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Counter Olympics meeting in London, Jan 28

vast minority | 09.01.2012 07:24

A BIG meeting to prepare for Countering the Olympics is being held in London later this month.

The event is being staged on Saturday January 28, from 10.30am to 5pm, at Toynbee Hall, Commercial Road, London E1 6LS.

Says a statement on the CounterOlympics website at "There are now fewer than seven months before the shenanigans hit town, with each day bringing more news about runaway finances, contaminated topsoil, privatised housing, militarised neighbourhoods, losses of basic liberty, corruption, undemocratic planning decisions…

"While the bigwigs are gaining billions, just what do the rest of us lose?

"This will be a day-long opportunity to investigate and interrogate all aspects of Olympic theft, debt, repression, pollution, corporatisation, sponsorship, displacement, and lack of community consultation.

"From NOGOE and Save Wanstead Flats to Vancouver and Athens, a range of local, national and international activist groups will share their stories. Then it’s up to us all to create the mass mobilisation needed to expose these Olympic-sized lies!

"Whether you’re an avid organiser or new to the game, now is the time to get involved."

vast minority
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eddy the eagle

09.01.2012 10:18

How much does it cost to hold a sportsday?
All this focus on elite athletes..... would be better to just have thousands of little sportsdays, low impact affairs on fields, get as many people involved as possible.
The modern olympics is all about greed and self promotion and worst of all nationalism.
Awful and shameless nationalistic self promotion at that. In my living memory, the olympics has been used as a propaganda tool by all sorts of dreadful regimes.
This use of the olympics as a propaganda tool goes all the way back to Hitler who was a real olympic pioneer. Nobody got into the olympic spirit better than Hitler. Now we continue some of his innovations such as the torch relay, which is textbook Hitler.
Now we are told this is the prime opportunity for self promotion. The olympics to rescue the economy?
Lots of superficial things are happening in a hurry, all will look dated in 2 years time, meanwhile communities are being destroyed, and a lot of money is being wasted on a shameless self promotion exercise.
I just hope that we have a jesse owens character this time. That would not make it all ok, but would help. Anything that embarrasses the fascists is good, like when Cathy Freeman won gold in Sydney and carried a flag representing the native australians (who have been suffering greatly from genocidal european types for a few hundred years now) that sort of thing.

eric the eel