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We are leaving College Green

camper | 13.01.2012 19:25 | Occupy Everywhere | Free Spaces

Late on Wednesday night the Occupy Bristol camp met and discussed our plans for 2012. We agreed that we need to move from College Green. A consensus was reached to agree a departure date with the Council and Cathedral. A team of people have since been liaising with the Council and Cathedral to see if we could agree a date to leave.

One of the key concerns for us at this stage is to minimise any expense to the taxpayer. We hoped that the above route would mean that the Council would not need to spend unnecessary money on a legal battle. Occupy Bristol therefore decided not to legally contest the proceedings today.

We understand that some individuals chose to attend court to act as lay representatives for Persons Unknown. Our understanding is that the lay representatives were not given the opportunity to make a case to the court. More details here & here & here

We continue to have positive discussions with both the Council and Cathedral. We understand both have been working on statements that speak to the political issues Occupy Bristol have raised. We await these statements with interest.

We now have a lot of work to do in order to make the College Green site good in whatever time we have left on the green. Help from supporters would be appreciated over the coming days to assist with this.

We hope to have time to dismantle the temporary structures and to fully clear the site before it is handed back.

We will then continue to return to the site over the coming weeks and months to work on the re-grassing process.

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float like a butterfly

13.01.2012 21:07

sting like a bee
when things get stodgy its time for a change.
Endurance camping was never the point of it anyway.
People are tired and have done very well, now is a time to recharge ready for the spring and all of the many possibilities that spring will bring.
Some momentum is lost when things stand still.

all movements grow and fade, but the essence is you and me and our creative, empowering interactions.
The beginning was a long time ago, and this is not the end.

ted said

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Now its time for occupy LSX to quit too!

14.01.2012 09:33

Late on Wednesday night the Occupy London stock exchange camp met and discussed our plans for 2012. We agreed that we need to move from St Paul's Cathedral churchyard. A consensus was reached to agree a departure date with the Corporation of London and St Paul's Cathedral. A team of people have since been liaising with the Corporation and Cathedral to see if we could agree a date to leave.

One of the key concerns for us at this stage is to minimise any expense to the taxpayer. We hoped that the above route would mean that the Corporation of London would not need to spend unnecessary money on a legal battle. Occupy London stock exchange therefore decided not to legally contest the proceedings today.

We understand that some individuals chose to attend court to act as lay representatives for Persons Unknown. Our understanding is that the lay representatives were not given the opportunity to make a case to the court.

We continue to have positive discussions with both the Corporation of London and Cathedral. We understand both have been working on statements that speak to the political issues Occupy London stock exchange have raised. We await these statements with interest.

We now have a lot of work to do in order to make the St Paul's church yard site good in whatever time we have left on there. Help from supporters would be appreciated over the coming days to assist with this.

We hope to have time to dismantle the temporary structures and to fully clear the site before it is handed back.

Occupy LSX = workshy scum

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