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Countryside Alliance Join Welcome to Yorkshire

Protect The Animals | 03.01.2012 09:12 | Animal Liberation

The problem here is the Countryside Alliance is campaigning for a repeal of the Hunting Act 2004. The Hunting Act 2004 made it illegal for fox-hunts to use hounds to hunt a wild mammal. There have been successful prosecutions under the Hunting Act 2004, despite the biased claims by the Countryside Alliance.

The Countryside Alliance is known for promoting cruelty to animals and supporting businesses and individuals who partake in such cruel and barbaic activities. We ask that you support this petition to prevent cruelty to animals, and ask Welcome to Yorkshire to cancel the Countryside Alliances membership.

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Anti-turbines too

03.01.2012 11:57

They also campaign against wind turbines as poor Gerald can't water his roses with such an eyesore in the vicinity.

greeny person

better than supporting them

03.01.2012 21:33

not a fan of wind turbines - at all

ineffective, expensive, dangerous - there are better alternatives

also greeny