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Jeremy Clarkson insults Asians

Summer | 02.01.2012 16:18 | Occupy Everywhere | Anti-racism | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements

Not content with broadcasting Anders Breivik style calls for the shooting of public sector workers and saying the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals, BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been accused of racism after insulting Indian people in a Top Gear Xmas show, just two days after Indian student Anuj Bidve was shot dead in Salford.

Not content with broadcasting Anders Breivik style calls for the shooting of public sector workers and saying the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals, BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been accused of racism after insulting Indian people in a Top Gear Xmas show, just two days after Indian student Anuj Bidve was shot dead in Salford. Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond painted huge banners and hung them from the side of Indian trains, which, ostensibly promoting British I.T. and food products, read "BRITISH IT FOR YOUR COMPANY" and "EAT ENGLISH MUFFINS". When the train split into 2 sections on leaving Jaipur railway station, each banner tore into 2 halves, leaving one half that read just ""BRITI" with the other half read "SHIT FOR YOUR COMPANY", and another half that read "INS" while the rest read "EAT ENGLISH MUFF". If BNP leader Nick Griffin travelled to India to display banners reading "Shit on India" and "Suck English Cunt" it would be no different. The Top Gear crew illustrated arriving in Jaipur - a town "famous for its natural springs", by showing scenes of locals urinating, and in another scene Jeremy Clarkson stripped off in front of two Indians - all incredibly clever and funny, except for not being clever or funny, and being pathetic. Jeremy Clarkson even chose to mock the desperate living conditions of India's poor, driving around working-class neighbourhoods in a Jaguar fitted with a toilet mounted on his car boot. The programme was shown by BBC2 TV at 8pm on Weds 28 Dec, just two days after Asian student Anuj Bidve was shot dead at point-blank range in Salford.

The BBC have yet to find the courage to say how many MORE members of the public complained since the 31,000 objections they'd received by 5 Dec 2011 - an entire month ago, alongside the 800 plus complaints lodged with Ofcom. Please increase the pressure by lodging fresh complaints with Ofcom and with the BBC about Jeremy Clarkson's racism (and judging by Top Gear employees' constant trolling of earlier IMC threads, public complaints have seriously rattled them, even if the likes of BBC boss Mark Thompson and Top Gear producer Andy Wilman themselves don't actually give a fuck)...

Top Gear TV - (producer),
Top Gear Website -
Top Gear Magazine -,,,,,

Heard the one about Jeremy Clarkson? -



Hide the following 12 comments

The majority of people believe it was a joke?

02.01.2012 16:48

31,000+ complained to the BBC and 800+ complained to Ofcom

In contrast a quick Google check reveals the BBC received 314 messages in support of Jeremy Clarkson

Either way, the fact that Nick Griffin also tells jokes doesn't mean Griffin's not a racist



02.01.2012 17:07

The post is just a rehash of the mirror article. almost word for word

There isn't 31,000 complaints, there was 8. And there were 21,000 about the one show which is something completely different. And who the fuck writes in to not complain about something!?

And clark kent is wrong. THe article text says something different to what it says in the photo
The photo tells the truth, the text distorts the truth and is a lie.

stave off our rights

Title is inaccurate

02.01.2012 18:56

Clarskon insults asians is not actually correct

People from the Eastern half of India are considered Mongoloid, which is the same race as Chinese, Japanese and Korean people. Indians from the Western half of India are considered Caucasian. Caucasian is the same race as Europeans and Arabs.

fact checker

Missing the point

03.01.2012 10:29

Thanks for all the nit-picky comments about definitions of asians and exact statistics, classic troll tactics. Does anyone care about the actual matter at hand?

Let's mount the pressure to remove this outspoken bigot from his position of power.


Reply to "Stave"

03.01.2012 11:29

The first comment by "stave off our rights" was quite rightly removed by Indymedia for being a pack of lies, and my earlier comment was a response to his/her statement that's since been removed. As for the 2nd comment by "stave", the original post draws from several sources, including the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail coverage and the original Top Gear broadcast itself (which you can check on You Tube), but the important thing is that the factual claims it makes check out. As no less than the BBC themselves have freely admitted, 31,000 complaints WERE received by the BBC about Clarkson's earlier statements (and it's obvious from the fact that these complaints were received by Dec 5th that those complaints were not about the stuff that Clarkson said on Dec 28, you berk), so it's you that's lying...

As for "fact checker", all Indians are Asians, but not all Asians are Indians, so the post is factually accurate


Next Christmas

03.01.2012 11:51

When next Christmas arrives he'll be doing exactly the same thing..... unless we do nothing

OK look, the BBC building in Salford Quays is almost under water ;)


Use your eyes

03.01.2012 13:47

Never thought I'd find myself defending Jeremy Clarkson but...

...your attempt to drum up outrage about this stunt, and suggest it is racist, is laughable.

Look at the photo you posted. After being hit by the train it clearly states "The United Kingdom promotes.. sh i.t for your company". That's the sentence - without the UK bit, it's not a sentence. It's obviously mocking the UK, and you really have to go wildly out of your way to suggest it's saying "shit on India". Seriously - this is the wrong Clarkson action to get upset about.


What a waste

04.01.2012 10:43

It's a shame we can't get all this time and energy spent when their is real racism to fight rather than the manufactured sort we are seeing here.

Some people have way too much time on their hands.


everyone has own opinions

04.01.2012 12:25

It's a shame we can't get all this time and energy spent when their is real racism to fight rather than the manufactured sort we are seeing here.
Some people have way too much time on their hands.

In your opinion. Disturbing how you visually people like somekind of labour workforce whose "time and energy" needs to be harnessed to maximum capacity to further your own agendas.
Meanwhile, people have their own opinions. Its a shame they can't harness your time and energy to do the things they want doing.

opinions are my own

everyone is entitled to their own opinions

04.01.2012 14:55

RE-READ THIS: It's a shame we can't get all this time and energy spent when their is real racism to fight rather than the manufactured sort we are seeing here. Some people have way too much time on their hands.

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions without others having a go at them about it.If I or other people have 'too much time on their hands' then that is our own affair and privilege. Theres 31,000+ people who bothered to complain, are you suggesting their opinion doesn't count? Or is of lesser importance that yours? I suggest you read each and everyone of those complaints first before making comments on what those people should and shouldn't be doing so that you have an informed decision rather than a knee-jerk reaction towards them

opinions are my own

Jeremy Clarkson with EDL leader Tommy Robinson

10.01.2012 00:49

Jeremy Clarkson with EDL leader Stephen Lennon
Jeremy Clarkson with EDL leader Stephen Lennon

Jeremy Clarkson with EDL leader Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Lennon

Plus NEW racism allegations -

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion? Including Melanie Philips from The Daily Mail, who, alongside Jeremy Clarkson, is quoted in the manifesto of serial killer Anders Breivik. YES, even then, they ARE entitled to their opinions, and we're entitled to challenge those opinions


Clarkson says "I am hugely prejudiced about everything"

10.01.2012 00:57

"The BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson, who has made a good living out of being forthright to the point of boorishness, today admits broadcasting racist comments on his chat show and holding prejudiced views about foreigners. He makes the admission on Channel 4's Right to Reply, after being asked whether comments on his Clarkson programme are racist. He says "Yes ... I don't see there is anything necessarily wrong with prejudice. I am hugely prejudiced about everything. Prejudice is what makes the world go round." He goes on to justify his stupidity by saying "If we all thought the same and did the same and we were not allowed to express an opinion, we would live in a terribly boring place" - statement which is at best stupidly obvious, and equally obviously ignores all the people who manage to not be boring without being racist pricks. The article says Jeremy Clarkson's producer is Elaine Bedell -
