Who REALLY Issued the Interdict on Robert Green?Who is the Monkey? Who is the En
anonymous | 14.01.2012 20:55 | Other Press | Repression | Cambridge | World
Posted on January 14, 2012 by Admin
On a cold winter’s day on February 11th 2009, Robert Green an Englishman from Warrington, Cheshire, walked down a street in Aberdeen, Scotland on his way to meet friends who were helping with his election campaign. A campaign which highlighted the abuse of Hollie Greig, a Down Syndrome woman abused in the first instance by her father all her life, who then prostituted her to his paedophile cohorts which is allegedly included Aberdeen Sheriff Graham Buchanan.
On a cold winter’s day on February 11th 2009, Robert Green an Englishman from Warrington, Cheshire, walked down a street in Aberdeen, Scotland on his way to meet friends who were helping with his election campaign. A campaign which highlighted the abuse of Hollie Greig, a Down Syndrome woman abused in the first instance by her father all her life, who then prostituted her to his paedophile cohorts which is allegedly included Aberdeen Sheriff Graham Buchanan.
Who REALLY Issued the Interdict on Robert Green?
Posted on January 14, 2012 by Admin
Question: Who is the Monkey? Who is the Engine Driver?
On a cold winter’s day on February 11th 2009, Robert Green an Englishman from Warrington, Cheshire, walked down a street in Aberdeen, Scotland on his way to meet friends who were helping with his election campaign. A campaign which highlighted the abuse of Hollie Greig, a Down Syndrome woman abused in the first instance by her father all her life, who then prostituted her to his paedophile cohorts which is allegedly included Aberdeen Sheriff Graham Buchanan.
Why were Hollie and her mother, Anne Greig denied justice by a criminal justice system? They are the victims and as such they should have been protected. In fear of their life they eventually fled to England in Oct. 2005 with the assistance of Women’s Aid and the Down Syndrome Association (DSA). It is interesting to note, the DSA supported Anne and Hollie for a period of 10 years then when their Press Agent John Smithies was about to put out a press release in support of their case, he was called to the office of the charitie’s Director Carol Boyes and dismissed on the spot as a result of his supportive action. The DSA have been instrumental in the current court action in the High Court of Appeal and harassment by Shropshire Council this is a breach of the public trust, No Secrets Policy and the Carers Rights Act using malfeasance, misfeasance and abuse of process. This is an abuse of power using the closed family courts to silence the case and take Hollie away from her mother. Why is a charity not supporting the victims of crime to receive justice or is there a Common Purpose here?
There are pertinent questions relating to Hollie’s case beginning with Anne’s unlawful sectioning instigated by Denis Mackieand followed through using the powers of the police in 2000 and the unlawful arrest of Robert Green in 2010 with a trumped-up charge of “breach of the peace” on February 12th 2010.
In 1997, in a remote part of Aberdeen, Roy Greig, Hollie’s uncle (Anne’s brother) was found dead in a burning car in suspicious circumstances with inconsistent injuries and no public enquiry. Years later, after Anne fled her home in 2000 and went into a hostel, Hollie told her Roy had caught her father sexually abusing her.
Ten days after Hollie and her mother reported the abuse to Grampian Police in May, 2000, the Police issued a warrant for the sectioning of her mother, Anne. Ten people turned up at her home. Hollie was not afforded any consideration or support for reporting a serious crime of RAPE. Later resulting in post traumatic stress and night terrors due to seeing her mother physically sectioned and taken away from her on top of years of abuse which resulted in physical scarring for which Hollie was awarded £13,500 by the Criminal Injuries Commission as a victim of a crime. Grampian Police allowed the spoliation of evidence resulting in no criminal charges and no case to answer. Mattresses in Anne’s home were disposed in her absence by Denis Mackie, vital DNA was lost. Terry Major former Met Police officer, (one of Hollie’s alleged abusers), was at the time Head of Forensics at Grampian Police and cousin by marriage to Denis Mackie. Who gained? Could it be said the police were protecting their own? It is alleged that questions were raised concerning Terry Major’s involvement in the Shirley McKie case
http://www.shirleymckie.com/ This case also raises some very serious questions about the criminal justice system in Scotland.
It was reported by the Scottish Law Reporter: “….a witness list which has varied in numbers and currently totals SIXTY ONE persons.”
How many police were employed to interview the 61 alleged witnesses or are they victim statements which is just their opinions?
How did the police gain the knowledge that there were 61 witnesses?
How were they contacted?
How long did each interview take?
What exactly were they a witness to?
To date, Robert has not been given copies of the alleged statements.
If the alleged witnesses felt Robert’s spoken and written words were slanderous or libellous, why have they not, individually or collectively, taken out a private prosecution against him or Anne and Hollie? Yet, it seems Elish Agiolini has enabled them to hide behind the Scottish Crown, using the public purse. Yet, on more than one occasion it is has been reported that she and Sheriff Buchannan, using ” out of time” strategies denied justice to other sexually abused victims. Why who gains?
Look at the first paragraph of above Pdf document sent to Robert Green from Simpson and Marwick who represent Sheriff Graham Buchanan and Denis Mackie, demanding £7,500 for expenses he incurred which included arranging the surveillance of Robert and the issuing of the INTRIDICT on the 11th February 2010 which resulted in his arrest the next day using the Crown Office of Elish Angiolini as a front. Why did Sheriff Graham Buchanan go into the private using his position to get the interdict on Robert and then use the Crown Office to front it and do the arrest on trumped up breach of the peace charges? Is this not an abuse of position and breach of trust using the public purse – FRAUD? Why did Sheriff Buchanan claim to have paid thousands of pounds for a PRIVATE CLAIM for expenses he paid to have Robert put under surveillance without his knowledge, which amounts to stalking? See * (see pdf document).
On page 3 of the attached Pdf claim, its states that Simson and Marwick, wrote to the Press & Journal in Aberdeen in 2009, on behalf of Sheriff Graham Buchanan. In their four-page letter they highlighted grave concerns of their comments made in their front page article entitled “Down’s syndrome woman names paedophile ring Hollie tells police she was abused by sheriff.” Why did they not threaten to sue the Press and Journal for defamation? Who gains?
It is alleged the former Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini used public funds when she went to Levy and Mcrae to try to and silence The Firm magazine and the UK Column for printing Hollie’s story. Why has she refused to answer the Freedom of Information Request: Will she tell the truth in court under oath at Robert’s trial?
Who was it that ordered the arrest of Robert Green for walking down a street in Aberdeen to meet people to distribute leaflets for his election campaign? Answer: Elish Angiolini, previous Lord Advocate. Why would the Lord Advocate want to arrest a man for running an election campaign highlighting the injustice of the Hollie Greig story? Why did she use the Crown Office when it was Sheriff Buchanan who ordered and the interdict? (see pdf document).Who gained? How can Robert defend himself when he was denied the evidence to do so?
Is this not a breach of trust, abuse of power, abuse of process and abuse of position (E.G. fraud act 2006 and the right to a fair trial)? Why, who gains?
Anne’s Divorce:
Anne was continually refused her common law right to enter the Aberdeen Court to confront Denis Mackie and Sheriff Buchanan who presided over Anne’s divorce. Instead she was kept in the court cafe for 8 hours comforting her daughter Hollie who at the site of seeing her father broke down in tears. Hollie was prepared to testify under oath that her father, Denis Mackie and her brother Greg Makie had continually sexually abused her since she was 6 years-old. Anne and Hollie were prohibited from entering the court as was their expert witness Dr Eva Harding, a well respected psychologist who interviewed and wrote a report on Hollie. This same report was never submitted by the police to the Procurator Fiscal’s Office and no investigation ordered. Whilst her barrister Allison Sterling and Denis Mackie’s barrister, Morag B. Wise and Sheriff Graham Buchanan did their business in the court landing area. Subsequently, after the hearing, it became apparent that Denis Mackie’s associate, Sheriff Buchanan, had also abused Hollie in the same way. Who gained here?
It of great concern that Sheriff Buchanan allowed himself to adjudicate in a case where he was clearly personally associated with one of the parties (Denis Mackie), and with whom he shares the same solicitor Simpson and Marwick. This is clearly a prima facie case of a conflict of interest and the decision of the court should therefore have been struck out.
Elish Angolini, Frank Mullholland, Sir Menzies Campbell CBE QC and Alex Salmond are all members of the Privy Council. Angiolini now works in the same stable as Sir Menzies Campbell. Is it not surprising Robert’s appeal for help to Sir Menzies fell on deaf ears? Anne and Hollie are now appealing trying to get an appeal hearing in the Court of Appeal in London . However an appeal from the court’s decisions lies to the privy Council
Is this not a conflict of interest?
Magna Carta, says in Article 39: “No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor will we send upon him except upon the lawful judgement of his peers or the law of the land.”
What is Sheriff Graham Buchanan afraid of; a down syndrome woman and her mother?
Why is he hiding in the shadows using his public office to issue an interdict on Robert Green ?
Who is he protecting by not bringing proceedings for defamation into the public domain?
Is it because the truth would come out if he went down that path?
For 12 years a number of high profile and well paid “public servants” have had the power to intervene and bring this injustice to an end. Why have they not?
It is easier to shoot the messenger (Robert Green) in an attempt to silence Hollie a Down Syndrome woman and her mother, using the closed family courts claiming she needs protection from her mother and Robert Green. Please try to attend Robert’s hearing in Stonehaven Scotland and give him all the support you can. Please also try to attend the next hearing in the RCJ court of Appeal London, date to be announced. Please watch this website for details.
The Public always have the moral right, and, through the Great Charter Magna Carta Constitution, “We the People” backed by the full forces of law and order, have the sovereign legal power and civic duty in Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury to intervene and annul prosecution and enforcement of all vexatious regulations and unjust legislation. This is achieved by the Rulings and Verdicts of indiscriminately chosen Juries of ordinary adult citizens (not government employees; judges). This is explicitly the prime purpose of Magna Carta because governments everywhere and at all times trend towards tyranny and injustice. We forget the lessons of history at our peril…
Rotting fish, rots from the head first.
Posted on January 14, 2012 by Admin
Question: Who is the Monkey? Who is the Engine Driver?
On a cold winter’s day on February 11th 2009, Robert Green an Englishman from Warrington, Cheshire, walked down a street in Aberdeen, Scotland on his way to meet friends who were helping with his election campaign. A campaign which highlighted the abuse of Hollie Greig, a Down Syndrome woman abused in the first instance by her father all her life, who then prostituted her to his paedophile cohorts which is allegedly included Aberdeen Sheriff Graham Buchanan.
Why were Hollie and her mother, Anne Greig denied justice by a criminal justice system? They are the victims and as such they should have been protected. In fear of their life they eventually fled to England in Oct. 2005 with the assistance of Women’s Aid and the Down Syndrome Association (DSA). It is interesting to note, the DSA supported Anne and Hollie for a period of 10 years then when their Press Agent John Smithies was about to put out a press release in support of their case, he was called to the office of the charitie’s Director Carol Boyes and dismissed on the spot as a result of his supportive action. The DSA have been instrumental in the current court action in the High Court of Appeal and harassment by Shropshire Council this is a breach of the public trust, No Secrets Policy and the Carers Rights Act using malfeasance, misfeasance and abuse of process. This is an abuse of power using the closed family courts to silence the case and take Hollie away from her mother. Why is a charity not supporting the victims of crime to receive justice or is there a Common Purpose here?
There are pertinent questions relating to Hollie’s case beginning with Anne’s unlawful sectioning instigated by Denis Mackieand followed through using the powers of the police in 2000 and the unlawful arrest of Robert Green in 2010 with a trumped-up charge of “breach of the peace” on February 12th 2010.
In 1997, in a remote part of Aberdeen, Roy Greig, Hollie’s uncle (Anne’s brother) was found dead in a burning car in suspicious circumstances with inconsistent injuries and no public enquiry. Years later, after Anne fled her home in 2000 and went into a hostel, Hollie told her Roy had caught her father sexually abusing her.
Ten days after Hollie and her mother reported the abuse to Grampian Police in May, 2000, the Police issued a warrant for the sectioning of her mother, Anne. Ten people turned up at her home. Hollie was not afforded any consideration or support for reporting a serious crime of RAPE. Later resulting in post traumatic stress and night terrors due to seeing her mother physically sectioned and taken away from her on top of years of abuse which resulted in physical scarring for which Hollie was awarded £13,500 by the Criminal Injuries Commission as a victim of a crime. Grampian Police allowed the spoliation of evidence resulting in no criminal charges and no case to answer. Mattresses in Anne’s home were disposed in her absence by Denis Mackie, vital DNA was lost. Terry Major former Met Police officer, (one of Hollie’s alleged abusers), was at the time Head of Forensics at Grampian Police and cousin by marriage to Denis Mackie. Who gained? Could it be said the police were protecting their own? It is alleged that questions were raised concerning Terry Major’s involvement in the Shirley McKie case

It was reported by the Scottish Law Reporter: “….a witness list which has varied in numbers and currently totals SIXTY ONE persons.”
How many police were employed to interview the 61 alleged witnesses or are they victim statements which is just their opinions?
How did the police gain the knowledge that there were 61 witnesses?
How were they contacted?
How long did each interview take?
What exactly were they a witness to?
To date, Robert has not been given copies of the alleged statements.
If the alleged witnesses felt Robert’s spoken and written words were slanderous or libellous, why have they not, individually or collectively, taken out a private prosecution against him or Anne and Hollie? Yet, it seems Elish Agiolini has enabled them to hide behind the Scottish Crown, using the public purse. Yet, on more than one occasion it is has been reported that she and Sheriff Buchannan, using ” out of time” strategies denied justice to other sexually abused victims. Why who gains?
Look at the first paragraph of above Pdf document sent to Robert Green from Simpson and Marwick who represent Sheriff Graham Buchanan and Denis Mackie, demanding £7,500 for expenses he incurred which included arranging the surveillance of Robert and the issuing of the INTRIDICT on the 11th February 2010 which resulted in his arrest the next day using the Crown Office of Elish Angiolini as a front. Why did Sheriff Graham Buchanan go into the private using his position to get the interdict on Robert and then use the Crown Office to front it and do the arrest on trumped up breach of the peace charges? Is this not an abuse of position and breach of trust using the public purse – FRAUD? Why did Sheriff Buchanan claim to have paid thousands of pounds for a PRIVATE CLAIM for expenses he paid to have Robert put under surveillance without his knowledge, which amounts to stalking? See * (see pdf document).
On page 3 of the attached Pdf claim, its states that Simson and Marwick, wrote to the Press & Journal in Aberdeen in 2009, on behalf of Sheriff Graham Buchanan. In their four-page letter they highlighted grave concerns of their comments made in their front page article entitled “Down’s syndrome woman names paedophile ring Hollie tells police she was abused by sheriff.” Why did they not threaten to sue the Press and Journal for defamation? Who gains?

It is alleged the former Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini used public funds when she went to Levy and Mcrae to try to and silence The Firm magazine and the UK Column for printing Hollie’s story. Why has she refused to answer the Freedom of Information Request: Will she tell the truth in court under oath at Robert’s trial?
Who was it that ordered the arrest of Robert Green for walking down a street in Aberdeen to meet people to distribute leaflets for his election campaign? Answer: Elish Angiolini, previous Lord Advocate. Why would the Lord Advocate want to arrest a man for running an election campaign highlighting the injustice of the Hollie Greig story? Why did she use the Crown Office when it was Sheriff Buchanan who ordered and the interdict? (see pdf document).Who gained? How can Robert defend himself when he was denied the evidence to do so?
Is this not a breach of trust, abuse of power, abuse of process and abuse of position (E.G. fraud act 2006 and the right to a fair trial)? Why, who gains?
Anne’s Divorce:
Anne was continually refused her common law right to enter the Aberdeen Court to confront Denis Mackie and Sheriff Buchanan who presided over Anne’s divorce. Instead she was kept in the court cafe for 8 hours comforting her daughter Hollie who at the site of seeing her father broke down in tears. Hollie was prepared to testify under oath that her father, Denis Mackie and her brother Greg Makie had continually sexually abused her since she was 6 years-old. Anne and Hollie were prohibited from entering the court as was their expert witness Dr Eva Harding, a well respected psychologist who interviewed and wrote a report on Hollie. This same report was never submitted by the police to the Procurator Fiscal’s Office and no investigation ordered. Whilst her barrister Allison Sterling and Denis Mackie’s barrister, Morag B. Wise and Sheriff Graham Buchanan did their business in the court landing area. Subsequently, after the hearing, it became apparent that Denis Mackie’s associate, Sheriff Buchanan, had also abused Hollie in the same way. Who gained here?
It of great concern that Sheriff Buchanan allowed himself to adjudicate in a case where he was clearly personally associated with one of the parties (Denis Mackie), and with whom he shares the same solicitor Simpson and Marwick. This is clearly a prima facie case of a conflict of interest and the decision of the court should therefore have been struck out.
Elish Angolini, Frank Mullholland, Sir Menzies Campbell CBE QC and Alex Salmond are all members of the Privy Council. Angiolini now works in the same stable as Sir Menzies Campbell. Is it not surprising Robert’s appeal for help to Sir Menzies fell on deaf ears? Anne and Hollie are now appealing trying to get an appeal hearing in the Court of Appeal in London . However an appeal from the court’s decisions lies to the privy Council

Is this not a conflict of interest?
Magna Carta, says in Article 39: “No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor will we send upon him except upon the lawful judgement of his peers or the law of the land.”
What is Sheriff Graham Buchanan afraid of; a down syndrome woman and her mother?
Why is he hiding in the shadows using his public office to issue an interdict on Robert Green ?
Who is he protecting by not bringing proceedings for defamation into the public domain?
Is it because the truth would come out if he went down that path?
For 12 years a number of high profile and well paid “public servants” have had the power to intervene and bring this injustice to an end. Why have they not?
It is easier to shoot the messenger (Robert Green) in an attempt to silence Hollie a Down Syndrome woman and her mother, using the closed family courts claiming she needs protection from her mother and Robert Green. Please try to attend Robert’s hearing in Stonehaven Scotland and give him all the support you can. Please also try to attend the next hearing in the RCJ court of Appeal London, date to be announced. Please watch this website for details.
The Public always have the moral right, and, through the Great Charter Magna Carta Constitution, “We the People” backed by the full forces of law and order, have the sovereign legal power and civic duty in Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury to intervene and annul prosecution and enforcement of all vexatious regulations and unjust legislation. This is achieved by the Rulings and Verdicts of indiscriminately chosen Juries of ordinary adult citizens (not government employees; judges). This is explicitly the prime purpose of Magna Carta because governments everywhere and at all times trend towards tyranny and injustice. We forget the lessons of history at our peril…
Rotting fish, rots from the head first.