The Green Desert: The Libyan People’s Support For The Jamahiriya
Sam Carrington | 10.01.2012 16:11 | Workers' Movements
See a compilation of a small sample of footage, recorded in July 2011, documenting the mass support of the Libyan people for the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and their opposition to the barbaric NATO bombing and the NATO backed rebels. These events were given little or no coverage in the pro NATO mainstream media, as to have done so would have exposed the lies and propaganda of the western leaders and their supporters used to justify the imperialist intervention and the subsequent imposition of the reactionary NTC led interim government.
Sam Carrington
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10.01.2012 21:45
Don't be fooled, He did some good things, and a lot of very very bad things. You are falling into the trap of my enemy's enemy. This is almost always a false choice. He was a dictator that kept power by an iron fist. He was in power for long enough that he needed to get over thrown, and that would of happened regardless of the NATO, by popular demand. It's hard to say which way would of been the least bloody, and which would allow for the most democracy afterwards. but he had to go. sure he may have been loved by some, but so many other dictators are loved by the nationalists.
He did introduce a program of socialization, built the first schools and hospitals and avoided starvation during a very long sanction regime.
he also disappeared many people, killed and torture civilians and kept the general populous living in fear.
If you can support the rights of the Palestinians, without wanting to annihilate the Israeli Jews, then you should have enough of a critical thought to support socialisation of infrastructure without supporting repressive regimes. He was not our friend, in fact on one occasion he was Nick Griffin's friend.
For the rest of us, we could do with reading his little green book, take from it what you will, but remember who wrote it and what he was capable of doing with this as a justification. as for the rebels, I hope they manage to get a more democratic and human system without loosing out on the benefits that this socialistic approach provide.
Also remember that we should support any and every uprising in which people over throw their state to get their rights. the rebels in all their colours are our only allies, not NATO, not Gaddafi. Only the people deserve our allegiance.
typical western liberal shit
10.01.2012 22:50
cant be bothered
Yet you did respond...
11.01.2012 11:36
I am no puppet for the global elite, I am the global elite! you are a puppet. or what we at the masons like to call a DT&Q FF, (double triple and quadruple False Flag). This is all part of my evil plan to provide a distraction from my ultimate evil master-plan to impose globa... oops, I nearly spilled the beans there. We need pawns like you to confuse everyone else. you provide a distraction, and split the voice of the reasonable into a million incoherent confused voices, unable to cope with the simple truths.
Like it or not, Gaddafi is dead, Bin Laden is dead, Sadam is dead and Assad is dead (almost). No amount of photo-shopped pictures are going to change this. hell even if you are right and they are alive and well in some island in the Caribbean with Elvis and Kennedy, to all intents and purposes they are dead.
Call me a western liberal? fair enough. I assume you are a Libyan nationalist right? I would like to ask you this:
How can you support a person who is responsible for mass torture?
How can you support a person who used rape as a weapon of war?
How can you support a person who invites Nick Griffin and gave the BNP money?
How can you support a person who preached against property while hoarding billions to himself and his family?
Now, my use the the word democracy may have mislead you to think I am a liberal. I do not wish for the Libyans to have a carbon copy of the western "democracy", though I suspect this would still be better then life under the Jamahiriya.
I am no fool, I now how limited my freedoms are, and how little influence I bare on the democratic process. still, I can write this post without fear that the feds will come knocking at my door, and providing I know where the limits of free speech are I do not fear torture. I treasure what little freedoms I am allowed, and in too many places I would not be able to have this discussion without hiding behind a chain of proxies, and counting my words.
So, no we should not mourn Gaddafi (Or Steve Jobs for that matter). If you choose to do so, that is your right to, and I have to accept that this is your opinion. As far as I can tell however, your view on this matter is very black and white.
Now, I have never been to Libya, I have not made an extensive research on his popularity, and I am not hopeful of the Libyan future. As far as I can predict, the cost of the NATO 'rescue' is going to cost the people a lot. I by no means support or have ever supported the NATO intervention. I know enough to know that the "international community" does not help rebellions of the kindness of their hearts, they do it because they have vested interest. as this is the case, America will grow once again to be an enemy of the people of Libya.
I have no friends in high places, I don't have oil investment in the middle east, NATO are not my friends. But African warlords and Arab businessman are not my friends either, and they too have vested interests.
I would actively support anyone anywhere who is over throwing their government and every struggle for an inch more of a democratic rights and freedoms is my struggle too, be it here, in the US or anywhere else.
It has always been the fight of people against their governments in pursuit of more democratic rights, and while most of these revolutions ended up worst off then before, if we continue and learn from previous failures we would eventually get it right.
I do however think that your opinions could be extremely offensive to people who have lost loved ones to him. I cannot speak for them, and it's not my place to censor you. But putting myself in one of his victims shoes, I would of fought you tooth and nail to get you to retract that statement.
Luckily, I am not. And i can afford the luxury of just not responding when the conversation stops being interesting. I can afford to write long and boring responses to pointless threads on random websites to pass the time, and not to have an emotional stake on the issue, behind the emotional stake I hold to every living being. and while i do care about the well being of every person on this earth, for most it is in a detached way.
I do not want to crash the "global elite" because I want to crash the global elite, I want to crash them because they create suffering and misery to many of my fellow beings. were they to hide in the shadows and mind their own business I would be more then happy to let them be. I suspect this isn't the same for you. That you have convinced yourself that over throwing the shadowy man is the goal, and ending injustice is at best a nice bonus. This can be dangerous because when people's rights stop being the goal, then sacrificing those rights can become the means for a very different end.
Response to hihpoiugkjyfkjh
11.01.2012 13:44
Many impressionable people get taken in by the consciously constructed lies of the imperialists who often, back and promote reactionary workers movements, pretend that we in the west live in a democracy, and paint anti imperialist leaders as dictators. All to support their barbaric warmongering and attacks on anti imperialist countries.
You said
"He did a lot of very very bad things" - perhap you would like to provide some evidence for discussion
"Also remember that we should support any and every uprising in which people over throw their state to get their rights." - really ? What even if they are organised and backed by the forces of reaction i.e. western imperialism.
"the rebels in all their colours are our only allies" - see below the racist attacks on black Libyans and migrant workers
Please do some serious research on the Libyan question. The following may be a useful start
Andi Patel
1/5 of libya's population on streets in support of gaddafi
11.01.2012 16:45
Ok, here's my half arsed research.
11.01.2012 16:48
Around 1200 prisoners excuted after an uprising
Amnesty international reports:
Amnesty has 34 pages of reports from the past 20 or so years here
Discovered Files Show U.S. & Britain Had Extensive Ties with Gaddafi Regime on Rendition, Torture:
Not really evidence, except that some of the people interviewed here are dead now:
In this episode, instead of taking responsibility for hygiene in hospitals, 6 international doctors were tortured to extract a blatantly false confession about infecting children with HIV. They were eventually released in a dodgy arms deal:
Survey of torture & rape:
Of course, non of these are conclusive proof. You have to choose whether you believe the thousands of testimonies or
I know, this is pathetic, any moron who can operate google can find everything I found in the last half hour. You can believe this is an intricate globalist conspiracy. When I hear a women say she was rapped, I tend to believe her, when hundreds do, I tend to believe them, and when I hear a torture victim on youtube, I tend to believe him. but you can make your own judgement.
For your credit, Amnesty have also criticised the rebels for violations, and there is no actual proof of the viagra fueled solider rapes. It's inconclusive because they found unopened viagra boxes next to burnet tanks... so you make your own mind up.
As for connections to the BNP and KKK, you'll have to google that yourself.
P.S. I only skimmed some of the links that you've sent me, and some things there really distressed me, for example:
'“genocide” has a well established international legal definition, as seen repeatedly in the UN’s 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, where genocide involves the persecution of a “a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. Not all violence is “genocidal”.'
Anyone who can talk about genocide in sterile terms, who undermine it because it didn't fulfil the criteria of ' national, ethnical, racial or religious'. needs to have their head checked. because this isn't about the dictionary definition, it's about the human cost of, and regardless if it is a genocide, an ethnic cleansing, mass murder or massacre, the implications are all the same.
How dare you bring my armchair into this, my armchair never hurt no one, it's a saint!
"Gaddaffi may be dead in body, but the ideas live and breath and are burning for justice"
Stalinist! What's your idea of justice?
And stop calling me a fucking liberal you conspiracy nut jobs!