie’s allegations, whether in 2000 or 2009, which is precisely the point Robert has always made about Grampian police’s failure to investigate."