The Good, The Bad and the Peter Reynolds
Steven Stewart | 09.01.2012 07:23 | Analysis
Peter Reynolds, leader of CLEAR: Cannabis Law Reform, has stood defiant against accusations of racism and homophobia. I'm going to explain just why he's doing the wrong thing and bringing his cause into disrepute.
Admittedly, outside of the political mainstream, and my own political affiliation (Libertarian) I'm generally oblivious to what's going on with different, low-level political parties other than to shout "RACIST!" every-time someone mentions the BNP, but I've become more politically aware as of late. I say more politically aware, I've rather seen the political ramblings of a man named Peter Reynolds, leader of "CLEAR: Cannabis Law Reform", a political party committed to bringing an end to cannabis prohibition, promoting its medicinal benefits and so on. The parties aims are good, and ones that I am supportive of myself, but I have not become aware of the party or Reynolds because of their clear, down to earth, common sense approach to drugs. I've become aware of them because frankly, Peter Reynolds seems a bit... well, I'll let you be the judge
My position is very clear on subjects involving personal liberty. Even political parties are allowed to hold their own views, even if they are racist, homophobic or whatever. But this is not what CLEAR - as far as I know, anyway - represent. The man claims he's not racist, yet I feel it is important to share a blog post of his from a few years ago so I can give some of my own observations.
"I am not a racist. My oldest friend is a jet black Jamaican. However, on New Year’s Eve, when I drove down from my parents’ house in Hertfordshire to see that self-same friend in Maida Vale I was horrified at what I saw on Kilburn High Road. Even more so than when I lived there, nearly three years ago, it has been swamped with immigrants."
Ok, so either Peter Reynolds is Britain's next big satirical comedian, or he's actually serious. If he is the former, then I tip my hat to him and look forward to the DVD of his tour. If it is the latter, then it is still hilarious and I tip my hat to him once again for still managing to make me laugh (I don't have a hat, but shall buy one to show my respect). You know the type, as we've all met one of them now and again. I'm not racist, but one of my mum's friends is a mental Daily Mail reader type who makes irrational and spontaneous observations about the number of "coloureds" that are "everywhere" these days.
There are a number of questions I'd like to ask Peter, regarding this first paragraph. The first being: "Is your friend really Jamaican? I've heard they're really good in the bedroom", the second question I'd like to ask is "how do you know every brown person you observed was an immigrant?" the final question I would put to him is "I've never been to Hertfordshire, what's it like?
"Right through London there was barely a white face to be seen. The vast majority of women were wearing hijab. Nearly every car contained an asian face with what seemed to me to be an unnaturally large amount of headroom. Muslim culture seems to predominate. I feel isolated in my own country."
I'm not even sure what the sentence about headroom is meant to infer. I'm not going to lie, and I've actually said this to a friend of mine (who's Chinese, just thought that was important) that on a recent trip to London - which was actually my first - I made the same observation that there were a lot of "ethnics" as I called them. But you know what? I didn't feel isolated. It actually made me smile. To think that my country has grown so open-minded to accept other cultures coming to our nation and to openly practise their faith without ridicule or judgment (except from middle-aged white people who've just thrown their Daily Mail on the floor in anger at the "darkies).
"I remember when I attended my son’s graduation at UEA in June, perhaps half the faces that went to collect a degree were oriental. I don’t care if they paid for the privilege, there are too many of them!"
"I'm not racist, but I just feel more comfortably when whitey is in charge" ah, paraphrasing. Is there anything else so beautiful? Also, I don't think they were oriental, I hear it's quite sunny in the UAE, so perhaps they were just squinting.
"If our idiotic politicians cannot see what is wrong then I despair. They have neglected and damaged our nation through ridiculous adherence to political correctness. I want my country back."
Perhaps our idiotic politicians, who I do agree are idiotic. I mean, that black guy who came out saying that whitey likes to play divide and rule, and cab drivers won't stop for black people. Pfft, their loss as he can just take his black money somewhere else... sorry, I went a bit off on a tangent there. Now, where was I? Ah yes, idiotic politicians... I mean come on now, did Ed Miliband do that Blackbuster Tweet on purpose? I reckon he did you know, it's just too much of a coincidence that the black fella from the Shadow Cabinet came out with all these "is it 'cos I is black" things and then he does "Blackbuster". Hat's off to you too, Miliband.
Sorry, back on track. I don't think it's "political correctness gone mad" to allow someone from another country move into a democratic nation that celebrates its ability to be accepting of those from other cultures. I see his point about wanting his country back. When we were an Empire, forcing the darkies to work for us for little to no money, what's the world coming to when you can't force those different from yourself into servitude. It's just madness. Bring back the Empire, that's what I say.
"Islam has become a source of great evil in the world and it is time we reconsidered our patience and tolerance of it. We have been taken advantage of. “Multiculturalism” is not only a dreadful word but an idea that is making no sense. Immigrants don’t want it either. When they come here they want to group themselves into ghettoes. They separate themselves from our national culture. They want all the benefits of what we stand for without any responsibility."
Multiculturalism? I've got to be honest. I'm 100% with Peter on this one. I mean, how dare the government expect me to live next door to a Muslim. As if my kids weren't in enough danger with all the paedophiles and things that cause cancer. Outrageous! How dare these people expect to move to my country and not be sent to prison camps or sent off back to that land where western imperial forces are murdering their families. It's just damn selfish!
"We see today the premier of Iceland standing up for his people and defying convention. Whatever the rights and wrongs, it is time we had some of this in Britain but is there a single politician in this country with this sort of bravery? I can’t think of one."
I'm glad that Peter Reynolds is standing up against the Muslim population of this country who threaten to invade every walk of a person's life. I mean, it starts off at Muslims being less than 2% of the population, and before you know it, they've made up 2000% of the population, and we're all forced to live under Sharia law, beating queers, and forcing women to kiss our feet. That Muslim family on Eastenders are totally unrepresentative of real Muslims. We all know it's a fact that no Muslims speak English and are all plotting to destroy the UK. Fucking bastards the lot of them.
I can't comment on the premier of Iceland. All I know about there is they have a volcano that ruins people's holidays.
"Unless our leaders can get a grip on what is happening then this is a recipe for Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood”. God has given us Obama who is clearly a force for good but we need more. Who in Britain has the intelligence, the courage and the popular appeal to step up to the plate?"
Yeah, Obama. He's a real symbol of hope and change, enacting laws which allow for the indefinite detention of civilians without trial. Hooray for freedom and democracy!!! Yayy!!!
As you can tell, I intended for this blog to be a serious one, but that would mean taking the man seriously. Evident from the blog itself, the man would clearly fit in very well at a BNP or EDL rally where they want the UK to become a fascist state with their popularity born out of fearmongering or misguided ideas of what being British means. CLEAR itself is facing a turbulent time at the moment, but I still support their cause, because it fits the wider principle of liberty for which I stand, but while they have this crackpot as their leader spouting crass bullshit, from every angle, the party is destined to go downhill. Oh here's another blog where he takes a shot at queers.
I'm not against the man having an opinion. He's entitled to be as hateful, angry and bigoted as he wants, but if his party wishes to achieve their aims, they must reconsider their leadership.
My position is very clear on subjects involving personal liberty. Even political parties are allowed to hold their own views, even if they are racist, homophobic or whatever. But this is not what CLEAR - as far as I know, anyway - represent. The man claims he's not racist, yet I feel it is important to share a blog post of his from a few years ago so I can give some of my own observations.
"I am not a racist. My oldest friend is a jet black Jamaican. However, on New Year’s Eve, when I drove down from my parents’ house in Hertfordshire to see that self-same friend in Maida Vale I was horrified at what I saw on Kilburn High Road. Even more so than when I lived there, nearly three years ago, it has been swamped with immigrants."
Ok, so either Peter Reynolds is Britain's next big satirical comedian, or he's actually serious. If he is the former, then I tip my hat to him and look forward to the DVD of his tour. If it is the latter, then it is still hilarious and I tip my hat to him once again for still managing to make me laugh (I don't have a hat, but shall buy one to show my respect). You know the type, as we've all met one of them now and again. I'm not racist, but one of my mum's friends is a mental Daily Mail reader type who makes irrational and spontaneous observations about the number of "coloureds" that are "everywhere" these days.
There are a number of questions I'd like to ask Peter, regarding this first paragraph. The first being: "Is your friend really Jamaican? I've heard they're really good in the bedroom", the second question I'd like to ask is "how do you know every brown person you observed was an immigrant?" the final question I would put to him is "I've never been to Hertfordshire, what's it like?
"Right through London there was barely a white face to be seen. The vast majority of women were wearing hijab. Nearly every car contained an asian face with what seemed to me to be an unnaturally large amount of headroom. Muslim culture seems to predominate. I feel isolated in my own country."
I'm not even sure what the sentence about headroom is meant to infer. I'm not going to lie, and I've actually said this to a friend of mine (who's Chinese, just thought that was important) that on a recent trip to London - which was actually my first - I made the same observation that there were a lot of "ethnics" as I called them. But you know what? I didn't feel isolated. It actually made me smile. To think that my country has grown so open-minded to accept other cultures coming to our nation and to openly practise their faith without ridicule or judgment (except from middle-aged white people who've just thrown their Daily Mail on the floor in anger at the "darkies).
"I remember when I attended my son’s graduation at UEA in June, perhaps half the faces that went to collect a degree were oriental. I don’t care if they paid for the privilege, there are too many of them!"
"I'm not racist, but I just feel more comfortably when whitey is in charge" ah, paraphrasing. Is there anything else so beautiful? Also, I don't think they were oriental, I hear it's quite sunny in the UAE, so perhaps they were just squinting.
"If our idiotic politicians cannot see what is wrong then I despair. They have neglected and damaged our nation through ridiculous adherence to political correctness. I want my country back."
Perhaps our idiotic politicians, who I do agree are idiotic. I mean, that black guy who came out saying that whitey likes to play divide and rule, and cab drivers won't stop for black people. Pfft, their loss as he can just take his black money somewhere else... sorry, I went a bit off on a tangent there. Now, where was I? Ah yes, idiotic politicians... I mean come on now, did Ed Miliband do that Blackbuster Tweet on purpose? I reckon he did you know, it's just too much of a coincidence that the black fella from the Shadow Cabinet came out with all these "is it 'cos I is black" things and then he does "Blackbuster". Hat's off to you too, Miliband.
Sorry, back on track. I don't think it's "political correctness gone mad" to allow someone from another country move into a democratic nation that celebrates its ability to be accepting of those from other cultures. I see his point about wanting his country back. When we were an Empire, forcing the darkies to work for us for little to no money, what's the world coming to when you can't force those different from yourself into servitude. It's just madness. Bring back the Empire, that's what I say.
"Islam has become a source of great evil in the world and it is time we reconsidered our patience and tolerance of it. We have been taken advantage of. “Multiculturalism” is not only a dreadful word but an idea that is making no sense. Immigrants don’t want it either. When they come here they want to group themselves into ghettoes. They separate themselves from our national culture. They want all the benefits of what we stand for without any responsibility."
Multiculturalism? I've got to be honest. I'm 100% with Peter on this one. I mean, how dare the government expect me to live next door to a Muslim. As if my kids weren't in enough danger with all the paedophiles and things that cause cancer. Outrageous! How dare these people expect to move to my country and not be sent to prison camps or sent off back to that land where western imperial forces are murdering their families. It's just damn selfish!
"We see today the premier of Iceland standing up for his people and defying convention. Whatever the rights and wrongs, it is time we had some of this in Britain but is there a single politician in this country with this sort of bravery? I can’t think of one."
I'm glad that Peter Reynolds is standing up against the Muslim population of this country who threaten to invade every walk of a person's life. I mean, it starts off at Muslims being less than 2% of the population, and before you know it, they've made up 2000% of the population, and we're all forced to live under Sharia law, beating queers, and forcing women to kiss our feet. That Muslim family on Eastenders are totally unrepresentative of real Muslims. We all know it's a fact that no Muslims speak English and are all plotting to destroy the UK. Fucking bastards the lot of them.
I can't comment on the premier of Iceland. All I know about there is they have a volcano that ruins people's holidays.
"Unless our leaders can get a grip on what is happening then this is a recipe for Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood”. God has given us Obama who is clearly a force for good but we need more. Who in Britain has the intelligence, the courage and the popular appeal to step up to the plate?"
Yeah, Obama. He's a real symbol of hope and change, enacting laws which allow for the indefinite detention of civilians without trial. Hooray for freedom and democracy!!! Yayy!!!
As you can tell, I intended for this blog to be a serious one, but that would mean taking the man seriously. Evident from the blog itself, the man would clearly fit in very well at a BNP or EDL rally where they want the UK to become a fascist state with their popularity born out of fearmongering or misguided ideas of what being British means. CLEAR itself is facing a turbulent time at the moment, but I still support their cause, because it fits the wider principle of liberty for which I stand, but while they have this crackpot as their leader spouting crass bullshit, from every angle, the party is destined to go downhill. Oh here's another blog where he takes a shot at queers.
I'm not against the man having an opinion. He's entitled to be as hateful, angry and bigoted as he wants, but if his party wishes to achieve their aims, they must reconsider their leadership.
Steven Stewart
The blog post
09.01.2012 08:55
Peter Reynolds has now set his blog to private, so that the post cannot be read:
However, here is a screenshot and the text:
The State Of Our Nation
with 7 comments
I am not a racist. My oldest friend is a jet black Jamaican. However, on New Year’s Eve, when I drove down from my parents’ house in Hertfordshire to see that self-same friend in Maida Vale I was horrified at what I saw on Kilburn High Road. Even more so than when I lived there, nearly three years ago, it has been swamped with immigrants.
Right through London there was barely a white face to be seen. The vast majority of women were wearing hijab. Nearly every car contained an asian face with what seemed to me to be an unnaturally large amount of headroom. Muslim culture seems to predominate. I feel isolated in my own country.
I remember when I attended my son’s graduation at UEA in June, perhaps half the faces that went to collect a degree were oriental. I don’t care if they paid for the privilege, there are too many of them!
If our idiotic politicians cannot see what is wrong then I despair. They have neglected and damaged our nation through ridiculous adherence to political correctness. I want my country back.
Islam has become a source of great evil in the world and it is time we reconsidered our patience and tolerance of it. We have been taken advantage of. “Multiculturalism” is not only a dreadful word but an idea that is making no sense. Immigrants don’t want it either. When they come here they want to group themselves into ghettoes. They separate themselves from our national culture. They want all the benefits of what we stand for without any responsibility.
We see today the premier of Iceland standing up for his people and defying convention. Whatever the rights and wrongs, it is time we had some of this in Britain but is there a single politician in this country with this sort of bravery? I can’t think of one.
Unless our leaders can get a grip on what is happening then this is a recipe for Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood”. God has given us Obama who is clearly a force for good but we need more. Who in Britain has the intelligence, the courage and the popular appeal to step up to the plate?
However, here is a screenshot and the text:
The State Of Our Nation
with 7 comments
I am not a racist. My oldest friend is a jet black Jamaican. However, on New Year’s Eve, when I drove down from my parents’ house in Hertfordshire to see that self-same friend in Maida Vale I was horrified at what I saw on Kilburn High Road. Even more so than when I lived there, nearly three years ago, it has been swamped with immigrants.
Right through London there was barely a white face to be seen. The vast majority of women were wearing hijab. Nearly every car contained an asian face with what seemed to me to be an unnaturally large amount of headroom. Muslim culture seems to predominate. I feel isolated in my own country.
I remember when I attended my son’s graduation at UEA in June, perhaps half the faces that went to collect a degree were oriental. I don’t care if they paid for the privilege, there are too many of them!
If our idiotic politicians cannot see what is wrong then I despair. They have neglected and damaged our nation through ridiculous adherence to political correctness. I want my country back.
Islam has become a source of great evil in the world and it is time we reconsidered our patience and tolerance of it. We have been taken advantage of. “Multiculturalism” is not only a dreadful word but an idea that is making no sense. Immigrants don’t want it either. When they come here they want to group themselves into ghettoes. They separate themselves from our national culture. They want all the benefits of what we stand for without any responsibility.
We see today the premier of Iceland standing up for his people and defying convention. Whatever the rights and wrongs, it is time we had some of this in Britain but is there a single politician in this country with this sort of bravery? I can’t think of one.
Unless our leaders can get a grip on what is happening then this is a recipe for Enoch Powell’s “rivers of blood”. God has given us Obama who is clearly a force for good but we need more. Who in Britain has the intelligence, the courage and the popular appeal to step up to the plate?
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He should go and live in Spain
09.01.2012 10:28
The success of Britain has always depended on other countries.
Britain alone is no good, no good at all.
Imagine a britain without foreigners? terrible food, terrible music.
Cannabis? no.....
The wealth of Britain was stolen from africa, australia, india, americas etc....
the british have behaved worse than any other group.
There is much blood on the hands of the british ruling elite.
Luckily there are lots of immigrants who make living in Uk bearable.
Thankyou to them.
Tommy Atkins
Today we will be looking...through the round window!
09.01.2012 13:05
This link goes to a Guardian geo-map (sorry for using MSM) which maps populace by ethnicity of England an Wales. As you can see from this map, throughout the entire country, the overwhelming ethnicity is classed white British.
Here is a link to the census in 2001 which reports about 93% of the entire UK is white British.
Now...Mr Reynolds...
Follow the links and look at the big picture of England which the nice people at the Guardian Newspaper in London coloured in for us in nice pretty pink crayon and felt tip pen. The pink colour is where people who look like you live. Where its coloured in bright red (like a traffic light or post box), thats where only people who look like you live.
Then in a couple of hours when you have finished looking at the pretty picture, go to Wikipedia and read the numbers in the box. If it says a number that is much bigger than all the other numbers - then that means you are wrong.
When you have done all that - then come back here for a big tasty lollipop. Like the one the doctor gives you after you have had your injection that mummy wanted you to have...remember!