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Surreal is not the concreteness of the political (Domenico Attanasii) | 17.01.2012 18:55 | London

Words are important, even the President of the Abruzzo region, Gianni Chiodi, which, together with colleague Hugh Cappellacci of Sardinia, is the last president of Italy in terms of satisfaction.

Words are important, even the President of the Abruzzo region, Gianni Chiodi, which, together with colleague Hugh Cappellacci of Sardinia, is the last president of Italy in terms of satisfaction ( His "lovely chat" to describe trans-figurative, because they aim to go beyond the objectivity of the facts, the circumstances that normally one is led to define a projection area of metaphysics. The deep penetration of a torment rises intuitively familiar with the changing reality in which the words themselves reveal the clues that have touched the soul. The testimony of the experience rather than dreamed of in the abstract representation of the entity that is formalized in his statements.


For goodness sake, even the hypotheses have a distinctive role that goes beyond the form and, passing the report to its popularization ritual, the record supports the jargon, the effect desired and feelings back to hypothetical difficult to understand.


The classic "no answers" to the comprehensive Democrat.

The surreal is the concreteness of the non-political, sticking out through the unintended ambiguity of certain details.


"The facts", the statements of the Governor, January 3, 2012, the newspaper "Time":

(...) Before us was the Abruzzi ASL 6, 78 consortia, industrial consortia, and 6 different mountain communities, even the sea, which no longer exist, such as caravans and Engineering Abruzzo, Fira, Abruzzo Work, and APTR ARSSA , now in liquidation or suppressed (...) ( ).


A few days before, - "abstraction from themselves" - December 29, 2011, as reported online by "," the president would go to Nails by the President of the Council, with close "the hat" millionaire a request: (...) Nails calls overall 136.3 million euros. For personnel expenses of the City of L'Aquila and other towns of the crater, the Province, Abruzzo and Engineering Company for the right to higher education (ADSU) serve 18.7 million euros. (...)

( )



15:42, 3 January 2012 - "surreal" - the AGI. It announces: (...) City and Province of L'Aquila can also be extended, again until March 31, the agreement with the company 'Abruzzo Engineering regarding the business 'control over the asseverations of practitioners, appraisal of projects and activities' administrative and technical safety measures, repair and reconstruction of damaged buildings. For this purpose, the ordinance provides resources for 1 million 450 thousand euros for the extension of contracts for coordinated and continuous collaboration of the municipalities and the Province of the crater; 292mila euros for the extension of the contracts to the city of L'Aquila, the 200 thousand euros for the extension of the agreement between the Province of L'Aquila Abruzzo Engineering and 950mila euros for the same between the companies' and the city of L'Aquila. (...)(


Hypothetical difficult to understand the feelings are unleashed by the uprising of neurotransmitters to learn that the company placed in voluntary liquidation in December 2010 due to a deficit millionaire, in its recent past has had a "trophy" to show off, like this:


Fourth (...) Lambert, former right hand man Ottaviano Del Turkish enough to share the glory and shame, until the arrest of 14 July 2008. It is fourth in February 2007, to take office as President of Abruzzo Engineering. Fourth President of Engineering Abruzzo, a creature of Del Turkish born to "modernize and develop the Internet as broadband in the local authorities." (...) The joint venture corporation is controlled by the Region as a partner once the industrial giant Finmeccanica, through the good offices of the former governor of Collelongo with longtime friend Pier Francesco Guarguaglini.


(...) Abruzzo Engineering has fired the general manager, Victor Ricciardi, who was involved in the investigation on the transfer of property to the Province Collaborates Spa, of which the same Ricciardi, under investigation for fraud, was an administrator and owner of 49 percent of the shares . (...)


Indicted, the manager will go to the bar May 18, 2012.

At Victor Ricciardi, former Director General of Abruzzo Engineering, is also challenged a tax offense: failed to pay withholding taxes for 2005 for about 50 000 euros. (

Abruzzo, re-arrest for Lambert Fourth, the right arm of Del Turkish at the time of "Sanitopoli".


A senior arrested twice, a general manager under investigation for fraud and indicted, but Abruzzo Engineering "will always beat out".

Type in Google "Engineering Abruzzo" or "SELEX" and "Sistri" to get further insights. (Domenico Attanasii)
- Original article on IMC London: