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Bank of ideas reopens for 2012

jon ideas man | 07.01.2012 02:49 | Occupy Everywhere

Bank of ideas reopens for 2012

The Bank of Ideas, Occupy London's Community Centre, re-opens for 2012.
After closing for one week to re-focus and re-organise, the Bank will now open on Saturday, the 7th of Janunary, for a range of workshops including Occupy Criminal Investigation Unit starting at 11am and a talk by Mark Boyle, founder of Freeconomy and author of 'The Moneyless Man' and Nick Rosen, author of 'How to Live Off-Grid' at 4pm.

For more event information visit

jon ideas man
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Display the following 24 comments

  1. Fuck off and die upper class scum! — Read Animal Farm
  2. Response — Money man
  3. Non-hierarchy and class. — anonymous.
  4. "those who are better for the movement" — class blindness
  5. Class. — anonymous
  6. @anonymous — class blindness
  7. Myths and legends. — anonymous.
  8. working class? — karla marx
  9. Good idea! — Nora Chomsky
  10. All that peace, love and privilege — class blindness
  11. point is — thinker
  12. Occupy the Middle-Class. — anonymous
  13. In praise of continued inequality and elites — class blindness
  14. re class blindness — karla marx
  15. agree with karla — stillangry
  16. generalisations — karla marx
  17. You are all stark raving mad — anon
  18. Political elites. — anonymous.
  19. anon the bourgeois crocodile — class blindness
  20. re political elites — karla marx
  21. DiY or STFU — fuckthis
  22. re fuckthis — karla marx
  23. @fuckthis — abcdefghi
  24. Middle class = divisive group — jimmy b