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Arts project- militant traing camp @ arcadia missa

tom bresolin | 11.01.2012 11:20 | Culture

I am looking for participants to be involved in an exhibition in acardia missa in Peckham. I am london based performance artist and require participants and collaborators for my next show. The exhibition focuses around a conceptual 'militant training camp' which will involve physical and mental training building up to the 3 performances at the end of the week.

poster for exhibiton
poster for exhibiton

I am looking for participants in a arts project in march the project will be a week long social experimental performance camp. Involving physical and mental training to prepare for the inevitable apocalypse and collapse of capitalism
Hitting hard times out of recession and into economic collapse. How do you prevent yourself being dragged down with capitalism? This artistic project sets out to explore the militarization of resistant based on radical principals and ideas. Exploring the role of direct action and activity and its relationship to resistance.

if you are interested in joining this project or seeing what weve got planned come to a meeting on SATURDAY 14th JAN AT 3PM

here is the address

Arcadia Missa
Unit 6 Bellenden Road Business Centre
SE15 4RF
(Entrance on Lyndhurst Way),
London, United Kingdom

for more info on me and the project go to my blog or the facebook group or e-mail me.

facebook group

tom bresolin
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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Capitalism won't go unless we push it fool!

11.01.2012 16:15

Arts projects aside, the elite's who control capital won't just roll over and give up. We need to organise in our workplaces and communities to fight capitalism, it's bosses and politicians to the bitter end.

Here's hoping your week of mental and physical training goes somewhere to engaging with the lives of working people.

See you on the streets rather than a poncy gallery ;)

You can't fund this motherfuckers!!!

funda-istas are go!