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Exposing the lies about the presence of ‘African mercenaries’ in Libya

Sam Carrington | 12.01.2012 10:22 | Anti-racism | Repression

The deliberate misinformation campaign by NATO and NATO backed rebels to label black people in Libya as mercenaries leading to horrendous racist lynchings and atrocities.

Video The Gaddafi Mercenaries and the Division of Africa11/01/2012
Julien Teil

For information on the ‘rebels’ relentless racist campaign of mass detention, lynchings and atrocities see the following compilation of articles and videos

Sam Carrington


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Dubious sources

12.01.2012 11:53

I'm not sure that 'Global Civilians for Peace in Libya' an organisation that is linked to the Gaddafi family provides an unbiased or even accurate view of the events in the war.

Green man

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